This is book 6 in the Thin Ice Series Family. It can be read as a standalone without reading Thin Ice (1-12) or Noir Frost (1-5) but a significant amount of the ‘history’ may be lost on the reader.
Never a fan of strolls down memory lane, Ice found them especially unnerving of late. Memories of Kiki seemed to burn everlasting scorching his present relationship with Teagan. Heart belonging to the woman for as long as he could remember, the ember remains burning. Their break clean, Kiki is living her best life with Tariq, while Ice remains locked in purgatory trying to stay afloat. Confronted one time too many with his loss Ice is flailing.
Teagan loves Ian with her whole heart. He loves Kaitlyn with his. She’s done everything she can to make up for the drama with Irelynn and be the best partner he could ask for. Loving, supporting, she sees to his every need and whim. What was she missing? Why wouldn’t he let go of his ex-wife and love her fully? Who could she turn to for help? Who would hand her the missing piece to the puzzle, the key to unlocking Ian’s heart?
Exhausted, at his wits end, Ice makes a paramount decision. Will he have the fortitude to follow through until the end, even if it gets uncomfortable? Only time and his determination to resolve his issues once and for all will tell. One way or the other he will have to navigate the looming fork in the road forever changing and redefining life as he knows it.
Taking a seat on the leather couch Ian ran his hand over the black material, gathering his thoughts as the man sat across from him in the armchair, observing quietly. Three minutes pass without speech between the two men. The latter breaks the silence.
“What do you hope to accomplish, Ian?”
Exhaling quietly, Ice thought the question over. It was already hard enough being here. He supposed he should at least get what he was paying for.
“I want to be free.”
“Okay, in what sense. What are you feeling enslaved to?”
Dr. Diiron Mangham observed his patient while the man struggled with an answer to the question. He knew Ian Bailey by reputation. To say he was surprised when the name showed up on his new patient log would be an understatement. He hoped the man came with the resolve to really work toward wholeness and closure. Diiron didn’t deal in cosmetics of therapy. He believed in doing real work, getting real results. Hearing the heavy exhalation of breath, he returned his attention to his patient.
“I have been in love with a woman for over two decades, nearly three at this point, and I can’t seem to get over her.”
“Why is that a bad thing?”
“Because it’s touching my present relationship, and …”
“It’s wasted time and emotion.”
“She’s with someone else?”
“Alright, so let’s start here. Why do you think you hold onto her? Can we use her name, or would you like to use a pseudonym?”
“Her name is Kiki, and I don’t know why I hold onto her. That’s why I’m here. I need to let her go so I can truly move on and stop self-sabotaging.”
“How are you self-sabotaging, Ian?”
“I compare every woman I meet, am involved with, to her.”
“Okay, but is that really because of your love for Kiki, or to protect Ian from having to fully commit one-hundred percent of himself?”
Stung, the question gave him pause. Was he actually doing that? Maybe after they broke up the first time, but now?
“I mean, I’ll admit I may have done that after we broke up originally, but…”
“Ian, sometimes things we think we’re over, things we think we’ve resolved, just aren’t. They raise their head at the worst possible time, but that’s because our subconscious knows we need to deal with them.”
“So you think I never got over the breakup? That I’m using it now to shield myself?”
“I think we’re going to fully explore all of that, and at the end you will be able to answer all those questions yourself.”
“I mean, I hope you’re planning to continue our sessions after today,” Diiron spoke, giving him a look.
“Yes, I plan to come back.”
“Good. I also need you to plan to work. I’m not that therapist that smooths everything over and tells you it’s great. I’m going to push you to figure out your feelings, plot your course going forward.”
“I understand, and I appreciate that.”
“Fine. Now tell me how you and Kiki first met. How did the attraction begin?”
Adjusting himself on the couch, Ian let his mind go back to his first seeing Kaitlyn. He described for Diiron the circumstances, his immediate attraction to her. In much more limited fashion he made the connection for the therapist of their fathers. Leaving out the illegal portions of their entanglement, he described how they came together.
“Hmm, so I understand seeing a beautiful woman and being attracted. Why though, did you feel the need to basically threaten her into the relationship?”
Ian shrugged.
“It was who I was at the time. When I saw something I wanted, I made sure I got it.”
“Yes, but Kiki wasn’t a something. She was a someone. Tell me about your mother, father. How was the relationship with them?”
The abrupt direction change took Ian for a loop. Engaging memory anew he thought about the years with them all together in one house. Admittedly they were pleasant and happy memories for the most part. He described them to Diiron, up until the divorce, he and Ryan being sent to live with Eason.
“How did you really feel about that?”
Diiron jotted notes after his question.
“Honestly? Sort of thrown away at first.”
“Because your mother let you leave?”
“Because she insisted on it.”
“Is your mother still alive?”
Ian didn’t add he was the one responsible for having her killed. He figured answering the therapist’s question was enough.
“Did you ever talk to her about it, later in life? Ask her why?”
“No. I didn’t have use for my mother after that.”
Diiron grunted making another note. Still very much cognizant of the man’s status, as well as whispered reputation, he spoke carefully.
“With that, I want to give you an assignment for our next session.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“I want you to write a note, a letter, to your mother….”
He saw the frown come, lifting a hand imploring his patient to let him finish.
“In it, I want you to be honest, brutally honest. Say any, every, thing you feel, but I want it to be how ten year old Ian felt. Not grown up Ian.”
Another heavy exhalation of breath. The man stood, Diiron continuing to observe him. Silence palpable, he wondered if this would indeed be the man’s first and last visit. Walking to the door, hand on the knob, Ian finally turned and acknowledged him again.
“Fine. I’ll see you in two weeks.”
Returning a small smile, Diiron nodded watching him walk out of the door. Jotting a couple more notes, he began dictating their session in his recorder, anxiously awaiting their next conversation.
Chapter 1
The conversation with Dr. Mangham, Diiron, as he insisted Ian call him, opened up memories best left undisturbed. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about Kaitlyn and what once was. What the hell does Raven have to do with anything? The assignment concerning his mother irritated him. Ian dealt with her treachery years ago. But did you really? The voice again belonging to Diiron in his head. Exhaling aloud he decided to humor the therapist and write the letter.
“He might be sorry when he reads it.”
Chuckling, Ian momentarily forgot about Kaitlyn. His subconscious, however, wasn’t here for it. The doctor opened the door. The memories planned to take full advantage of it.
“Again, Ice, what do you want,” she asked plainly making no attempt to hide her disdain at the moment.
Rising finally, Ian stood face to face with her, looking down into her eyes.
“Answer my question,” he told her his tone becoming more annoyed. “Are you screwing Tariq?”
He never took his eyes off Kaitlyn.
Still very much annoyed, she defiantly returned the stare before finally answering him.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I’m not fucking Tariq.”
“Mmph,” Ian threw back still regarding her. “Make sure it stays that damned way.”
He pulled her close, kissing her deeply.
Pulling away Kaitlyn pushed him, using the split second to grab the knife that happened to be lying atop her kitchen table. Ian was quick enough to grab Kaitlyn and twist her arm hard forcing her to drop the weapon.
“You were gonna cut me,” he asked angrily as he pushed her onto the sofa glaring at her.
“I don’t know why the hell you’re here Ice,” Kaitlyn began fully angry and holding her own. “But if it’s to screw me, cancel that thought. This is my body, and I decide who and when I give it up.”
She rose from the couch breathing hard, looking Ian directly in the eye.
The small smile played on his lips even now recalling the memory. Kaitlyn’s fire always turned him on. He apologized to her for how he originally pursued and forced her into their relationship. But I love her so much, always have. Ian caught himself, noting the declaration of his heart spoke present tense. What kind of magical spell was cast on him? Why couldn’t he stop loving her. Is it so wrong that you still do? Who is it hurting?
The woman didn’t deserve to constantly and consistently be second in his life. If he were honest, third. His love for his daughter superseded his love for her mother. Teagan continued to be nothing but good to him, and for him, over the years. She lied about the pregnancy, almost giving Irelynn away. He didn’t hold that against her anymore. He understood her thoughts, feelings. Oh yeah? Then why were you thinking of having a vasectomy and not telling her? Guilt slapped Ian hard. He was ashamed of the thoughts motivated by the unshakeable love he felt still for Kaitlyn. He thought of the babies they shared, as well as the pain of losing them. Ian smiled recalling the labor and delivery rooms, watching her bring his children into the world. Hearing their first breaths and cries. They were so fully happy. She was in love with him even then. An uncomfortable truth, Ian allowed it to stand. Must be how Teagan feels now, hmm? He never meant to hurt Teagan. Mmhmm, you never meant to hurt Kiki either, but you did. You always end up hurting people you claim to love.
Shaking his head no, Ian refuted the irritating subconscious. He loved Kaitlyn with his entire being. She just never seemed to be satisfied with their relationship. She wasn’t satisfied or you were insecure about Tariq? The stones being thrown were hitting him with each launch. Ian seriously began to waffle on his decision to seek therapy. If finding his way out was this hard, this painful, maybe he was better off simply locking the memories away. His subconscious laughed, launching yet another memory in response.
“KiKi, why are we fighting?”
“We’re fighting because my boyfriend has me under surveillance like a damned stranger he just met,” she yelled from exasperation.
“Stop this,” Ian told her harshly his own anger rising slightly. “You’re making yourself crazy about nothing. I’m crazy about you Kiki, I’m only trying to get everything in order for us,” he finished and pulled Kaitlyn to him.
She didn’t fight this time. Kaitlyn allowed Ian to hold her as she began to cry.
“Stop crying,” he told her gently as he dried her eyes and kissed her. “I do trust you Kiki. But you gotta trust me too, to do what’s best for us and our future.”
Swallowing hard, he turned onto the private drive. Undone from the journey down memory lane, he made his way slower than usual down the winding driveway to the house. He needed his mind clear when he arrived. Irelynn would definitely provide distraction. He was sure she already had the tea set ready, or whatever fanciful game she plotted for them today. Making a final mental note to reach out to Trey, Ian saw the house come into view, pulling into the driveway.
“Give me strength to get through this counseling, and this relationship.”
Every part of Teagan wanted to ask him about his day. She found out, accidentally overhearing his conversation with Ryan, about his therapy appointment. Teagan suspected the biggest issue he dealt with was his inability to let his ex-wife go. They were apart for years at this point, still Ian never fully let her inside his world. He thought he did a good job of pretending but Teagan was far from stupid. The faraway look in his eye when he gazed out of the window thinking himself alone. The way his face lit up when one of the twins would call, undoubtedly always finding a way to work a question about their mother into the conversation. What is it about this woman he just can’t let go of? She left him at one of the lowest points in his life. Her subconscious quickly reminded her it was also Kaitlyn’s lowest point as well.
The hurt came anew with Teagan recalling the woman’s name slipping from his lips at the most intimate of times. She’s the reason he won’t have another child with you. Tears burned her eyelids as she shut them tightly daring the water to spill beneath them. All she wanted was to make Ian happy. For them to be happy together. Maybe you should have a conversation with her? Biting her bottom lip as she thought about it, Teagan just as quickly dismissed it. How absolutely pathetic would she look going to her man’s ex to ask her how to get him to love her freely.
Is she somehow leading him on? Giving him false hope? Teagan didn’t think they communicated, but she could be wrong. Ian made lots of calls alone in his study, in his car. He kept his phone locked, not sharing the access code with her. It wouldn’t be unusual. They had children together, shared a deep and abiding bond. She’s married to the father of her twins. Teagan grunted aloud. That might be the reality, but that didn’t mean she still didn’t have feelings for Ian. He more than certainly had them for her. Ian wasn’t the type of man to carry around unrequited feelings. Not for years at a time. No, there had to be more to it. Kaitlyn must have said, or done, something to make him believe they had a chance again. Okay, if she did, now what? You can’t compete with her and how he feels about her.
Feeling the furious impotence rising, Teagan headed to the kitchen. Mrs. Shapiro was off tonight. She would make Ian’s favorite meal, lamb chops. She wasn’t a baker at heart, but Ian loved the coconut cake from the new upstart bakery in town. Pulling out her phone she called ordering the cake, then arranging the delivery. She would make their time together special tonight, maybe get him to open up a bit. All she needed were a few details, then she could make plans how to combat the woman trying to destroy her world. Ian gave her a wonderful life, a beautiful daughter. Teagan didn’t plan to give up either one without a fight.
Irelynn’s laughter dispelled the darkening thoughts, her daughter running into the kitchen moments later. Ian entered behind her the smile remaining on his face. Teagan returned the gesture before giving her daughter her attention.
“What are you up to, madame?”
“I beat daddy at checkers!”
Teagan dramatically placed her hand on her chest, giving her daughter an impressed look. Cutting her eyes at Ian she saw him chuckling silently as he stepped to the fridge removing a beer.
“That’s very impressive. I guess I shouldn’t play with you then.”
“Don’t be a chicken, mommy.”
Giggling Irelynn left them alone headed to the den to enjoy television time until dinner. Alone, Teagan carefully set about gauging Ian’s true mood.
“We’re having lamb chops for dinner.”
“Mmm, good choice. What’s the occasion?”
She laughed nervously hoping he wouldn’t see right through the façade.
“No occasion. I just wanted to make my man his favorite meal. Is that okay?”
Ian shrugged walking over, kissing her cheek.
“Thank you, that’s sweet. I’m going to my study until dinner. Knock out some work.”
“Okay, shouldn’t be long.”
She held the smile until he walked away, her face falling in sadness and trepidation. He’s going to call her while he’s in there. Probably telling her all about therapy. Swallowing the hurt, Teagan continued preparing dinner. The thought hit her like a ten ton brick. Is he really going to therapy or is that their way of meeting? She wanted to dismiss the thoughts. He wouldn’t lie to Ryan, would he? That’s his brother. He probably already knows and they set up the whole conversation as a cover. Teagan shook her head no. Ian wouldn’t have known she overheard. Ian’s not stupid. He probably knew you would ask sooner or later, so he and Ryan had a conversation. The tears and despair descended anew. Irelynn once again saved her, gales of infectious laughter filtering into the kitchen from the family room. Standing up straight gathering her strength anew, Teagan made a second vow to go to war for what was hers. After dinner and dessert she planned to give her man some of the best lovemaking his body could handle. Ian needed to fully remember why they connected and what made them so good together.
Unable to sleep through the night, Ian found himself up at 4AM sitting in his office. Staring at the blank sheet of paper, pen lying next to it, he continued to sit. He was trying to find a starting place for the letter Diiron insisted he write. Thinking about his mother opened all the emotions he fought hard not to spill. Fear, abandonment, hurt, emptiness, they all held a space in his mental psyche surrounding the woman who gave him life. Deciding to just let his thoughts flow, Ian picked up the pen and placed it to paper.
I’m not sure what my therapist wants me to say here, but I’m going to honestly put my thoughts forth. You threw us, me, away like garbage smelling up your house. I never understood what I did that was so terrible you sent me away. What made Jalen so much better that you kept him? I spent the first three months secretly crying myself to sleep because I missed you.
Yes, I did love you at one time, but that love slowly gave way to the cold hatred I felt that helped me cope knowing my own mother didn’t want me. You said you loved me, once. Well at least I can only remember the one time. Every time I would come to your house, you made me feel unwelcome. You wouldn’t even let my brother, my twin brother, play with me. You always sent him away like I was some kind of plague.
How do you think that made me feel? I was your child too. It wasn’t my fault Eason divorced you. I didn’t even know why we left. At 10 you made me feel worthless, unlovable. I know I should have cleaned my side of the room like you told me or taken out the trash. I didn’t mean to leave my muddy shoes in the hallway when it was raining outside. I tried to eat all my food like you told us, but I didn’t like peas that much. I never intended to be bad. Is that why you stopped loving me?
Saddest part is I could never gather the nerve to ask you why. I was scared of the answer. I didn’t want to hear you say out loud you hated me. That you regretted having me as your child. You were so cold every time I saw you. After a while I thought that was how you showed love. Or maybe that’s how mothers, women showed love.
A part of me hates you Raven, but a small part of me misses you. Wishes I had gotten to spend more time with you. I wanted what the other kids had. I wanted someone in my corner fighting for me, telling me I was a good boy. That I was smart, funny, handsome. I never heard any of that from you. All I ever remember after we left is emptiness where my mother should have been.
Dropping the pen, Ian sat back in the chair. Wrung out, his emotions raw, he took a deep breath blowing it out slowly. He felt naked, not liking the feeling at all. Folding the letter he opened his top drawer extracting a small manila envelope. Placing the written pages inside he sealed it with the clasp, placing it in the bottom drawer, locking it. His phone chimed and he glanced at it seeing the text from Ryan. Noting the time Ian was shocked to see it well after 6AM. He didn’t think he had been writing that long. He supposed it could have been however, stopping every now and again to gather himself. The letter opened wounds he thought healed, leaving him exposed. Diiron’s question about Kiki returned anew. “Okay, but is that really because of your love for Kiki, or to protect Ian from having to fully commit one-hundred percent of himself?”
“For her, I would have committed one million percent of myself.”
Sighing, no closer to closure on his feelings for Kaitlyn, Ian admonished himself to have patience. This was a first step. He trusted the therapist to lead him down the path of deliverance from the curse of his unwavering love for the woman. Hearing Mrs. Shapiro begin moving around in the kitchen Ian rose headed that way. While liquor was his first choice, the coffee he smelled brewing would suffice for now.
Chapter 2
Turning the corner the smile reached his lips before he could stop it. Luckily no one noticed and he was able to corral the rogue emotion before reaching the group sitting at the table.
“Hey, what’s up Trey,” Zander spoke, giving him dap.
Zander Vickers was Trey’s best friend. They met his freshman year, growing cool over the year. Inseparable mostly in sophomore and junior years, they were celebrating Seniorhood this year.
“Not much man, ready to get this project done for Lit.”
“Sheeit, yeah, I hear you. Who you partnered with?”
Smiling impishly, Zander gave Trey a look.
“Oh really now? I’m sure you’re not upset about that part.”
The smirk answered the question as he saw the two women come inside. Zander rose headed to the counter to get their coffee’s. Trey took the time to look Karaeya over slyly. The frown overtook him seeing the man walk up putting his arm around her waist. Blake Hickman. Karaeya’s boyfriend. Trey didn’t understand what she saw in the guy. He was a jock. Basketball team, loud, arrogant. She could do way better. His subconscious laughed telling him green wasn’t his color. From the bits and pieces he could pull together, they were dating for the last year or so. Before his mind could travel to any dark places, he saw Zander walk over throwing a head nod in his direction. Karaeya nodded yes, Zander walking away. Trey inconspicuously watched a moment longer, the kiss exchanged stoking the slow burning anger. Swallowing it he put the smile on his face when Karaeya joined them at the table hanging her purse on the chair, dropping the bookbag onto the floor.
“Hey guys. Trey, I hope you’re ready to work,” she teased giving him a look.
“I’ll do my part.”
“Mmhmm, see that you do,” she continued to laugh.
He loved her smile, the sassy attitude. Of course every silver lining came with a cloud. She arrived ten minutes into their conversation.
“Sorry I’m late, what did I miss?”
“Hey Candice, girl nothing. We were just about to start. You and Zander are partners?”
“Mmhmm, yeah. Hey Zander. Hey Trey.”
Ignoring the tone and the doe eyes, he returned a dry hello as Zander fully ignored her. His friend told him the woman had a crush on him six months ago. Unfortunately she couldn’t seem to catch the clue that he wasn’t interested. Not even for some head? Trey dismissed it. He held no aversion to getting deep throated, he just knew she and Karaeya were close. The last thing he needed was her thinking him interested in her girl. Trey didn’t sweat it. There were at least three other girls he kept in rotation for release services.
“Okay but first things first,” Zander threw out.
Trey chuckled knowing whatever was about to leave his mouth had nothing to do with their assignment. Grades good, Zander didn’t miss any opportunity to, as he put it, fully immerse himself in the college experience.
“Kappa’s are throwing a party tonight. Who’s going?”
Karaeya laughed, Candice joining her.
“I think me and Blake are going to pop in.”
Trey made sure his face didn’t betray his irritation. Candice fixed her gaze on him. Shit, don’t ask me to go with you.
“You going Trey?”
“I don’t know yet.”
He of course was going, especially knowing Karaeya would be there.
“Oh okay, I might pop in. I have to work though, so depends on when I get off.”
Thank you. Trey sent the silent gratitude to the Universe, adding a rider that she have to work late. Candice was a cute girl, she just wasn’t his type. Biracial, her mother black, father white, she had the light complexion, wavy hair that many of his friends seemed to think made her a premium catch. She had a body, that much he gave on, but Trey liked his women mocha, like his mother. She’s not your real mother. Frowning, he pushed the thought away. Kaitlyn was the only mother he knew, and he loved her. His father showed him photos of Gabrielle, but other than knowing who she was, Trey felt no connection. Being raised with Kaitlyn in the home molded his every expectation and desire when it came to a mate. Karaeya definitely fit the bill. He appreciated the effortlessly flowing sun blessed skin every time he saw her. Big beautiful sparkling eyes that twinkled when she laughed. No slouch herself, Karaeya’s body made his libido stand and take notice whenever he thought about her.
“Girl, when are you going to quit? We’re seniors now, you still need that change,” Karaeya questioned.
“I only have another month. I want to put up my nest egg girl.”
He didn’t comment money not being a concern for him. His tuition was paid faithfully, with money deposited into his account weekly for his pleasures. Everyone isn’t a trust fund baby. He frowned marginally. Trey admitted he was a bit spoiled. His father, and Kaitlyn before she left them, went out of their way to make sure he wanted for nothing. That’s not fair. She still calls, facetimes, and invites you to visit. Grudgingly, Trey gave on that point. It wasn’t the same though. He loved his little sister, and Teagan was nice enough. She wasn’t his mother though. Let it go. She’s happy with him. Feeling the irritation grow, he spoke up wanting to escape his thoughts.
“Any ideas on the project, Karaeya?”
Sipping the cappuccino she remained thoughtful for a few moments before speaking aloud.
“I was thinking maybe using The Marrow of Tradition as our central working point.”
“Hmm, never heard of it.”
She smirked giving him a look, making him laugh aloud.
“Trust me, you’ll like it. You want a paperback copy or eBook?”
“Um, eBook would probably be easier to work with.”
Nodding she opened her phone. He got the notification two minutes later. Reading the cover, he smiled somewhat. The book looked interesting. Her phone vibrated and she glanced at the message.
“Gotta go peeps. Zander, I’ll see you tonight. Candice, I hope to see you. Trey, well, we’ll connect.”
Laughing with her, he nodded as she gathered her things and headed for the door. Candice turned to Zander engaging him in conversation while Trey continued to roll plans around in his head. Before he left campus after graduation, Karaeya Dennis would be a long term fixture in his life.
As was typical, Candice found herself on the phone with Karaeya bemoaning her inability to gain Trey’s attention. She was crazy about him, but she may as well have been invisible.
“What am I doing wrong, Raeya?”
“I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, Candice. I mean, maybe you should try talking to him first.”
“I do talk to him…”
“No, not that how was class, or did you pass that test, type of talking. Ask him out, girl this is not the 50’s.”
She chuckled at the end of her statement, Candice lightly laughing. She wasn’t stuck on tradition. No, her issue was much simpler. Fear. She was terrified of him rejecting her. She told Karaeya the same.
“Okay, but you can’t live your life being scared, Candice. You said you like him. From what I can tell, and heard, he’s not dating, sooooo…..”
Another round of laughter. Karaeya spoke again.
“Tell him to meet you at the party. Notice I said tell him, not ask him.”
“What if he says no?”
“Tell him no isn’t an option. You’re going to have to just put it out there Candice, sheesh.”
“Okay, I’ll think about it.”
She heard the heavy sigh, knowing what was coming next.
“No you won’t, you’ll chicken out and keep pining over this dude for the rest of the year. Remember we graduate in May. No do overs after that.”
“I know,” Candice whined. “Let me see if I can get this evil ass Bethany to cover the rest of my shift, then I can get out of here and at least look decent.”
“That’s the spirit. Go get your man, girl.”
Laughing with Karaeya she disconnected. Taking a deep breath Candice tried to shore up her insecurities. She garnered plenty of male attention. Just not the right males. Her father and mother both instilled in her the importance of choosing the right mate. “Most women find their husbands at college.” The words from her mother rang in her ear. Is that the only reason you want him?
“No. I actually like him,” she murmured aloud, seeing Bethany about to head her way.
She only worked the job because her parents insisted on her earning money for what they deemed accessories. Comfortable money wise, they paid her tuition and books without thought. “We’re teaching you real responsibility. The world isn’t going to just hand you anything.” Pushing the thoughts aside slightly irritated with settings like this, but not wanting to disappoint them, she pressed forward. Putting on her best smile she spoke to the woman as she walked into the kitchen. Giving her the usual evil once over, Bethany spoke.
“The answer is no.”
“Aww come on Bethany, you don’t even know what I want.”
“Sure I do. I heard about the frat party. Pretty sure you want to leave early, meet some jock or other.”
Candice wanted to let an evil retort fly from her lips. Bethany was over forty, a single mother of four kids, barely a high school diploma. She loathed the college kids who paid her salary. Every chance she got, she did something evil to make working at the restaurant a hellish existence.
“I only need to leave an hour early. Come on Bethany, its slow right before closing and you know it.”
“I don’t have time to stay late tonight. My kid’s sitter has to be gone by 11PM, no later.”
Defeated, Candice told her okay and walked away. Damn. Maybe she could still get to the party after she helped close. Surely it would still be going on. Yeah, but by the time you get there if he even showed up, he would be gone. She couldn’t get to the party, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t at least try to make some headway with him. Pulling her phone from her pocket she texted him. ‘Hey, so what did you decide on the party?’ Hitting send she prayed. The phone vibrated seconds later. ‘Not sure yet. You?’ Frowning she texted him her situation, doubtful she would get there. ‘I’m pretty sure they’ll still be partying, even that late.’ Was he inviting her? Telling her she should meet him there? ‘I mean yeah I guess you’re right, but…’ she left it open seeing if he would take the bait. ‘Text me when you get off, let me know if you’re up for going. I might meet you there.’ The smile stretched from ear to ear. Texting back that she would, Candice happily dropped the phone into her pocket, returning to work.
If she had her way, she would be taking her place by his side before they graduated and planning their wedding soon after.
“Mrs. Trey Bailey.”
Sounds good. Stepping over to the table of rowdy couples just seated in her section, Candice engaged them for a few minutes before taking their order. Retreating to the kitchen to place it, she thought about Trey again. Her parents would love him. Attractive, successful, rich, what wasn’t to love? Hearing the cook call her name, Candice snapped out of her revelry going back to work. She needed to keep her mind occupied so the time would pass. She couldn’t wait to get off.
Party in full swing Trey blended in perfectly. From his vantage point the object of his surveillance waxed easily seen. Eyes scanning the room he found Karaeya holding an animated conversation with some of the other attendees. The music on point, the house was jumping. Returning to his original objective he saw Blake look around for Karaeya, spotting her. Trey waited for him to go to her, but he didn’t. Paying rapt attention, he saw the perky blonde slide up beside him, hand on his crotch. Another quick glance at Karaeya, assured Blake she didn’t see him. Taking the blonde’s hand, he slipped out of the kitchen around to the back hall. Trey knew the house well. The Kappa’s courted him hard when he arrived on campus. He hadn’t pledged anything since arriving, though he thought he might since it was his senior year. Kappa was perhaps third on the list after Omega Psi Phi and Alpha Phi Alpha. Pushing away from the wall, Trey casually made his way to the hallway and the stairs leading to the basement. There were two or three rooms the brothers reserved for sexcapades. Everyone enjoying themselves, no one questioned his movements.
Descending the stairs, Trey carefully began making his way down the semi darkened hallway. Putting his ear to the door of the first room, he heard the sounds of flesh meeting flesh. Taking a chance he slowly turned the knob, the door giving without effort. Peeking through the crack he managed to make, the bodies in bed instantly let him know they weren’t the target he sought. Just as quietly closing it back, he moved to the next room. Glancing around he noted the third room all the way at the end of the hall, the darkest part of the area. Following his gut, he went to that one first. Praying to be lucky again, he put his hand on the knob and turned it. As before, the door gave without sound. The occupants fully consumed with their activities never noticed him. Pulling out his phone Trey positioned it, the lighting just enough to make the video viewable. Blake, head back, hand on the blonde hair guiding her head as she sucked his erection. The girl was no novice, skillfully eliciting the moans and groans from him as she continued her work. Four minutes in Blake tensed shooting his load, the blonde swallowing before rising from her knees. Not wanting to get caught, Trey hurriedly removed the camera swinging to his right instead of his left, blending into the darkened shadows. Blake and his head mistress left the room twenty seconds after he stepped away.
Waiting to make sure they were gone, Trey came back into the basement turning his phone on and viewing the video. He decided to hold it for a while. He wasn’t sure if Blake getting some head was enough to break them up. He would be patient. If Blake was bold enough to get sucked off with his girlfriend at the same party, Trey was more than sure there was a chick, or chicks, somewhere he was sliding inside of. She deserves so much better than this loser. As much as he didn’t want to see her hurt, Trey had to sever the ties between the two of them for good. He would be her shoulder to cry on, slowly bringing her around to the idea of them being together. She has Candice’s shoulder to cry on. He frowned thinking about the girl. She texted him twenty minutes ago saying she was on her way. Trey began making his way toward the stairs, planning to slip out of the back door. He would tell Candice he didn’t see her and grew tired. Karaeya will tell her you were here. He didn’t sweat that. Karaeya hadn’t seen him. He made sure of that. Trey’s sole mission tonight was to confirm his suspicions and he did that. Coming out of the staircase fate had other plans.
“Hey Trey, I thought I missed you,” Candice spoke smiling as she stood right in front of him
Mustering the smile he greeted her.
“How long have you been here?”
“Only a few minutes. I was looking for Karaeya, but I….oh wait, I see her.”
“Go ahead and say hello. I’m going to grab something to drink.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
Trey waited until she moved halfway across the room before heading into the kitchen and out the backdoor. In his car halfway back to his apartment, he texted her. ‘Had to jet, dad called, emergency. I’ll catch up with you later.’ As he expected, she texted back immediately asking if she could do anything. ‘No, everything will be fine. I’ll talk to you later.’ He hoped she got the message and stopped texting. You’re going to have to do something about her. Trey exhaled heavily. He agreed with the subconscious. Trouble was, short of her disappearing he didn’t see anything changing. Well you could make that happen. He smirked. Trey pushed the dark thoughts aside. He knew a bit more about the family history than his father and uncles suspected. Deciding that for now he would simply ignore her, he turned into his complex. A little bit more evidence on mister cheater Blake, he would have all the ammunition he needed.
Admitting he wouldn’t have the time to keep up with the man continually, Trey contemplated hiring someone to follow Blake and report what they saw. Not a bad idea. Then your hands are fully clean. Grunting, he used the key and unlocked the front door coming inside. Heading into the kitchen he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting down and opening the laptop. Google provided him with several private investigators in the area. Trey liked two or three of them that specialized in domestic relations. Exhausted, the yawn hit him without warning. Stretching out on the sofa he closed his eyes breathing deeply, willing his body to relax. Karaeya looked really good tonight, body molding black dress hitting every curvy angle. Not wanting to spend another night with a raging erection, he prepared to hit the shower when his cellphone vibrated. ‘Hey stranger. It’s been a minute. Have you replaced me?’
“Right on time.”
Chuckling he texted them back asking if they wanted to come over. ‘Be there in ten minutes.’ Tossing the phone back onto the table, Trey went into his bedroom checking the condom supply. He hoped she was ready because he had a lot of tension and aggression to work out. Exactly ten minutes later the knock came to the door. Walking over he opened it inviting her inside. Closing it, he engaged the lock turning around to find the wrap dress on the floor, her nude body in full display. That’s what I’m talking about. All fun, no drama. Taking the condoms from his pocket, he dropped them on the table. Smiling, she took the t-shirt over his head, the jeans coming down next as she licked her lips picking up the condom. Sheathing him she went to work as Trey closed his eyes and visions of Karaeya danced behind the lids.