Welcome to the city of brotherly love, Philly cheeses, those unforgettable boxing movies, and X-Mafia territory. The latter being something the city would definitely rather not be known for. X-Mafia, guided by their leaders Creeper and Pirate, was a vicious street gang with hands into all sorts of violent crime and no one was exempt. X-Mafia was moving like a steamroller plowing down any and everyone that got in their way.
Citizens were up in arms. Calls flooded the police switchboard on a daily basis. Local law enforcement caving to citizen pressure, press embarrassment, and political posturing, finally decided it was time to clean up the city and called in reinforcements. X-Mafia decided it was time to expand again and called for initiation.
imiko watched her best friend enjoying her eighteenth birthday party while the feelings of guilt pressed hard on her psyche. Kimiko Nichols and Tamiya Channing were friends all their lives, growing up in the same middle class neighborhood. Both their parents worked lucrative corporate jobs and provided a good life for their families. Kimiko and Tamiya were down to earth, not prone to arrogance or gloating, thinking they were any better than anyone else, and for that they were greatly loved by everyone who knew them.
Tonight one of their mutual friends was throwing the huge birthday bash for Tamiya. They were graduating this year, headed off to college; each looking excitedly forward to it.
“Remember our deal,” the male voice said quietly in Kimiko’s ear as she continued to watch her friend enjoying herself.
Sighing once again she simply nodded and felt the presence leave her side. Chancing a look, she turned slightly, looking over her shoulder finding the man gone, but knowing she was still being watched. I’m so sorry Tamiya, Kimiko thought almost near tears, hurriedly heading for the bathroom before anyone saw or questioned her.
“Whew, I need to cool off for a few Aaron,” Tamiya giggled as she headed outside on the balcony.
Aaron followed as the two began to talk.
“You enjoying your big eighteen,” he asked jokingly.
Aaron Kingston knew Tamiya since ninth grade, having a huge crush on Kimiko at the time. They forged an instant friendship, even though his romance with Kimiko never took flight. Aaron left school shortly afterward, already having been kept back two years. He still hung out with the girls, the two year age difference not mattering to any of them.
“Aaron, this party is off the hook,” Tamiya replied starting to cool off. “Thank you so very much for this, it’s a great sendoff,” she finished and Aaron saw her face shadow.
Aaron knew instantly she was thinking of her brother, Fabian. He was killed a year earlier running with X-Mafia; the same gang that Aaron was secretly trying to become a part of himself. Tamiya didn’t talk about him often, as it still hurt to know he was gone. They were extremely close, and she couldn’t accept the fact that Fabian was a part of the violent viciousness that was X-Mafia.
“I still miss him too, Tamiya,” Aaron said sensitively.
Tamiya smiled. “I know.”
What she didn’t know however was the marker out on her by X-Mafia, more specifically Creeper, the gangs’ leader. His name was derived from his inept ability to slip in and out of places, and situations without detection. He was vicious and brutal, personally responsible for at least eight deaths that Aaron knew about, and probably aid in countless others he didn’t. Aaron exhaled thinking of the man’s intentions concerning Tamiya, but he didn’t dare warn her. To do that would be signing his death warrant. Aaron casually glanced around the party as Tamiya continued talking to various guests, spotting several X-Mafia members in attendance.
He was yet to see Creeper, but he felt him. The man was definitely here and he was pretty sure watching Tamiya.
“Hey Aaron, have you seen Miko,” Tamiya asked, using the nickname for her best friend.
At that moment, Kimiko walked back into the room with Aaron pointing her out. “Thanks,” Tamiya replied smiling as she turned heading for her friend.
Please don’t let him hurt her; Aaron prayed watching her walk away. Turning around he found himself face to face with three X-Mafia members who beckoned him to follow. Having a sinking feeling, Aaron obediently trailed, hoping and praying he would get the opportunity to return to the party in one piece.
“Where have you been all night,” Tamiya asked Kimiko jokingly.
Her friend smiled trying hard to shake the darkness that was continually threatening to overtake her. Kimiko wanted to warn her friend, to tell her to get the hell out of this place and run home, but she couldn’t. Kimiko was stuck and as much as she hated herself for it, she was forced to remember self-preservation was the first law of nature.
“Girl, you’ve been so busy dancing you wouldn’t have noticed where I was,” Kimiko threw back as they both laughed again.
“This was really nice of Aaron,” Tamiya remarked as they headed to the kitchen to retrieve drinks.
Kimiko agreed with the sentiment, already knowing that Aaron, like her, was caught in a deadly web they couldn’t escape.
“Your boy is here,” Tamiya told Kimiko slyly.
Kimiko chuckled lightly.
“Mhmm, I saw him already.”
Tamiya was referring to Craig Herring, a.k.a. Pirate. The brother definitely lived up to his name, stealing any and everything he could find that was valuable. He also found no fault stealing already stolen goods, waiting for someone else to do the work and he takes the spoils. At twenty-four, Pirate was also six years older than Tamiya and Kimiko. Though Tamiya held a keen dislike for X-Mafia, she didn’t tease Kimiko for her attraction to the man. Pirate was a good looking black man; even Tamiya couldn’t disagree with that. Standing a good six foot four inches, he was lean but not skinny, extremely muscular with deep piercing eyes and a vibrant smile.
“Wassup ladies,” he greeted both women, before turning his attention exclusively to Kimiko.
“You’re looking good tonight,” he told her taking in the hot pink halter skirt set.
Kimiko blushed. “Thanks.”
Pirate smiled again, pulling her out onto the dance floor.
Tamiya chuckled turning and heading back into the kitchen.
“Happy birthday Tamiya,” the deep, carnal, male voice said in her ear.
Jumping, startled by his sudden appearance, Tamiya turned finding Creeper staring intently at her. Fighting hard to keep from frowning, she finally spoke.
“Thanks,” she replied politely.
Truthfully Tamiya was as attracted to Creeper as she was afraid of him. She knew exactly who he was and what he was capable of. She also held him personally responsible for Fabian’s death and for that she wanted to hate him.
“You’re welcome,” Creeper returned still looking intently at her.
The red looked good on her, he thought taking in the spaghetti strap top and jean mini. Growing more and more flustered, Tamiya skirted by him, as he allowed her to leave, and returned to the safety of the party. Creeper smiled knowing he unsettled her. He didn’t sweat her leaving; their time was later tonight. He would have her undivided attention. Grabbing himself another drink, he once again slipped into the shadows and continued to enjoy the party.
Aaron was still sweating bullets. The three men who accompanied him to the room were currently watching him like a hot porno flick. They remained silent since arriving, leaving Aaron clueless what to think.
“Nice party,” Pirate told him as he entered the room closing the door behind him.
Aaron simply nodded and remained mute, waiting for the rest.
“Everything set up,” Pirate inquired looking directly at Aaron.
”Yeah, just like they told me,” Aaron replied praying he did it right and they were pleased.
“Hmph,” Pirate grunted simply as he leaned back against the chest of drawers he stood before.
“So you ready to earn your in,” he inquired again still looking at Aaron intently.
Taking a deep breath, Aaron answered his question in the affirmative. Pirate simply shrugged and nodded. Before he could react, Aaron felt the presence of all three men present descending on him. He felt vicious blows and kicks to every area of his body. He didn’t fight back, simply enduring the beating as best he could. Aaron knew this was part of his induction into the gang and he preferred this than what he knew was going to happen to the women who voluntarily, or were chosen, to be initiated.
It was a well-known fact that X-Mafia liked to sex their women into the gang. Thankfully his friends wouldn’t have to endure that. Aaron knew Kimiko made her own deal, and he knew because of Creeper’s own personal preference for Tamiya, she wouldn’t either. Finally the blows stopped and the men backed away. Every area of Aaron’s body hurt, they were careful however not to hit him in the face. That was how X-Mafia rolled. They never left evidence of an initiation and the women they terrorized were always too frightened and traumatized to tell.
“You hung in there,” Pirate told him chuckling. “Now, here’s the next part,” he continued calmly handing Aaron a loaded gun.
“He’s in the other room,” he went on. “Get my money, my dope, or bring me a souvenir,” he finished evenly as he left the room.
The three men still present waited on Aaron to gather himself before convoying to the other room and the victim waiting inside.
Tamiya was still thinking of her earlier encounter with Creeper. His given name was Trent Sellars, but she doubted anyone other than his mother called him by his first name. Tamiya was angry with herself for even entertaining the idea of being attracted to him. Granted he was absolutely sexy, with his six feet five inch self. Beautiful soft brown eyes, that seemed to pierce your soul when he looked at you. Perfect white teeth, complimented on either side by the dimples he possessed. He did a lot of weight training and it showed in the huge biceps he carried, and taunt thighs and butt it produced. She chided herself again for becoming aroused thinking about him. Tamiya was still very much a virgin, and Creeper was definitely not on the list of men she fantasized about losing that virginity too. Still there was something about him that started her flowing like a faucet when he got near her. He killed your brother, her mind threw at her. Fabian was sent on a personal errand for Creeper the night he was killed by guys laying in ambush.
Tamiya believed with her whole heart that Creeper knew about the pending trap and set her brother up. He of course denied it when she angrily confronted him, taking her life in her hands she knew given his reputation, but in too much pain to care. He, as well as the rest of X-Mafia, attended her brother’s funeral; even serving as pallbearers. Her parents remained clueless thinking the young men were simply friends of Fabian’s who stepped in during their time of need. Pushing the bad thoughts away once more, Tamiya rose heading toward the kitchen wanting to grab another bottle of water. Before she got halfway across the room, everything exploded into chaos.
“Lockdown,” the male voice yelled loudly as he produced a gun and everyone began to scream and panic.
Tamiya went to the floor immediately looking around trying to figure out what was going on, as well as find Kimiko or Aaron. She saw several members of X-Mafia and immediately knew, as her heart sank. Not here, not now, she processed finally spotting Kimiko being held by Pirate. The look on her face told Tamiya everything she needed to know about what Pirate was whispering in her friend’s ear. Kimiko was terrified and it showed on her face.
Tamiya heard about these initiations and what happened to the women who were forced to join.
“Shut up,” the man yelled again as everyone began to quiet down. “Y’all know what the fuck this shit is, so let’s do this and we’ll be out.”
Tamiya looked once again at her friend, who was looking back at her this time, her eyes pleading with Tamiya to stay calm. Kimiko needed to play her part if she wanted to avoid the alternative. It was almost over; she couldn’t afford Tamiya flipping out on her now. Tamiya nodded a slight yes seeing Kimiko relax. Pirate was still holding her tightly, taking the opportunity to kiss her neck. Kimiko remained calm and Tamiya drew strength from that. Just a few more minutes and they would both be out of harm’s way; well mostly anyway, Kimiko continued to think as she watched her friend.
Please don’t let them hurt either of us, Tamiya contemplated.
“You, you, and you,” the man began, pointing at various men in the room. Obviously they expressed interest, being singled out for initiation.
He then called several women by name. Of the six names he called, there were only three that stood smiling ready to do whatever was necessary to be a part of the X-Mafia family. The others were looking terrified; one was already crying.
“Pirate,” the man called out.
“Marker pulled,” Pirate replied calmly as he continued to hold Kimiko.
Tamiya knew what that meant. Pirate was going to personally initiate Kimiko. In a way that was good news, her friend wouldn’t suffer the trauma of the gang bang that was definitely being served up to the other ladies both chosen and volunteered. As the thought left her mind, Tamiya felt arms encompassing her waist and lifting her from the floor where she huddled trying to stay out of harm’s way.
“Creeper,” the man called out again.
Oh God please don’t let this be happening, she thought terrified.
“Marker pulled,” Creeper replied calmly close to her ear.
Tamiya couldn’t let this happen, but what could she do? The alternative was being violated in every demeaning way possible. Still this wasn’t how she envisioned losing her innocence.
Creeper felt Tamiya trembling as he held her and spoke again in her ear. “This can be as beautiful as you want it to be, or the nightmare you’re thinking it’s going to be,” he told her calmly.
“You choose,” he finished as he kissed her ear.
Tamiya took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. Maybe he wouldn’t hurt her, she reasoned. She never heard of Creeper actually ever taking part personally in any of the initiations before. So why now, she queried already knowing the answer; he wanted her and this was his way of getting what he wanted. Creeper felt her stop trembling and spoke once more.
“Come on, let’s go home,” he said as he turned her to him.
Looking into Tamiya’s eyes he leaned in and kissed her passionately as the entire room watched. The kiss told everyone Tamiya belonged to Creeper and she was off limits. After they parted, Creeper took her hand and led her outside, Pirate and Kimiko right behind them. Once the two men and their choices were gone, the night’s festivities began.
The ride over was mostly uneventful, with Pirate asking her some personal questions and making small talk. Now Kimiko was sitting on Pirate’s bed waiting for him to exit the shower. Her mind was on the evening and deal she made upon finding out X-Mafia’s intentions for her and Tamiya. She recalled the scene vividly, trembling involuntarily letting her mind travel back to last Friday afternoon.
“Wassup Kimiko,” Creeper greeted as she walked into her own house.
Her parents were at work so there was no one to disturb them, or help her. “What are you doing here Creeper,” she returned frightened.
Pirate and six other men who were eyeing her hungrily at the moment accompanied Creeper. Kimiko was terrified, having a pretty good idea what they were thinking and praying it didn’t happen.
“I have a proposition for you,” Creeper spoke again, capturing Kimiko’s complete attention.
He went on to tell her of the party he instructed Aaron to throw for Tamiya’s birthday and her assignment to get her there and keep her there, knowing Tamiya made other plans for her celebration. Kimiko was terrified thinking of the harm that would befall her friend at the hands of these men. Creeper seemingly read her mind, as he stepped closer to her and spoke.
“Tamiya has my name on her,” he said simply and Kimiko immediately understood. “Of course, in exchange for your help,” Creeper began again. “I’ll let Pirate know how you feel about him, and make sure his name is on you,” he told her quietly standing close to her ear so only she could hear. “But if you don’t think you want to help me, I’ll just let the boys go ahead and initiate you now,” he added ominously as Kimiko trembled involuntarily.
She of course instantly agreed to help him in his plan, hearing the alternative, and Creeper smiled thanking her.
He sent the other men outside, leaving only himself, her and Pirate. “You should put your name on this one,” he said calmly eyeing Pirate as he spoke.
Pirate smiled, as he looked Kimiko over, liking every inch he saw.
“Yeah, I can do that,” he replied coming over and taking her into his arms and kissing her.
Kimiko couldn’t lie and say she didn’t enjoy it, because she did. She remained attracted to Pirate for the last three months, but he seemed to not notice. Her only regret was selling her friends innocence in exchange for her own happiness.
“You still dressed,” Pirate questioned as he came back into the room, startling Kimiko slightly and bringing her back to the present.
“Yeah, sorry,” she replied immediately rising and undressing.
Pirate watched appreciatively as she did, licking his lips, his erection growing.
“Come on over here,” he told her huskily as she walked to him still wearing her bra and thong.
Pirate un-wrapped the towel he was wearing, pulling her to her knees. “Enjoy this for a little while,” he told Kimiko as his nine inches danced before her face.
Chapter 15
reeper and Pirate were finishing up the packaging for the evening. Son and Gyp were filling their pockets with the small packets to hit the corners and make sales. The weekends were always especially lucrative for X-Mafia. They had clientele come into the hood from every neighborhood searching for the wares they sold. Pirate was stretching getting ready to pop the top on the beer in his hand when he spoke.
“You think that fool Assassin had sense enough to get outta town yet?”
“Man, I would damn sure think so,” Creeper returned chuckling.
“I mean shit, he would hafta be dumb as hell to still be here with everybody looking to kill his ass,” he added still smiling as he opened his own beer.
“Things straight at home now,” Creeper asked again, giving Pirate a look.
“Yeah man, it’s all good again.”
Several other X-Mafia entered the abandoned house and picked up their product for the evening. All the men discussed which areas they were going to be in and what product each had before everyone dispersed headed out for the night. Both Creeper and Pirate decided they wanted to head home.
“I owe My a little time,” Creeper told Pirate who smiled and told him he understood.
“Yeah I told Kimiko we were going out,” Pirate returned as Creeper nodded.
The two men continued to shoot the breeze as they walked toward the train station headed for home, completely oblivious to the tornado whirling through their neighborhood and headed straight for them.
Assassin was carefully making his way to the station. He slipped from Kimiko’s parent’s home without detection. So far he blended in with the regular weekend crowd without incident. Assassin only hoped his luck continued to hold. He was also hoping and praying Kimiko was at the station when he got there. What if she can’t get out? He would have to go back for her. What choice did he have? He loved Kimiko totally and completely. He had to get her out of the hell her life had become. Assassin pushed the thoughts from his mind and concentrated his energy on making it to his destination.
“Say man, you got a dollar,” the scraggly homeless man asked as he approached Assassin.
Not wanting to draw any unwarranted attention to him, Assassin swiftly gave the man a dollar and hurried on his way. The man stumbled on down the street, stopping when he turned the corner and pulling out his cell.
“Assassin’s on the street. He’s headed downtown toward Capelli’s,” the man spoke into the instrument.
Butcher smiled as he disconnected and gave Redman the information, turning the car around, headed for downtown and their target.
Assassin was beginning to relax. He was more than halfway to the station without encountering any X-Mafia, or China Boys, along the way. Just as he was passing Capelli’s, Assassin heard tires screeching. He turned as Redman and his crew began firing. Assassin ducked and dodged his way into the alley directly beside the restaurant. People were screaming and scattering as the car came to a stop and the occupants jumped out. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Assassin thought looking around for some way to escape.
“Find that muthafucker,” Redman was yelling as all the others prepared to scatter and search for Assassin.
The officers seemingly came of out nowhere, screaming orders at Redman, Butcher, and the rest to drop their weapons and get on the ground. Assassin continued to watch, carefully camouflaged among the garbage bags stacked in the alley. The officers quickly handcuffed everyone, searching them one by one. Assassin smiled knowing all of them were facing quite a few years just for the guns and dope he saw the officers pulling from their pockets. A canine unit was brought in to search the car for more dope, which they quickly found. The officers then conducted hands on search of the car, finding a couple more weapons and other stolen property.
Assassin finally let go the breath he took in after seeing all four occupants loaded into squad cars and the wrecker towing away the stolen car they were riding in. Wasting no more time, Assassin hurriedly gathered himself and began his trip once more. He made his way to the transit and boarded the bus that would take him to the train station. Assassin’s mind was racing and he was thanking God the entire time that he escaped Redman and his crew. Now if I can just get my ass on that Amtrak, I’m the hell outta here, Assassin continued to think as he watched the streets go by. He thought about Kimiko, bringing a smile to his face once more as he relaxed seeing that they were only a mile away from his stop, and ultimately his liberation.
Kimiko opened the door to the apartment and listened carefully before entering the hallway. She made sure Pirate wasn’t coming up the stairs or anyone was in the hall that would see her. After determining she was alone, Kimiko quietly made her way down the stairs to the stoop. She took another deep breath and slipped quickly into the darkness, stopping to look and watch for a few moments. Kimiko knew Pirate wasn’t above still having someone watching her, even though they made up and were doing well now. She scanned both sides of the street looking for anyone or anything out of the ordinary. Again, she saw nothing and finally let go the breath she held. Kimiko checked her pockets once more assuring herself the money and her cell were both there before finally turning and heading up the block. She was praying all the way to the transit that no one saw her and alerted Pirate.
Kimiko finally arrived at the platform, finding a dimly lit corner; she waited for the train to arrive. She could take the transit all the way to the Amtrak station with some measure of security, given she wouldn’t be on the street in plain view of anyone who happened by. She heard the train approaching and walked up to the platform as it pulled up and the doors opened. Pirate and Creeper exited the car directly to Kimiko’s right. She saw them first and quickly turned away, rushing onto the train with the three other people boarding in front of her. Her heart was racing as she prayed neither of them saw her.
Finally chancing a look, Kimiko peeked out of the window next to her seat just as the train began to move again. The two men were no longer in her line of sight. She prayed that neither saw her. Breathing a small sigh of relief she sat back and made herself comfortable. She hoped that Tamiya was already on her way or right behind her. If she wasn’t out already Kimiko was terrified she wouldn’t get out. She had a pretty good idea that both Creeper and Pirate were headed home.
Pirate and Creeper were in the car directly behind Kimiko, and could see her from the lone windowpane in the train car door. Where the fuck is the bitch going, Pirate angrily mused. He could tell from her demeanor she was up to something. Creeper pointed her out as they left the train and they hurriedly re-boarded to follow her. Bet she’s going to meet that fool, Pirate again acidly regaled, knowing in his gut Assassin was still in Philly. They rode in silence the entire trip until finally reaching their destination and confirming Pirate’s suspicions.
Tamiya was holding Angel as they rode in the back of the cab. She gave Angel some children’s cold medicine earlier to ensure the child slept through whatever happened. If they got caught Tamiya didn’t want Angel awake to see the things she was sure Trent would do to her. It also made traveling with her easier. Tamiya could effortlessly carry her and Angel wouldn’t be asking a million questions that Tamiya couldn’t answer right now. She slipped out of the house almost forty minutes ago, walking three blocks to the corner laundry, before calling the cab. The laundry was closed and deserted so they managed to escape unseen. Tamiya kissed Angel’s forehead as the child continued to sleep. What are you going to tell this child about her daddy, Tamiya thought fleetingly. She would cross that bridge when she got to it. Right now she just needed to get them both to safety.
Tamiya kept the paperwork she got Trent to sign giving her guardianship of Angel. Now she could register her for school, and they could live their lives free from gang violence and fear. He’s going to look for you, Tamiya’s mind threw at her once more. She pushed the fear aside, assuring herself that Trent had no way of finding her. He didn’t have her social security number and he didn’t know where her parents lived anymore. The thoughts still unsettled Tamiya but she was resolute. Determined to escape the gang existence and determined Angel would have a good life with lots of love and happiness.
“We’re here,” the cabbie told her as he pulled up to the entrance of the Amtrak station.
Tamiya paid the fare and got out, still cradling Angel in her arms. The cabbie drove off leaving them standing outside. Tamiya took another deep breath, checked her pockets for the rest of her money, and made her way inside. She went to the ticket window and purchased two tickets for Florida. Tamiya saved most of the money Trent always gave her for the last three months or so, since she and Kimiko talked. She amassed almost five thousand dollars, enough to get her and Angel a decent apartment and a good used car. Tamiya would get a job and then transfer her credits to the school there that she chose. Tamiya only prayed they could live their lives and Trent would just let them go. She knew she was reaching with that last part, but she still held out hope they would finally be free.
Tamiya went into the waiting area and sat. The train would be leaving in the next half hour. She hoped and prayed that Kimiko made it out and would be there soon. What about Aaron? Tamiya didn’t think Kimiko should have lied to him about their departure, but she didn’t interfere. Just as the thought left her mind, Assassin slipped into the chair next to her.
“Damn, I’m glad to see you Tamiya,” he told her, smiling
Tamiya smiled fully. “I’m glad to see you too.”
Aaron glanced at the child in Tamiya’s lap.
“Tamiya, you sure you want to do this,” Assassin asked looking into her eyes, the unspoken fear showing on his face as he watched her.
“I can’t leave her Aaron,” Tamiya replied calmly. “I won’t leave her in the hell her life would surely be living with Trent.” she finished as Assassin sighed.
“I feel you Tamiya,” he told her simply as they both continued to wait for Kimiko.
Fifteen minutes later Kimiko emerged from the downstairs platform. She was completely shocked to see Aaron sitting next to Tamiya.
“Hey you guys,” Kimiko greeted them cheerfully, her mind racing trying to figure out how she would get away from Aaron now.
Tamiya smiled and returned her greeting, also giving her a look, knowing the situation was once again complicated.
“Hey baby,” Assassin greeted Kimiko, kissing her on the lips. “You okay, you hurt,” he asked looking her over.
Kimiko chuckled lightly. “I’m fine.”
“Aaron we need to talk, for real.”
Assassin didn’t like the look Kimiko held. She wasn’t going with him; his mind told him as he held his breath and waited.
“Look Aaron, I care for you, I really do,” Kimiko began, trying hard to hold the tears.
She didn’t realize until this moment, how much she honestly did care for Assassin.
“But I’m done with hustling, with gang life and all that shit,” she told him calmly.
“I–,” she managed to get out before Assassin leaned in and kissed her, holding her tightly.
“Miko, hush,” he told her. “I told you before, I’m not Pirate,” he continued looking into her eyes as he spoke.
“I don’t want a banger chick,” he told her bluntly. “I want you to be my woman, that’s all; the mother of our kids, my friend, my heart,” Assassin told Kimiko sincerely.
“You need to go back to school, finish your degree, and then you can get you a job or whatever you want to do,” Assassin continued pouring out his heart as both Tamiya and Kimiko listened intently.
“All I know is the street Miko, but that don’t mean I don’t know how to love you, it just means you hafta be willing to accept me for me,” he finished and waited on her to speak once more.
Kimiko was completely overwhelmed with the things Aaron just said to her.
“So you wouldn’t make me bang anymore,” she asked carefully watching his every move.
Assassin smiled shaking his head no, as he kissed her again.
“I love you Miko, I have for a very long time,” Assassin told her calmly. “The train will be here in five minutes, you need to decide.”
“I have to run to the ladies room, I’ll be right back,” Tamiya told Kimiko and Aaron as they waited for the train, which was running late they were just informed from the loud announcement coming across the speakers.
“OK, you want me to hold Angel until you get back,” Kimiko inquired.
“No, that’s okay, I need to wake her up for her to go to,” Tamiya told her.
“Okay,” Kimiko replied as they watched her leave for the facilities.
Tamiya arrived at the restroom and roused Angel who looked at her dazed and confused.
“Come on sweetie, I need you to use the bathroom, okay,” Tamiya said pleasantly as Angel fought to stay awake.
She nodded as Tamiya helped her with her underwear and placed her on the commode. Angel obediently did what Tamiya asked, managing to stay awake long enough to clean up and pull her underwear back up. Tamiya chuckled as she sat, taking her turn. Angel stood leaning on Tamiya for support as she maneuvered through what she was doing. After struggling to redress herself, Tamiya managed to sleepwalk Angel to the small bench that was in the ladies room and sit her on it, while she washed her hands.
“Please let us catch that train,” Tamiya prayed quietly as she dried them, walking back over to Angel, preparing to pick her up and head back to the platform.
Kimiko and Assassin were so completely engrossed in their conversation and kissing each other that they never noticed Pirate and Creeper as they came up from the platform. Creeper saw them first and frowned, turning to Pirate and giving him a look.
“You got your shit on you,” Pirate asked pulling his own .380 from his pocket.
Creeper nodded in the affirmative and drew his weapon as they approached the couple.
“Well ain’t this just some sweet ass shit,” Pirate said coldly as he pointed the gun directly at Kimiko.
Creeper held his weapon trained on Assassin, daring him to move.
“So you and him were gonna dip together huh,” Pirate threw out again still looking hatefully at her.
Kimiko was terrified. She knew from the look on Pirates face she made a fatal error.
“Why so quiet Kimiko,” Pirate threw out again as he slapped her hard.
Assassin was fuming at this point, trying to think of a way to get his own .9mm out of his pocket.
The tears came and spilled over as Kimiko continued to remain mute.
“You got my ass; I’ll say that for you,” Pirate told her growing angrier with each word.
“I actually believed all that bullshit you fed me, about loving me and being sorry and shit,” he told her as he slapped her again, knocking her to the ground.
“Get the fuck up,” Pirate yelled at Kimiko once again.
She slowly made her way to her feet, standing once more looking into his hateful glare.
Assassin was about at his end. He wasn’t going to stand here and allow Pirate to continue to abuse Kimiko, even if it meant his life. Creeper was watching the man intently, waiting for any sign of movement so he could shoot him.
Pirate turned his attention to Assassin and began to speak.
“You really love the bitch don’t you,” he asked calmly, smiling.
Assassin didn’t like the look, so he chose not to answer the question. Creeper backhanded him.
“Answer the muthafucking question, bitch ass,” Creeper told him angrily.
There was absolutely no love lost between the three men standing on the platform. Assassin looked away from Creeper to Pirate and answered.
“Yeah, I already told your stupid ass that the first time you asked me,” he replied smartly.
That remarked earned him another backhand from Creeper, causing Assassin to go for his weapon. Creeper kicked him hard in the side causing him to double over and the weapon to slide out of the precarious grasp he held.
“Relax muthafucka, enjoy the show,” Pirate told him once more turning his attention to Kimiko.
“You fucked up Kimiko,” Pirate said calmly.
“You could have enjoyed a good life, money, bling, shit whatever you wanted, I would have given your ass,” he continued as his eyes never left hers.
“But you didn’t want that, you wanted this sorry ass bastard,” Pirate told her casting a quick glance over at Assassin.
“And him, he says he loves you,” Pirate began again.
“Well, love hurts,” he finished and just as quickly raised the .380 again shooting Kimiko point blank in the head.
Assassin yelled aloud, running to her side as her lifeless body fell to the ground, eyes open but seeing nothing.
“And here’s the debt I owe your ass muthafucka,” Pirate told Assassin as he shot him the first time in the back.
Creeper also opened fire as they executed Assassin on the train platform. They both heard the transit authority police running toward them yelling aloud at shots fired. Pirate was still standing over Kimiko looking down at her as Creeper urged him to come on. Finally seeing he wasn’t getting through to him, Creeper took off in the opposite direction, leaving Pirate to fend for himself.
Tamiya was still huddled in the corner of the ladies room she retreated to when she rounded the corner and saw both Creeper and Pirate. She heard them yelling and Kimiko screaming, then for a while nothing. Out of the blue came the first shot and Tamiya covered her mouth to keep the scream of terror from escaping. Angel awakened briefly during the melee and Tamiya quickly rocked her back to sleep, knowing if Creeper found them, she would be on the receiving end of one of the gunshots she heard. Now hearing the police and all the activity Tamiya ventured out. The platform was crowded with police and medical personnel. She saw the two bodies on the ground covered by sheets and Pirate in handcuffs. Miko, Aaron, oh my God, no, Tamiya screamed silently as the tears began to run down her cheeks. She took a deep breath to try and stay them as the realization took hold that she still needed to get out. Gathering herself Tamiya quickly made her way to the train and boarded, finding the first two empty seats and sitting down. She glanced once more out of the window as the train began to move, finding herself staring directly into Pirate’s eyes. Tamiya shuddered from the hatred laced scowl he wore as recognition took place and the police pulled him away to the waiting squad car.
After riding for a few moments longer all the grief of the night and the past few months of her life took hold and Tamiya began to weep uncontrollably. Her best friend was dead, Aaron was dead. She was on the run with her crazy ex-boyfriends only child. Everything she was knew was gone. Both she and Angel were completely alone. Tamiya took a deep breath hoping and praying her parents wouldn’t turn their backs on her. Pushing the thoughts aside for now, Tamiya kissed Angel once more, and completely spent from her tears, closed her own eyes and drifted into a troubled sleep.
Creeper made it back to his place without incident, letting himself in quietly as not to disturb Tamiya and Angel. After heading to the kitchen and grabbing himself a beer, Creeper decided to check on his girls.
“What the hell,” he mumbled aloud seeing the bed empty.
He immediately checked the closets finding both Tamiya’s and Angel’s clothing in place. Completely perplexed, Creeper began opening drawers, finding several of them disturbed, looking as if they were rummaged through. Where the fuck are they, he wondered as he grew angrier.
A light suddenly went on for him as he grabbed his other .9mm, having sense enough to toss the one he used to kill Assassin, and turned to head out of the door. She was at that damned station too, Creeper thought inwardly of Tamiya. So where the fuck is she going, and did she take my daughter with her, Creeper continued to think as he opened the door and stepped out. The officers immediately swarmed him, wrestling him to the ground and cuffing him.
“Trent Sellers,” Kyle asked as he addressed the man who was watching him hatefully at the moment.
“What the fuck is it to you?”
Kyle gave him a look and continued.
“We have a warrant for your arrest for drug trafficking,” he told Creeper who continued to regard him with distaste.
“Whatever man,” Creeper threw back angrily.
He didn’t need this hassle right now. He had to find Tamiya and his daughter. I’ma kill that bitch when I find her, Creeper promised angrily, hurt that she ran away and scared he would never see either of them again.
“Put him in the car, let’s go,” Kyle told the other officer, breaking Creeper’s thoughts and bringing him back to the present situation.
Grudgingly he allowed himself to be placed in the squad car and taken downtown. Creeper made a mental note to call his mama with his one phone call and get her to contact an attorney. Thank god I didn’t keep all my damned money at this place, Creeper thought once more as he saw the officers entering his premises.
Pirate was sitting in his cell brooding about Kimiko. He lost it with her. He never meant to kill her; she just hurt him so much leaving him again, for Assassin of all people. Fuck, my ass is doing life for this shit, Pirate thought, remembering that they also killed Assassin at the same time; not that he regretted that part at all. His thoughts then went to Tamiya and seeing her on the train. So this was a damned group getaway plan, he thought angrily, trying to figure out how he was going to get the word to Creeper. Hell he probably knows by now, he thought again, knowing that Creeper would have gone directly home. Sighing Pirate took in his surroundings again, as the holding cell door opened once more and a very familiar face joined the group already inside.