This is book 4 in the Thin Ice Series Family. It can be read as a standalone without reading Thin Ice (1-12) or Noir Frost (1-5) but a significant amount of the ‘history’ may be lost on the reader.
All grown up, Tadjra and Tedjra are about to embark on their new lives with KiSean and Michael. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for them, or willing to watch from the sidelines. Even with warnings issued, and grace given, some people still tempt fate. When will they learn? When it comes to this family, a hard head, brings hard pain.
Mother of the Groom
Despite all admonishment to the contrary, the pesky tears continued. Needing to pull herself together before Mook got home, Kim internally admonished herself to suck it up. She didn’t even know why she cried. KiSean finding the love of his life and getting married was a good thing. The realization only served to make her cry harder. Her firstborn, her baby, was a grown man. A grown man engaged, and about to venture fully into the world, on his own terms. All day memories plagued her. Looking through the photo collections didn’t help. The beautiful baby boy she and Mook brought into the world smiled back at her in those collections. All his firsts, joining the mix. Kim smiled recollecting yet another time. Where did that little boy go? How in the hell had two plus decades passed without her permission? Sighing deeply managing to end the stream for now, Kim rose walking into the master bath. She turned on the shower, maximum heat. The steam would help her stuffy sinuses, heading off the puffiness of her eyes she knew would come later. A dead giveaway of how emotional the situation made her. She and Mook talked at length about the impending nuptials. He loved Tadjra, fully onboard with their next step. She loved the girl too. She was always respectful, had a good head on her shoulders, her own money.Zero question loomed in Kim’s mind how much the young woman loved her son. Then why are you so hesitant? Sighing evenly Kim stepped into the shower, the scalding spray bringing a satisfied groan from her as she lathered herself.
Opening her thoughts fully, Kim admitted the trepidation remaining when she considered the young woman’s heritage. So Top isn’t a good person? He got bad seed? That thought gained an instant frown. It wasn’t Tariq’s side of the family that worried her. He had always been good to her. Raider was good people, down to earth, always having their back. Ohhh, so you’re still not feeling Kiki huh? Kim continued to lather herself as the question hung in time and continuum. Logically she knew the concerns to be unfounded. Kaitlyn, over the years, showed nothing but genuine kindness, love, and support, when it came to the kids. She reached out time and again with an olive branch between the two of them. They got along fine now, not close, but warmly cordial. Still Kim found herself holding the past against the woman, even the parts she couldn’t control, like Hangman Cisneros as a father. You better figure it out and fast. KiSean loves this girl. Don’t make him choose. The warning hit her hard. Kim never wanted to be that kind of mother. She would never try to come between her children and their significant others. Finishing up she turned off the water, opening the glass door and stepping out.
Dried, she wrapped the towel around her as she went about her routine, dressed in the flowing teal sundress ten minutes later. Maybe all these excuses aren’t the real reason hmm? Kim frowned, catching herself as the reflection in the beveled mirror gave her a glimpse of the presentation. She heard the familiar chime of the sensor monitor alerting her someone was at the front door. Picking up her phone she clicked on the app, opening it to reveal her visitor. Pressing the talk button Kim addressed the UPS delivery man.
“Hi there.”
“Hello. I have a package for Carnel Dowry.”
“OK, do you need a signature.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Alright, I’m on my way.”
Kim cringed. She hated being called ma’am. She wasn’t old. Pushing it away, she made it to the front door, opening it with an amiable smile.
“Hello, if I can get you to sign here on this line.”
Doing as he asked, Kim used the stylus attached to the small electronic device and signed for Mook’s delivery. Thanking him, she closed the door and headed back toward the den.
“What have you ordered now?”
Laughing, she shook the box trying to guess the contents. Well packaged, whatever resided inside held no moving parts to give away its identity. Reaching her destination, Kim sat it on the sofa table, continuing toward the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she snagged a bottle of the new Mango infused drink she discovered a few days earlier. The deck her next stop, Kim made herself comfortable, sipping her drink, watching the waves rise and crest. Her mind went to the wedding another time, remembering all the women were meeting tomorrow to discuss flowers, arrangements, decorations and such. Grateful to be included, Kim made a promise she would do nothing to bring a shadow of gloom over the festive gathering. True they were months away from the actual ceremony, Kim understood how much everyone wanted it to be perfect. Ava was coming too. Thinking of her, Kim made a mental note to call. They needed to do lunch and shop. Once she finished her second degree, Ava started her own business handling taxes for individuals and small businesses. Not in it for the money, she enjoyed all the various people she met and interacted with. Kim always liked her, finding her extremely real and down to earth. She seemed happy that Michael and Tedjra were marrying. Kim never sensed any reservations or doubts. Frankly Ava radiated a glow when they talked about the kid’s futures. Nah, you’re the only one acting like it’s the end of the world. All your kids will grow up and leave one day. Learn how to let go now. She exhaled heavily at the admonishment knowing it to be true, but hating it nonetheless. Recalling Mook’s pointed reminder they still had plenty of years left with Londyn and Cai, she chuckled. Allowing that to temporarily soothe her angst, Kim instead focused again on the ocean.
Mook smiled seeing her lying on the veranda dozing. Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly ventured into the den. The package delivered earlier caught his attention. Picking it up he began to open it. Mook chuckled knowing Kim would ask him later what came. He honestly was shocked to find she hadn’t opened it already. Finally reaching the contents, Mook pulled the box out. Setting it down, he headed over to the bar to make himself a drink. He ordered the electronic card shuffler nearly three weeks ago, when the old one began sticking and half working. They would need it for the poker games they all gathered to play. Raider flew down twice a month to hang out with them. Both he and Tariq were trying to get him to move here with everyone else. So far, their efforts were in vain. As much as he enjoyed visiting, Raider let them know he wasn’t ready to let go of Atlanta just yet. Not pressing, they simply enjoyed the time spent when they were all together. Walking out of the den, Mook headed for his office. He needed to finish up some paperwork for Caliente. They were about to do a major remodel and overhaul of the club.
Making his way to the large leather office chair, he sat and pulled out documents. Glancing to his right, his gaze fell on the photos lining his desk. Mook’s heart swelled with pride looking into the smiling faces of his children. His stare lingered on KiSean, thoughts of his firstborn’s impending nuptials blaring into his consciousness. He was proud of his son. He couldn’t have chosen a better woman to share his life, in Mook’s opinion. They were perfect for each other, and he knew his son loved the woman completely. Kim doesn’t share your enthusiasm you know. He exhaled lightly at the thought. Mook knew she held reservations. Not just the ones she shared. The ones she thought he didn’t see when she watched KiSean quietly interacting with Tadjra. While he understood, he also hoped Kim wouldn’t let it ruin the relationship with their son, or their future daughter-in-law. Dismissing it, Mook vowed to continue to be there for her, talk things out, help her to let go. Returning his attention to business, Mook picked up his phone and texted Tariq. They needed to go over the accounts for Renaissance. The club continued to do banner business, in and out of tourist season. Their partnership remained stronger than ever. Having Tariq back in their lives fulfilled a part of Mook long missing since Big Mike’s death. Thinking of his brother bought Michael to mind. Mook would be serving double duty being best man for both of them. Ava’s reaction is certainly opposite of Kim’s. He grunted aloud sipping the drink as the thought manifested. Knowing the two women were close, Mook said another silent prayer that Ava be able to help assuage Kim’s fears and hesitations as well.
His brother stayed on his mind. How proud would Mike be of his son right now? It hurt still, the pain of the loss and the reasoning behind it. As much as he told Michael to let it go, Mook remained furious on a deep level. He learned to deal with it and move on, but he never forgot. He certainly never forgave. He for one, found Kaitlyn’s leaving Ian more gratifying than anyone knew. Ryan gave the order though. Mook another time grunted. He couldn’t be one hundred percent sure of that, but if it were the case, he held no remorse for the ill will he wished upon the man. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Mook let it go for now. His job, in the absence of his brother, was to make sure his nephew nor Ava ever worried about struggling again. To date, he kept his promise. He would spend the remainder of his life keeping the unspoken vow. The cell vibrated breaking his thought. Looking at the display he smiled and sent a return text. KiSean and Michael were asking him if he were free to meet. Rising he grabbed his keys and headed back through the house. Making another quick check on the veranda, Kim continued to rest. Tiptoeing over, he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead. She stirred somewhat, quickly drifting off again. Chuckling silently, Mook left her alone making his way to the truck parked in the driveway. No sooner than he backed out, his phone rang, Tariq’s name on the display. Answering the two enjoyed pleasant conversation as he drove to the meet up with the boys.
Yawning widely, Kim stretched awakening from her nap. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she gazed once more on the ocean. Giggling she sat up, outdone she slept so soundly. Rising she went into the house, the solemn quietness greeting her. As she passed the den, Kim noticed the package moved. Walking into the room she saw it opened and the contents sitting on the coffee table contained.
“Dang, they burned out the other shuffler already?”
She laughed another time knowing Mook had been home. Is he still here? Maybe taking a nap? Headed toward their master bedroom to answer her question, Kim stopped at the girl’s rooms. They were out with friends or having playdates. Each bed she found neatly made, rooms mostly clean. Londyn being the most girlie, had stuffed animals adorning her bed, the room filled with her favorite female celebrities. Cai was going through her tomboy stage. She preferred a soccer ball to a doll or stuffed animal. Her room blared sports fanatic. Kim laughed silently of her polar opposite daughters and continued to her journey. Arriving seconds later she was disappointed to find the room empty. Fishing the instrument from her pocket she texted him. Mook responded immediately alerting her to his whereabouts and company kept. Satisfied she text him a simple okay, before turning and heading back to the kitchen.
Taking a quick inventory of what they had on hand versus what she had a taste for, Kim made a swift grocery list and headed to the garage. She could have ordered and had the items delivered, but she needed to get out of the house for a little while, clear her head. Getting in she started the vehicle, swiftly engaging the air conditioning. Being in the garage kept the truck reasonably cool, but Kim knew as soon as she hit the Miami sun it was over. Smiling still, she backed out and headed out of the neighborhood. Her cell rang and she saw Ava’s name on the display.
“Hey Ava.”
“Hey Kim, how are you?”
“I’m okay girl, headed to the grocery store.”
She heard Ava chuckle before speaking again.
“I need to go, but I’ma be lazy and order them for delivery.”
They both laughed at her statement.
“I actually called to see if you wanted to get together later this week, maybe lunch or early dinner?”
“Yeah that sounds good. We should do lunch so we can shop.
Another time they both laughed, completely at ease enjoying their conversation.
“I know right? We haven’t done that in a while. I can always use some new shoes.”
“Me too, and perfume.”
“So what’s good for you?”
“You’re the one all busy with their business and such. You know I’m at Caliente in the evenings mostly, so it’s on you.”
“Okay, well how about Wednesday, around noon?”
“I’m in. Just let me know where.”
“I’ll text it to you after I decide.”
“Cool, see you then.”
Kim continued to smile as she drove. She needed a sense of normalcy. The thoughts, fears, misgivings she had surrounding the wedding kept her on edge most times. Ava would allow her to just be herself, no watching what she said, or sitting on eggshells. What is it you want to say? Must be bad if you can’t say it to anyone else.
“No, it’s not that at all.
Then what? Tadjra not good enough for KiSean? You been faking all these years? What’s your deal? Feeling the darkness trying to seep in, Kim deliberately changed her train of thought. She did need to talk to KiSean again. She needed to know if he were sure, really, really, sure about this. And when he says he is, then what?
“Then I’ll be okay with it.”
Arriving at the store Kim dismissed all contemplation, parking and getting out of the truck. The heat scorched every thought except getting inside to the serene coolness of the store. Finally liberated from the immediate mugginess, Kim grabbed a shopping cart and proceeded to make her rounds. Her mind wasted no time raking her over the coals anew. All these years you’ve been Auntie Kim and it was cool. Now it’s a problem because you’re about to become mother-in-law Kim? Sighing loudly, she didn’t take the bait. Kim’s love for the twins was genuine, as was her love for Tariq. She and Kaitlyn, well, they were on a solid enough ground. Kim defended her feelings, knowing no matter what woman KiSean chose, she would feel the same way. Would you though? Picking up the tomato Kim ignored the minds jab. She finished her shopping little more than forty minutes later, once again stepping out into the heat. She walked swiftly, quickly putting the groceries in the back of the truck and climbing inside. The cool air couldn’t seem to come out fast enough as Kim felt the beads of sweat on her forehead and down the center of her back. Knowing that she wouldn’t get the peace needed to be alright with the immediate future, she texted her son. KiSean answered accepting her invitation to lunch tomorrow. Once I get some answers everything will be okay. She heard the raucous laughter of her mind scoffing at her claims, before turning up the radio, Al Green blocking out the drama, the scenic highway giving her temporary reprieve from the doubts, fears, and hesitations lately her constant companions.
Haters Gonna Hate
Spearing the grilled chicken, along with a forkful of kale, they continued to eat and enjoy lunch. Lisa spoke, having finished her mouthful first. Picking up her glass, she let the cool water cascade down her throat before giving her friend her full attention.
“You heard about the big event?”
Audra exhaled evenly, noting the sarcasm in her friend’s voice and knowing the reasoning. She couldn’t believe it the first time she heard it either. Sucking her teeth, she answered the query.
“I heard girl. I’m like, seriously?”
Lisa laughed aloud at Audra’s antics.
“Well they have been dating forever and they live together, so I guess.”
“He doesn’t love her like he thinks Lisa. KiSean never gave me, us, a chance.”
“Too late now girl, he’s engaged to miss thing and they are getting married.”
“Maybe. That wedding is months away. A lot can happen in months.”
Lisa raised an eyebrow knowing her friend was plotting. Her feelings, though never returned, seemed to remain strong and potent, for nearly two years.
“What are you over there thinking? Don’t do anything stupid Audra.”
Another exhalation of breath as they both went back to their salads. Audra’s brooding continued. KiSean was the total package. She found herself in love with him almost instantly upon their meeting in college. Why couldn’t she be the one he chose? Because he thought he was in love with that little girl. Frowning, Audra agreed with her minds reasoning. She knew KiSean well enough to know he didn’t do the player thing. He was absolutely a one-woman man. Another in that laundry list of things she loved about him. She often fantasized making love with him. She wanted to be the one marrying him, making him happy, giving him children. What makes her so much better? She doesn’t deserve to be happy with him. Hurt gave way to anger. In her mind, Tadjra remained nothing more than another rich, spoiled, princess who always got their way. Audra recalled the entire Daxon Sloane episode she heard spoken of in rumor and whisper. She probably led him on. It’s what tricks like her do. Calming herself, Audra pushed the thoughts aside. She had a plan. She had time. She would carefully put every block in place and in the end, KiSean would finally understand that she, not little miss princess, was the best woman for him.
Finished, she sat back and picked up the water again. Draining the glass, she returned it to the table just as the server returned asking if they needed anything else.
“You wanna split a dessert?”
Audra shrugged making Lisa laugh before she ordered the decadence.
“We’ll have the turtle brownie alamode, two spoons.”
“Sounds good. I’ll have that out to you in just a few minutes.”
Alone again, Lisa began the conversation anew.
“How many clients do you have this month? I just got that Stinson account and it’s a damned mess.”
“I have inventory and balance with Marx Inc., this quarter girl.”
Lisa frowned, clucking her tongue sympathetically. They both secured employment with number two of the big three accounting firms in the city. The work was tedious, borderline boring, but paid very well. When I get with KiSean I won’t have to work anymore. Stay at home mom, loving wife. Unable to time it better if she arranged it, KiSean and Michael walked into the restaurant.
“This day just got better.”
Lisa turned to follow her friends gaze seeing the two men. The hostess sat them on the other side of the restaurant.
“And of course, you’re going to go over and say hello, right?”
Audra laughed aloud at Lisa’s question and the look her friend gave to her now. She and Lisa were friends for years, each knowing the other very well.
“Of course, but on our way out. I don’t want him to feel awkward.”
“Or know that you’re a stalker just yet huh?”
They both burst into laughter. The server delivered the dessert and they began devouring it. Audra kept an eye on KiSean. After ten minutes she relaxed, believing they weren’t meeting the women for lunch. She knew about his cousin being engaged to the other princess twin. Maybe Lisa should see what’s up. We deserve good men, not those spoiled brats.
“I never noticed how sexy KiSean’s cousin is.”
Audra smiled; glad she didn’t have to lift a finger to get the ball rolling.
“Yeah, heard he was super cool too. He’s engaged to the other princess.”
Lisa chuckled at Audra’s nickname for the girls. Licking the ice cream from the spoon she spoke again.
“You should see what’s up. I mean, like KiSean, they ain’t married yet.”
Lisa continued to eat, her eyes another time scanning the man sitting across from KiSean.
“Hmph, maybe I should.”
Audra, satisfied she had an ally, went back to their dessert with renewed vigor, knowing just what she would say when they got up to leave and happened upon the men’s table.
KiSean and Michael, fully unaware of the surveillance, continued perusing the menus making their lunch selections. The server delivered the drinks requested, standing poised to take their orders. Michael went first.
“Filet mignon, medium, asparagus, garlic smashed potatoes is fine.”
“Great, and you sir?”
“I’ll do the filet as well, medium, broccoli and salad.”
“Thank you, gentlemen, I’ll turn this in, and it should be up soon.”
Walking away the two men dismissed him from their thoughts returning to their original conversation.
“So where are you taking Tedj for your honeymoon?”
“Paris. She loves that city and it will be the first time we go together, so I’m thinking it will make it even more special. We’ll take a few day trips to the surrounding countryside while we’re there.”
“Nice. I like it.”
“Where are you taking Tadj?”
“And that’s where exactly, mister explorer.”
KiSean burst into laughter at his cousins comment and accompanying raised eyebrow.
“South Africa.”
“Oh wow, she’s going to love that.”
“Yeah I hope so.”
“Have you made any headway on the house venture?”
“Yeah some, Tadj really likes two of the last ones we looked it. Now I just have to figure out which she likes the most and go ahead and put the offer on it. What about you? Tedj let you know what she likes?”
The server returning to refresh their drinks disturbed the conversation as they patiently waited for him to complete his task and another time leave them to themselves.
“There is this one she lit up fully about when we checked it out.”
“Did you question her about it?”
“Mhmm, I think it’s the one.”
They both chuckled again happy in their future plans. The wedding was coming together nicely, everyone doing their part to ensure it went off without a hitch. KiSean thought about his mother’s request for lunch. There was something going on with her, but she had yet to share it fully. He couldn’t fathom what might be wrong. She knew Tadjra, had known her for years. She loved her and they all got along fine. So why does your gut keep telling you there’s going to be drama. Exhaling quietly, he pushed it away deciding to deal with it tomorrow when they met. His mind went to Asia and Rondé. He, along with everyone else, were shocked to learn of her pregnancy. Secretly KiSean hoped her having a baby would make Tadjra more open to them starting a family quickly after they wed. He knew she wanted kids, but she was talking a wait period of three or four years before that happened. KiSean’s timetable ran more along the line of a year, max.
“Man, who saw Asia and Rondé having a baby?”
Mister laughed aloud at KiSean’s observation.
“I know I didn’t, but honestly Asia seems to be the best thing to happen to Rondé. He’s done a full turnaround in the right direction.”
“True story. You and Tedj talked about kids and when you gonna have any?”
“Briefly. We’re pretty much on the same page, when it happens it happens.”
KiSean frowned marginally.
“So right after the ceremony?”
Mister laughed anew.
“Something like that. Tedj is gonna come off the pill once we get married.”
KiSean wished Tadjra felt the same way. He didn’t let it anger him, however. He knew she loved him, and he was sure once they talked it over, she would change her mind and move the timetable up.
“Honestly, if it wasn’t for Tedj being on the pill, she would probably be pregnant already. Hell, when it came to her, being careful honestly was hard as hell.”
Both men laughed anew. KiSean understood. He was careful with Tadjra because of the drama she endured. Until she was fully well and discharged by the doctor, he wouldn’t have done anything to put her in danger.
Their meals arrived and they began to devour the food in front of them enjoying lively conversation about the latest sports scores, highlights, and players. They merged into the subject of the clubs and what the future held for them personally in the business arena. Mister tipped his hand slightly, the dark thoughts and desires remaining companion to his subconscious.
“I thought I might reach out to Scar, see how things are going.”
KiSean gave him a curious look before speaking.
“I didn’t realize you two were friends or anything.”
“We aren’t really. I’m just curious if he is able to run it as smoothly as Uncle Mook.”
KiSean fixed him with a new look.
“I don’t even want to know what you might be contemplating. I’m just going to say leave it alone Michael, seriously. That world is dangerous and out of our league.”
Mister exhaled.
“You aren’t curious KiSean? Not even a little? I mean that last transaction, it just ….”
“I get it Michael, really I do, but I also know things have changed a lot since dad and our uncles were out there like that. Its why dad let it go.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“But I guess it won’t hurt to call Scar, see what’s up, just make sure it ends there, for real.”
“Definitely. Nothing more, I promise.”
“I have my eye on the building where the sandwich hut used to be.”
“Yeah? You gonna buy it? I didn’t think you were interested in owning a restaurant.”
“They can be a headache, but with it being that close to campus, it can be a goldmine.”
“True, true. You need a partner?”
KiSean chuckled.
“Sure, let’s go by there after we eat, make some notes. We can sit down with dad and Uncle Riq later, get their take.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Engrossed in conversation they never noticed the two women advancing toward them. The voice broke their planning, plunging KiSean unpleasantly into his past.
Audra took in the surprise on his face after she and Lisa said hello. There was something else too. He seemed to be irritated by her presence. Can’t have that. You need to smooth whatever is bothering him over.
“It’s really nice to see you again KiSean, it’s been a while.”
“You too Audra. You work near here?”
“Mmhmm, a couple blocks away actually. Accounting executive.”
“Oh, great you found something in your major. This is my cousin Michael.”
“Hi Michael, this is my friend Lisa.”
He, like KiSean, was cordial but aloof. This might be just a bit harder than she imagined. Determined not to fail however, Audra plunged forward.
“I hear congratulations are in order.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Lisa spoke up now, addressing Michael.
“I hear you’re engaged too.”
He smiled marginally.
“KiSean I see your dad opened a new club. Renaissance is amazing.”
“Thanks Audra, it’s a great place. He and my uncle own it.”
“Oh really? I didn’t know that you had any uncles.”
“Yeah I have a couple.”
“Michael when is the big day?”
Audra noted him regarding her friend with a mixture of amusement and contempt. These princesses have these guys fully fooled.
“In about six months, same day as KiSean.”
“Oh cool. Double wedding?”
“Well it was nice meeting you Michael, best wishes on your wedding, you too KiSean.”
“Thanks. It was nice meeting you too.”
With the words Lisa turned and began making her way out of the restaurant. It was Audra’s hint to follow suit.
“Take care guys, and KiSean you’ll have to let me take you to lunch or dinner to celebrate and to thank you.”
“Thank me for what?”
“For being such a great help when we were in school. I don’t think I would have gotten through a couple of those classes without you.”
“It’s all good Audra, no thanks needed.
Taking the hint and conceding defeat for now, Audra gave them both a perfunctory smile, following her friend toward the front and their respective offices. As they walked the short distance back, they talked.
“Not exactly the warmest welcome.”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t rude at least, and his cousin was pleasant to us.”
“Mmhm, but I want far more from KiSean than a warm welcome.”
Lisa burst into laughter at her friend’s candor.
“Oh trust, I get it. I definitely plan to scheme my way onto his cousins dick.”
Audra’s mouth dropped as she absorbed her friends’ words.
“Girl what? He’s fine. I may not want to marry him like you do KiSean, but shit, some dick and long money can get a girls attention every time.”
“Well damn, okay so we need to come up with a plan.”
“Yep. Let’s get together after work, hit up happy hour and lay down some strategy.”
For Audra the walk just became lighter. With her girl on her side helping, they would get what they wanted and deserved, both the spoiled princesses and their broken hearts be damned. Arriving, they hit the elevator stepping off on their floor. They worked on opposite sides of the expansive office suite.
“Hit me up when you’re getting ready to walk out.”
“Okay girl, don’t be over there drawing KiSean’s name all over your papers and shit.”
“Mmhm, you don’t be over there drawing Michael’s schlong all over yours.”
Both cracking up, they bid each other goodbye, putting on their corporate assimilation behaviors and making their way to their desks. Five o’clock couldn’t get here fast enough.