Jared and Morgan Piper have a wonderful marriage. They’re in love and happily planning to expand their family. Jared’s best friend, Brian Holbrook, is a man on a mission. He’s focused, driven, and determined never to let another woman hurt him the way, Shonna, his ex, had. Trinity Sorenson, best-selling author and Morgan’s best-friend is dealing with hurt of her own in the loss of her husband, Michael, the love of her life to a fatal car accident. Hoping to bring them together, Jared and Morgan secretly arrange a chance encounter during a Magic’s home game. To Morgan’s chagrin, there are no sparks. Disappointed she begins to plot new ways to bring the two together, convinced they are destined. Jared knows his friend Brian very well. He’s seen something his wife missed and believes Brian is more than a little interested in Trinity, but knows he’s slower than molasses to make a move. Which one is right? Are the two really perfect for each other, or will they simply be two ships passing in the night? ***Authors Note – this is a novella or extended short story.
The Best Intentions
Jared Piper was on the phone with his personal assistant trying to tie up loose ends. In a few days his wife, Morgan, would celebrate her thirty-first birthday. He was throwing her a huge surprise party. Smiling inwardly at his genius, managing to keep it a secret from her, Jared reflected on their life together. He and Morgan were married for the last nine years, after dating for two. They met at the book release party of her best friend Trinity. Jared thought Morgan to be the most beautiful woman he ever lain eyes on. He definitely wanted her. Managing to score her number under the guise of a friend who needed a literary agent, Jared asked her out to lunch. Coming clean with her about his true intentions, Morgan continued to see him. Their love affair connected deep and instantaneous from the start. Jared popped the question a year later, with them having a long engagement, marrying the next year. They remained blissfully happy.
He smiled again thinking of their decision to finally start a family. Jared couldn’t describe how excited he found himself thinking of the prospect of them leaving couple-hood behind, enjoying family-hood instead. His phone rang. He smiled seeing Morgan’s number on the caller ID.
“Hey baby.”
“Hey you. I wanted to see if you found anyone for the other ticket we have to the game tonight?”
Jared frowned slightly having forgotten all about it. They held season tickets for the Magic. Tonight they had two extras.
“Who are you bringing?”
The question flowed in an effort to buy time and think.
“If you can believe it, I actually managed to talk Trin into coming.”
Jared was impressed. Trinity Sorenson was Morgan’s best friend. A very sweet, attractive woman, who unfortunately experienced very deep tragedy at an early age. The pain caused her to basically withdraw from life socially.
“Wow, that is quite the achievement.”
An idea came to mind.
“I’ll see if I can talk Brian into coming.”
”That sounds good. Both of them could use a good night out.”
Jared readily agreed, musing aloud.
“They would actually make a great couple.”
Morgan giggled at his statement.
“I agree. We can’t let them know we’re trying to set them up though.”
Jared again agreed with her observation.
“That would definitely be the kiss of death.”
The two of them conspired a while longer before hanging up. Jared continued to smile as he dialed Brian’s number, praying he could convince his bestfriend to come with him tonight.
Ladies Night
Morgan sighed casually as they enjoyed a hot stone massage.
“Girl I feel totally invigorated.”
Trinity arrived as promised early Saturday morning and they headed to J Michaels for breakfast. The trendy, upscale eatery served all sorts of breakfast cuisine in a warm, friendly atmosphere. So far Trinity managed to keep Morgan’s mind completely off the fact that Jared was out of town working. She smiled internally as that thought left her mind. They were doing an exquisite job of keeping her best friend in the dark about her surprise party. Trinity secretly texted Jared all day of their various whereabouts and activities. That ensured they didn’t bump into each other while running errands or the like.
“What movie are we going to see when we leave here?” Trinity chuckled hearing the sleep in Morgan’s voice.
“It’s your day, so it’s all your choice.”
Morgan grinned, facing her now.
“I like the sound of that very much.”
Trinity laughed and closed her eyes enjoying the heat from the stones.
Morgan watched her best friend with her eyes closed, looking extremely happy and relaxed. I so hope she and Brian really break the ice and get to know each other. Morgan thought of the impending dinner party she planned before Trinity resumed her book tour. Sighing acutely, she once again felt impotent. Unable to say anything to her friend about the man she thought would make her the perfect companion. She and Jared agreed not to push. They would simply make sure they ended up in the same place at the same time often and pray that nature did indeed take its course. Two stubborn, blind, mice. Morgan chuckled silently at the visual. Her thoughts abruptly turned to the subject of her becoming pregnant. She didn’t know why, but there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind that told her it would be a challenge. Jared assured her she would have no trouble conceiving and simply needed to relax. I pray he’s right. The sadness tried to descend. She was 31 now. Her biological clock was screaming.
Brian ran around with Jared doing last minute errands for the party tonight. He acknowledged his friend’s jovial mood infectious. He endured a long night last night, plagued with constant dreams and memories of Shonna and what once was. Why can’t she stay the hell out of my dreams? He cut his ties with Shonna and their once relationship a long time ago. He hadn’t seen her, inquired about her, or wondered about her at all in the last two years. The first year after the breakup was really hard. He saw her constantly at one function or another with Kevin. Brian acknowledged at first it categorically hurt. Now all he wanted was peace. If only his subconscious would cooperate. They entered the party store and started browsing the various aisles terminating the thoughts fully.
“We need noise makers.”
Brian chuckled and headed off to find them for his friend.
While browsing for the item, his mind began to race again. He wondered if he would ever be doing the same thing for his wife one day. Planning surprise parties, planning a family together and all the things couples do. He pushed the thoughts from his mind, grabbing ten packages of the shiny paper and plastic noisemakers joining Jared at the front counter.
“I need 150 balloons total.”
Jared gave the request as the young woman at the counter gave him an incredulous look.
Brian smiled slightly when Jared turned his back talking on his phone. The young woman called for backup. He watched as they began blowing up the multi-color latex and attached strings to them.
“Morgan is going to love this party.”
“I hope so. I just want her to be happy.”
Brian called him on it, hearing a tone. Loosing a troubled breath Jared told him about Morgan’s fears of being able to conceive.
“Has she ever had female problems?”
Jared shook his head no.
“I asked her the same thing. She says it’s just a feeling she has.”
Brian nodded sympathetically.
“Well, I say the cure to that is a good old-fashioned pregnancy.”
Jared burst into laughter.
“I agree, and trust me, I’m definitely trying to do my part.”
They continued to chortle.
Forty-five minutes later the balloons were inflated and tied into several eye pleasing bouquets. Paying for and gathering all their purchases, Brian and Jared headed to the Infiniti truck. Standing outside the lift gate they tried to figure out how they were going to get all the balloons inside.
The day seemingly flew by Trinity thought as she and Morgan readied themselves to hit Vista’s. The movie was good. A slasher flick Morgan spent most of her time hiding from and a nice leisurely dinner completed the evening. Trinity checked her reflection in the mirror, once again liking her look. They visited the hair salon early in the day. Her hair hung in soft cascading curls framing her face and accentuating her eyes. She applied the makeup sparingly, wanting to enhance, not overpower her look.
“Damn Trin, you been holding out on me.”
Morgan took her friend in wearing the azure party dress. Form fitting, it hit all Trinity’s curves with pinpoint accuracy. The crisscrossed, deep plunge neckline showcasing her breasts drew their own share of attention commanding their audience.
“Whatever, Morgan.”
Trinity blushed as Morgan continued to chuckle.
“You look really pretty yourself, and does Jared know you own that dress?”
Morgan’s dress was firehouse red, thigh length and tailor fitted. Her own neckline left little to the imagination as her push up bra did its job as only an overachiever can. The silver stiletto’s set the entire presentation off, complimenting the matching silver jeweled accessories added.
“He bought it for me. So, I would say yes he knows.”
She stuck her tongue out at Trinity. They both laughed aloud at the antics.
“Well since we’re ready and it’s still only 10:30PM, what say we stop by Faccia’s for a little while first, give Vista’s a chance to get popping.”
Morgan immediately took the bait.
“Yeah girl, that sounds like a plan, have a glass of wine or something.”
Smiling internally once again at how well the plan was taking shape, Trinity followed Morgan to the parking garage as they got into Morgan’s Benz and headed downtown to the jazz club and her best friends surprise birthday party. Trinity’s mind raced as she rode. She pondered the fears and insecurities Morgan shared with her earlier about having children. Trinity harbored the feeling there was something not being fully disclosed, but she wouldn’t pursue it. Obviously Morgan told her all she felt comfortable sharing. Trinity respected that. Please God, Morgan and Jared are wonderful people and they would make wonderful parents. Give them the gift of a precious little life to raise, please. Trinity ended the prayer opening her eyes seeing Faccia’s in view.
Jared looked at his phone and smiled.
“They’re here.”
Brian relayed the information to the DJ. He began to quiet the crowd.
Jared walked to the front of the club where she and Trinity cleared security headed his way. Stepping out of her line of sight into the shadow afforded by the lighting, he waited until Morgan stood directly in front of him, her back to him. Looking her over Jared smiled and licked his lips loving the sexy red dress and the shapely butt his eyes were glued too. Shaking himself, he stepped close to her ear and spoke.
“Damn, does your husband know you’re out looking like five million bucks tonight?”
Morgan spun around, hearing the seductive tone, recognizing the voice, smile spread from ear to ear.
She hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed her passionately.
“They just met.”
Trinity threw out the quip to the few people gawking as they passed by.
Hearing her, they ended the kiss the laughter erupting.
“Well I had to say something.”
“Trin, you tricked me!”
“Maybe just a little.”
Jared took her hand.
“You ready to go inside baby?”
Morgan remained all smiles as she held his hand and walked into the darkened club. As soon as they passed Brian, who remained out of Morgan’s sight, he texted the DJ to start the music. Suddenly the room was flooded with lighting, confetti, streamers, and balloons as the guests in attendance all yelled surprise in unison.
“Oh my god!”
Morgan beamed happiness. The wonder showed on her face.
“Happy birthday baby.”
“Oh wow babe, thank you so much for this, wow!”
Turning to her best friend another time, she playfully scolded her anew.
“Trin, you’re wrong, you know that right!”
Trinity chuckled.
With the music kicking in full steam again everyone began to dance. Jared paid a hefty fee to have the music offering changed for the evening from just jazz, to run the gamut, including R&B, hip-hop, salsa and more. Morgan was still smiling as Jared led her to the VIP table adorning her with the birthday tiara and sash he bought for her.
“You are so wonderful.”
They kissed yet again.
“Let’s dance girl!”
Jared laughed, dragging Morgan onto the dance floor.
Brian beamed as he grabbed himself a drink watching Jared and Morgan enjoy themselves. He was pleased his friend was able to pull off the surprise with everything coming together so nicely.
Shonna greeted him, having made her way to him from his blind side.
“Hi Brian.”
Turning he regarded the woman in front of him, undecided if he wanted to return the greeting.
“How’ve you been?”
Sighing somewhat he finally spoke.
“Hello Shonna. I’ve been fine. Why are you here?”
He made no attempt to hide his disdain.
Sighing now herself she smiled shortly and answered.
“I came with Lucas.”
He knew Lucas through Jared. They were work associates who occasionally socialized. She’s definitely making the rounds isn’t she?
“Well, enjoy yourself Shonna.”
Brian prepared to step away when she touched his arm prompting him to stay put a moment longer.
“Brian, I’m sorry I hurt you. I was really foolish then. All I want now is to perhaps be able to have a civil conversation.”
Brian continued to regard her as his mind raced. He discovered he was still angry, deeply, at the betrayal of three years ago.
“Shonna, frankly this is neither the time nor place to try and settle old grievances. Honestly, this is about as civil as its going to get between you and me.”
Lucas walked up as Brian finished his sentence and put his arm around Shonna’s waist looking in the man’s eyes. The greeting more challenge than welcome.
“Wassup Brian? Everything cool here?”
Lucas picked up the tension.
“Everything is perfectly fine as far as I’m concerned.”
With the words Brian excused himself leaving the couple standing alone.
“So you’re tryna get back with your old flame or what?”
Lucas’s temper flared making Shonna cringe interiorly.
Quickly explaining she only came over to say hello and be civil, Lucas threw her an evil look and walked away. Taking a deep breath her eyes filled with tears. Shonna blew it out slowly not wanting to embarrass herself any further by crying. Truthfully, she regretted every day the horrible way she treated Brian. She realized far too late what a good man he truly was. Her life spiraled downward since he broke off their engagement. Kevin dumped her, convincing his father to fire her. Shonna worked at various shipping companies for almost a year and a half before landing at the current position. It was nowhere near the heights she climbed before or the life she enjoyed with Brian. Now she dated men with money putting up with every manner of degradation and humiliation just to support her lifestyle. How stupid were you? She found him with her eyes once more, taking in his smile as he conversed with the other party attendees and Shonna again felt her loss.
Gavin already finished with three beers and four martinis’, was well on his way to feeling absolutely no pain. Turning to Lucas as they chilled and enjoyed a beer, he spotted the beautiful woman across the room.
“Say, who is that fine ass woman right there?”
“Trinity Sorenson. Morgan’s best friend.”
Gavin continued to take the woman in.
“Don’t waste your time. She doesn’t date, not since her husband was killed a few years back.”
Gavin asked for details and Lucas provided what he knew.
“Well, mourning period is over.”
He grabbed an extra martini from the bar heading over to Trinity talking to a group of people.
Gavin greeted her, finding her even prettier close up.
“Hi. I’m Gavin Henry.”
He offered the martini to Trinity.
“Thank you, but no.”
Undeterred, Gavin sat the other martini down and began conversing with the group. After a few moments more, everyone began to taper off, finally leaving the two of them alone.
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
Trinity frowned marginally.
“Um, okay.”
“Why are you depriving the world of such a beautiful woman by not dating?”
Trinity sighed. She hated moments like this. Even though she was slowly coming around to the idea of dating, this guy would be on a long list of no way.
“I just don’t feel the need to date right now.”
Gavin nodded slightly still regarding her before speaking again.
“Still, you must get lonely, want some companionship, sex.”
Trinity blushed a touch.
“Mr. Henry, I really think this conversation is getting a bit too personal, perhaps we should end it.”
Gavin was really beginning to push her buttons and Trinity didn’t want to cast a cloud of any sort over Morgan’s party by losing her temper.
He downed the second martini now as well, bringing his total to six. He was good and drunk after adding the alcohol to the beers consumed previously.
“Come on now Trinity, you’re a sexy woman, still young, so I know you get hot, wet, and ready, on a few nights.”
He winked lewdly at the end of his sentence.
Trinity scowled breathing a bit harder, but still tried to maintain some semblances of professionalism. She surmised that perhaps Gavin had far too much to drink, accounting for his boorish behavior.
“This conversation is over.”
Trinity turned to walk away.
Gavin grabbed her arm, yanking her back to him, hissing angrily in her ear.
“Stop tripping.”
She never saw him coming, but suddenly Gavin was pulled off her and she saw Jared’s angry face glaring at him.
“Why do you have your hands on my sister?!”
“Man, we were just talking.”
Gavin got an attitude at the harassment he felt Jared gave.
“It looked more like you were threatening her.”
Jared’s fury grew.
Morgan, oblivious to the drama, continued dancing with a group of girlfriends from the agency. Trinity wanted to keep it that way.
“It’s okay Jared.”
He held up his hand and she stopped talking.
“You need to leave Gavin.”
His tone was no nonsense.
“Look, she said it was okay, why are you tripping?”
Gavin’s own anger began to flare.
Lucas walked up at that exact moment, Shonna not far behind.
“Come on G, let’s go.”
Lucas stepped between him and Jared.
“This your friend Lucas?”
Jared’s attention now on Lucas, he waited for an answer.
“Yeah, man I’m sorry about the drama. He’s had a few too many.”
Groaning audibly, Gavin reluctantly walked away with Lucas, heading for the exit. Jared saw Shonna as Lucas snapped his fingers summoning her. Frowning severely he prayed that neither Morgan nor Brian glimpsed her.
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah I’m fine Jared.”
She smiled at him.
“Thank you, now go back to Morgan and the party.”
He exhaled deeply and nodded, hugging her before leaving her again, joining Morgan on the dance floor.