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Thin Ice marches on. After Noir Frost, there’s Generations. The kids are now adults, ready to branch out and live their best lives. As with life, echoes and shadows of the past, intermingle and co-exist with the present. One thing these youngster never have to worry about and that’s Family. Take the next leg of the journey with us, GENERATIONS
Blood Legacies (bk 1)
Harmony is never a mainstay it seems where matters of the heart are concerned. A late-night phone call proves this supposition true yet again for the Bailey and Taylor clans. Tasked with freeing their daughter from the sinister trap set by an unscrupulous admirer, star crossed lovers and bitter enemies must once again come together. As lost destiny clashes with painful realities, more than one set of boundaries will be broken before peace is restored. Read A Sample
Dark Confessions (bk2)
For Kaitlyn, the nightmare looms everlasting. Tragedy, pain and loss seem to be her eternal companions. Filled to overflow, she reacts, setting off a domino effect that leaves no one in its wake unscathed. Dark corners become illuminated. Battle lines blur. The truth of the past, now disturbed, will no longer rest dormant. Read A Sample
Malevolence (bk 3)
Life is good. For Mister it wasn’t always. Revisiting the past is painful, the shame heavy. Sharing it, unthinkable.
Ronde cherishes his fathers memory, priding himself on keeping the legacy thriving. He finds out the hard way, not everything about his father should be kept alive.
Layman is playing both ends against the middle, dead center Ryan Bailey’s crosshairs, his daughters heart on the line.
How will it end? Who will remain standing once the chips fall? Read A Sample
The Wedding (bk 4)
All grown up, Tadjra and Tedjra are about to embark on their new lives with KiSean and Michael. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for them, or willing to watch from the sidelines. Even with warnings issued, and grace given, some people still tempt fate. When will they learn? When it comes to this family, a hard head, brings hard pain.
Eldest Son (bk5)

Complex, layered, a man who takes his role as Big Brother, Husband, Father, Family Patriarch seriously, Ryan Bailey is a force. From the Underworld to the Boardroom, his ruthlessness is legendary. With a milestone birthday approaching, Ryan is forced to reexamine his life, his choices, circumstance’s that shaped who he is today when tragedy looms and only honesty will rectify the situation. Secrets never stay buried, lies of darkness always find light, and Karma eventually lands at everyone’s doorstep. Read A Sample
Never a fan of strolls down memory lane, Ice found them especially unnerving of late. Memories of Kiki seemed to burn everlasting scorching his present relationship with Teagan. Heart belonging to the woman for as long as he could remember, the ember remains burning. Their break clean, Kiki is living her best life with Tariq, while Ice remains locked in purgatory trying to stay afloat. Confronted one time too many with his loss Ice is flailing.
Teagan loves Ian with her whole heart. He loves Kaitlyn with his. She’s done everything she can to make up for the drama with Irelynn and be the best partner he could ask for. Loving, supporting, she sees to his every need and whim. What was she missing? Why wouldn’t he let go of his ex-wife and love her fully? Who could she turn to for help? Who would hand her the missing piece to the puzzle, the key to unlocking Ian’s heart?
Exhausted, at his wits end, Ice makes a paramount decision. Will he have the fortitude to follow through until the end, even if it gets uncomfortable? Only time and his determination to resolve his issues once and for all will tell. One way or the other he will have to navigate the looming fork in the road forever changing and redefining life as he knows it.
Motives and Agendas. Blowing back into town and Tedjra and Tadjra’s lives after years of non-communication as if nothing has changed, Daena intends to use memories of the past to hook up with Rondé once again, despite his already having moved on with Asia.
Forbidden but not Forgotten, a policeman’s conference brings Marcella face to face with the forever love snatched away by the classist hypocrite of a father who ruled her life with a steel grip. Believing the Universe has given her a sign, she sets out to rekindle the heated passion with Carnel ‘Mook’ Dowry once denied her; the small matter of her own husband, and Mook’s wife, inconsequential in that pursuit.
Living in the past is never a good thing, trying to rekindle it at the expense of the present can be deadly. It’s a life lesson these two women will learn the hard way and may cost them everything.