Noir Frost begins where Thin Ice 12 ends. It is unofficially known as Thin Ice 13-17.
Life, like time, moves on. Three years later every one of our warriors has found happiness, peace, and contentment, with the paths and partners chosen. Tariq and Kaitlyn celebrate as each day brings a new reason to smile, to laugh, to celebrate their lives and futures. Ian and Jylah are planning their wedding and children desired, yet to be born. All is well with everyone affiliated within the factions, the sky a continual shade of serene blue. There are however, dark debts of the past which time has neither forgotten nor forgiven. Fate has grown weary deciding it will no longer be denied it’s just due.
Nyko sipped the liquor, the warmth enhancing the small smile already playing on his lips. He arrived in Overton Park earlier this morning, checking into the expansive suite he was relaxing inside now. He liked the view of the city from the large plate glass window, his room on the 17th floor affording a very nice panoramic presentation. The suite was equally impressive with the dark teal and black accents, huge king bed, tasteful wall décor and diamond patterns covering the chair and settee inside the sitting area. Things were progressing nicely. He was meeting with Ice, Ryan, Sa’Cari, and their partners later this evening. This was the third meeting and if his gut were right, this one would finally pull the Bailey Brothers on board. What about your sister, his mind pressed. Kaitlyn, even after a full year and a half, still kept him distinctly at a distance. Nyko sighed presently, not wanting to think about it anymore. Aeneas assured him the woman wouldn’t be an issue. He only wished he believed it. Aeneas underestimates my sister, he again gave pause. He believed everything he found out about his father and his ruthlessness. Kaitlyn spent her entire life with Carlo. Nyko didn’t for one moment believe that the ruthlessness didn’t maintain residence somewhere deep inside her waiting to be released when activated. I need to find a way to get her to trust me, to let me inside that wall she has erected, Nyko continue to muse, rising from the chair, turning to head into his bedroom and a hot shower.
He stopped in his tracks hearing the soft knock on his suite door. Eyebrow raised in query, he wandered to the door and stood before it silently watching as if the door would move. The knock came again, disturbing his thoughts as he opened his mouth and spoke.
“Yes, who is it?”
The reply was soft and feminine, recognition bringing another smile to his face as he opened the door.
“Come in,” he spoke, looking into her eyes now.
“Drink,” Nyko offered pleasantly.
“Yes, please,” came the reply as she put her purse on the table and removed her coat.
“I didn’t know you were stopping by,” Nyko continued to chat pleasantly as he handed her the liquor.
“I didn’t either, it was a bit of an impulse,” she replied as he smiled at her and she downed the shot in one gulp.
“Problems,” Nyko questioned of the action.
“I shouldn’t be here,” she told him, voice wavering.
He finished his own drink, sitting up and regarding her silently, blue eyes probing every inch of her face.
“Then why are you,” he finally put in the air.
“I don’t know,” she replied as Nyko moved over to the small settee, and turned her face to his.
He leaned in kissing her lips, barely grazing them as his tongue flickered across the top lip and she quivered.
“I think you do,” he replied huskily, kissing her again, this time his tongue taking residence inside her mouth as she groaned and her body surrendered.
Nyko speedily stripped the clothing from her, the rampant lust filled desire bringing the same animalistic response from her as she returned the favor and they both found themselves naked and securely draped around each other as tongues continued to dance and fingers probed, orgasms loomed, and commitments imploded. Nyko pushed her legs apart, his manhood thick and hardened steel as it slid deeply inside her drenched opening, her muscles contracting around it entombing him within their walls. “Yesssss Nyko, mmmmm,” she moaned as he took her on one erotic journey after the other.
She didn’t understand it. It was if she were under a spell she couldn’t and didn’t want to escape from. He hit her clit again and she screamed with pleasure the orgasm hard and fulfilling, her entire body trembling from the force. Nyko took her arms holding them above her head, pinning her down, his thrusts deeper, faster, harder, as she opened herself wider wanting every bit he was offering.
“Mmm, god you’re so good,” she moaned as he reached crescendo his finish surging inside her and his movements ceased.
Returning to her lips Nyko kissed her, looking into her eyes now as the reality of what they did descended and he saw the fear.
“I have to go,” she spoke trying to rise as he held her securely in place.
“In due time,” he replied, voice hard and demanding.
As ashamed as she was to admit it, he turned her on and she felt herself dampening yet another time.
“I don’t care about your guilt,” Nyko told her, kissing her neck, biting it tenderly.
“This is what you came for,” he murmured kissing her ear as she moaned quietly.
“Yes,” she murmured unable to resist as he began moving inside her again.
The sex was slow and passionate with her reaching orgasm twice more. Nyko, pulled her closer, holding her once again immobile as he had his way with her, riding her high and deep, her body bowing with appreciation of the pleasure he brought. He finished some forty minutes later, body once again tensing before releasing. This time he allowed her to rise and dress. “
I’ll see you this evening,” he questioned having another drink.
“No,” she said calmly as he nodded and grunted a bit, standing next to her at the door.
“Soon then,” Nyko spoke, opening the door as she gave him a look, chewing her bottom lip before stepping out and he closed the door behind her.
“What the hell have I done,” Jylah murmured as she stood outside the door, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Chapter 1
Are you really going through with this, Ian’s mind questioned as he watched Trey from his office window playing on his jungle gym. There were two other little boys with him, both playmates from school. Ian allowed a sleepover this weekend at Jylah’s urging. He couldn’t really say he minded. The house was alive with the sound of all their laughter and play. Like when the girls were here hmm, his pesky mind zinged bringing a frown to Ian’s face. He returned his mind to original thought; the wedding. He managed to put Jylah off since their engagement almost two years ago, but she pushed hard a couple of months ago giving him dates and asking him to choose. Of course Ian went with the one that was farthest away. He was pretty sure Jylah knew he did it intentionally but she didn’t speak it aloud. Why not stop this farce and tell her the truth, the mind was again weighing in. After meeting Nyko and finding out who he was, everything shifted for Ian. This has nothing to do with her, his mind told him, Ian quickly dismissing it. Of course it did. Kaitlyn was Nyko’s brother, and any connection to him was a connection to her.
What about Jylah, she’s been good to you, his conscience now condemned. Ian sighed. He cared deeply for Jylah, even having a love for her on some level, but he honestly admitted as much as he tried, he couldn’t make himself fall in love with her. Yawning widely, Ian realized he was tired. Turning away from the window knowing the children were in good hands with Mrs. Connor, he walked over to the king bed and stretched out across it. Sleep took over as soon as his eyes closed and his mind relaxed. The dream came and seductively wrapped it’s arms around him, the abyss dark and sweet, bringing no fight from him as Ian was submerged in its depths and his will surrendered. “What are you doing here,” he asked as she sipped the drink. “Having a drink,” Kaitlyn replied simply. “KiKi, don’t play games, why are you in my house,” Ian questioned thrilled she was present but mystified why. She rose and walked over to him, standing directly in front of him. “Do you miss me Ice,” she questioned wispily. “Do you miss us, this,” she spoke taking his hand, as she moved it over her body, resting finally between her legs. “KiKi, baby, why are you teasing me,” Ian returned, his voice almost a moan, his desire evident. He realized then they were naked, and he could feel her wet warmth. “I miss it, Ice,” she replied, head on his shoulder, breath warm on his ear. “I still love you so much, but we’re wrong for each other Ice, why, why did it have to be this way,” she whined, moving her hips back and forth as his fingers pleased her. “KiKi, it’s not baby, I can make it right, I promise, just come back to me,” Ian replied, their lips joining now.
His cell went off and jolted him from the nap, having left the setting on high. Ian glanced at the instrument and saw Jylah’s name. He sent the call to voicemail, his breathing still rampant, the erection beginning to wane.
“What the hell,” he murmured finally gaining his composure.
You haven’t let go, his mind told him. Ian closed his eyes sighing intensely yet another time, raking his hand over his face. He couldn’t marry Jylah; he couldn’t move on until someway, somehow, he got this woman out of his system.
“How the fuck do I do that,” he growled angrily, hurt that he still held such a deep love for Kaitlyn without exit to release it.
Pushing it away he instead turned his attention to the meeting with Nyko tonight. The proposal was a good one; very lucrative for all involved. Ian didn’t like the idea of working with Tariq and his crew one bit, and let it be known during their first meeting. Nyko and Aeneas assured him however, that their venture had nothing to do with the former. “We’re very diverse Ice, very multi-dimensional,” Aeneas told him. “Yes, this would fall more along the lines of the counterfeiting that Mr. Lockhart has such vast experience in, and of course, some industrial and corporate espionage that will help us with certain patents and things of that nature,” Nyko eloquently explained.
Ian was very interested in branching out. The pharmaceuticals still did well for them, but it was an old business; one that required far too much energy and provided a constant threat of violence to them and their families. It was time to change the game just a bit. They would of course still reap benefits from their earlier years of labor, but they would become as powerful and influential as Ray with the venture they were being presented. That idea pleased Ian very much. His cell rang again and he saw Ryan’s name.
“What’s up,” he greeted his brother, the dream burrowing deeper and deeper into his forgotten subconscious.
“Not much, wanted to get together and talk before this meet,” he told him.
“Sounds good,” Ian returned. “Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you at Houligan’s.”
“Cool, I’ll call Sa’Cari,” Ryan added as they disconnected and Ian rose heading for the shower.
The dream thankfully didn’t replay itself or return to his consciousness as he showered and dressed. Will I see her again, Ian questioned, getting in the Benz. He left instructions with Mrs. Connors, telling her he was going out for a while. What happens if you do, his mind again questioned as he drove. Ian was deep in thought as he continued to drive toward his destination. Something had to give. He didn’t want to spend the rest of his life caught up with a woman who long since forgot him and the love they once shared. What makes you think she’s forgotten, the voice questioned, sounding very much like Aeneas. Ian blew out a deep breath and once again forced his mind away from thoughts of what if as he parked the Benz and got out going inside and finding a table, ordering a double shot of crown, while he waited for his brothers to arrive.
Jylah entered the house having seen Ian as he left moments earlier. She headed directly for the master bedroom, stripping and jumping into the shower. The tears came again, the guilt crushing her as she bathed and replayed the scene two hours earlier. What in the hell were you thinking, if Nyko tells Ice, you’re dead, her mind screamed as Jylah cried harder. She still couldn’t fully explain what came over her. She saw him the first time he came to Overton Park and met Ian. The man was absolutely beautiful, blue eyes and all. His mannerism and aura all permeated sensuality and unfortunately she allowed herself to get completely caught up. That’s not the only reason you screwed him, her mind again forced. Jylah inwardly admitted she was miffed over Ian’s constant stall tactics where their wedding was concerned. He finds out Nyko’s been in you, you don’t have to worry about that at all, her mind yet another time reminded. Jylah took a deep breath and pulled herself together. She didn’t believe Nyko would tell Ian; at least she prayed his desire to have the partnership with the man outweighed any desire to tell him the truth about their being together.
You can’t see him again, her mind told her as Jylah instantly agreed. The fire she was playing with was ten times hotter than a blacksmith’s. You take your pill, the fear spoke. She didn’t forget that twice Nyko stayed inside her, holding back nothing. Checking her pack quickly, Jylah was relieved to see the fear was unwarranted. She thought about stopping them and becoming pregnant so Ian would marry her quicker, but her common sense nixed that plan before she could make such a foolish mistake. Yeah like this afternoon was smart, her reasoning slapped her in the face. Her cell vibrated and she jumped, nerves on edge. Picking it up Jylah saw the text icon and clicked on it. ‘Today was exquisite, a nice beginning,’ Nyko texted. She wasn’t stupid. Jylah got the subliminal message contained. ‘I enjoyed you as well,’ she text back diplomatically. ‘That’s good to hear, and relax, Ice need not know anything about us just yet,’ he returned and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. The just yet in his message scared the hell out of her. What would Nyko eventually want from her? ‘Thank you for that,’ she texted back needing to stay on his good side right now. ‘I want to see you later tonight, arrange it, after the meeting,’ Nyko once again summoned.
Jylah didn’t know how she was going to make it happen, but she knew she better because she was caught between two very deadly men with no way out. ‘I’ll call you when I’m on my way,’ she texted yet another time. The instrument remained silent and she let go the breath she held, her mind once again racing. You should have never gone over there, her mind told her as Jylah sucked her teeth at the obvious.
“Well I did, hell now what,” she murmured aloud, dressing and heading downstairs.
She still didn’t know why she went. She overheard Ian when he and Ryan talked, that Nyko was here and where he was staying. She did the rest all on her own and now she was going to pay the price. The children were all in the playroom as she stuck her head inside and said hello.
“Hi Jylah,” Trey piped up.
“Hi Missus B,” the other two boys addressed her.
Normally filling her with joy to be referred to as Mrs. Bailey, the salutation stung her like a bee sting.
“Hi guys, how’s everything going,” she questioned desperately needing her mind on anything else.
“Good, we’re about to eat lunch,” Trey informed just as Mrs. Connors came into the room and admonished them all to wash up for lunch.
“Would you like to join them,” Mrs. Connors questioned Jylah.
“No, but thanks,” she returned, managing a chuckle.
Truthfully her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t have eaten if she wanted too.
“I’m going to go out for a little bit,” Jylah told the woman, who nodded her understanding as the children emerged from the bathroom and headed into the kitchen.
Jylah picked up her keys and went into the garage. Climbing behind the wheel of the convertible jag, she started the engine and backed out. Leaving the top up, she drove and took in the scenic highway, still trying desperately to soothe the raging fear and guilt that coursed through her body at the moment. Leave before he finds out, her mind spoke and the tears instantly sprang to her eyes.
“There’s got to be another way,” Jylah spoke aloud, unwilling and unable to let the man she loved go that easily.
Chapter 2
Kaitlyn glanced over at Tariq as he sipped the drink, frown still deep, lingering anger apparent.
“Baby, breathe,” she told him sweetly as his eyes found hers and the frown relaxed slightly.
“I know you’re pissed, but I think she got the message,” Kaitlyn again spoke as her husband drained his glass.
“I don’t like spanking them –,” he began as she cut him off.
“I know honey, but you know I’m behind you this time,” she assured.
“I’ll go check on her in a little while,” Tariq told her, his voice softening.
Kaitlyn smiled and nodded, saying nothing else. She knew he was feeling guilty about spanking Tedjra, but she certainly earned that punishment. Her latest fascination was playing with lit matches. They made a point of not keeping them in the house, with the exception of the fireplace matches, which they thought were far enough out of the children’s reach. Evidently not, her mind spoke as she rose and left Tariq alone in the den after a sweet kiss atop his head on her way out of the room.
She walked down the hallway to the twin’s room, pausing outside. “I told you not to play with those,” Tadjra was chastising her sister.
“I only did the one,” Tedjra whined in return.
“Yeah but you knew daddy said not to play with them, and you made him mad,” Tadjra again spoke.
Kaitlyn peered quietly inside the marginally ajar door. Tadjra was coloring, speaking matter-of-fact to her sister without looking up. That little girl is so much like me, Lord what did I do, Kaitlyn thought smiling faintly.
“Do you think he’s still mad at me,” Tedjra questioned fearfully.
Tadjra shook her head no.
“Daddy doesn’t stay mad, but you can’t play with the matches no more either,” she admonished as Tedjra nodded and joined her at the small table, opening her own coloring book.
“I’ll be good,” she told Tadjra who finally looked up at her.
“Why do you play with those matches anyway, burning hurts,” Tadjra questioned.
Tedjra shrugged. “I dunno, it’s just neat, and I don’t never burn myself,” she returned.
Kaitlyn frowned, praying her daughter’s fascination with fire didn’t turn into something more sinister.
“Still wrong,” Tadjra mumbled and went back to her picture.
Kaitlyn finally made noise and pushed the door open greeting both girls. “Tedjra, do you have any more matches hidden anywhere,” she questioned, giving her daughter a hard look.
“No mommy, I promise,” Tedjra quickly told her, eyes filling with tears.
Kaitlyn watched her a moment or two longer before nodding.
“You know what you did was wrong don’t you,” she questioned now.
“Yes,” came the soft reply, eyes on the floor.
“Daddy doesn’t like spanking you, you know that right,” Kaitlyn questioned pulling the little girl to her as she sat on the twin bed, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
“I know mommy,” she again spoke quietly.
“Matches can be dangerous honey, that’s why we don’t let you play with them,” Kaitlyn again patiently explained.
“Please, let this be the last time, okay,” she added, finger under her daughter’s chin, forcing her eyes upward.
“I promise mommy, I’ll be good,” she spoke, the tears spilling over and running down her cheeks.
“That’s good to hear,” Tariq spoke walking into the room.
Tedjra regarded him fearfully as he stood looking at her.
“Come here,” he spoke again as she swallowed hard and complied.
Scooping her up, Tariq hugged his daughter tightly.
“I love you,” he said simply as he clung to him, arms around his neck.
“I love you too daddy, I’m sorry,” she began, bursting into tears.
Kaitlyn took Tajdra’s hand and left them alone in the room, allowing them time to talk and reconcile in their own way.
“I’m glad to see you’re not following your sister’s lead,” Kaitlyn told her as they arrived at the kitchen and Tadjra climbed into the chair waiting for the cookies and milk promised.
“No mommy, I don’t play with matches,” she spoke as Kaitlyn put the Oreo’s in front of her, the cold glass of milk next to it.
Kaitlyn smiled and sat down across from her.
“Can we go shopping mommy,” Tadjra questioned.
Kaitlyn chuckled, wondering where the request came from.
“What do you need to buy,” she asked, enjoying one of the cookies herself now.
Tadjra shrugged.
“Nothing, I just like the stores,” she replied as Kaitlyn laughed aloud.
“Alright, I guess we can do that,” she replied. “I’ll get Taylin ready and we’ll go.”
Tadjra regarded her again. “Just us mommy,” she spoke, finishing the cookie.
Kaitlyn frowned, but didn’t chastise her. Lately Tadjra was extremely clingy and she wasn’t sure why.
“Honey, is there something you want to tell me, something wrong,” she questioned sensitively.
Tadjra drank the rest of her milk, again regarding her mother, before answering her question.
“I just like spending time with you,” she told her and Kaitlyn continued to watch her wordlessly.
She knew her children very well and there was more to the shopping trip than her daughter would say. Deciding not to push right now however, Kaitlyn simply told her to go and get ready. Tariq came into the kitchen moments later and she enlightened him of their plans.
“Sounds good, have fun you two,” he replied as Mrs. Holmes drove up.
Kaitlyn greeted the housekeeper as she came inside and let her know she and Tadjra would be leaving, as well as Tariq. That settled, she returned to her room, dressing and picking up her keys, finding her daughter ready and waiting by the front door when she arrived.
Taranga rubbed her temples, the headache was fierce and nothing she did seemed to soothe it. You know what you need to do, do it, stop being afraid, her mind spoke as Taranga continued to sit eyes closed. Aeneas was a demon and she knew it. He was a practicing Hougan and her niece was married to him. As evil as it sounded, she had been secretly glad when Destiny lost the child she carried going into her fourth month of pregnancy. So far, they were unsuccessful in her becoming pregnant again. Please don’t let that happen, not with him, Taranga prayed silently. Carlo was still silent, blocked out she was sure by Aeneas’s dark magic. She felt it all around them, but each time she summoned her courage to try and conjure, memories of that horrendous day in Roi’s worship room assailed her senses and the fear shut her down. You’re going to let him destroy your entire family because of your weakness, her conscience was once again screaming.
“What are you up too,” Taranga spoke aloud of Aeneas.
Thinking of him also brought her nephew to mind. Kaitlyn was still very aloof and standoffish with her brother. Nyko is a good young man, just misguided under the spell of that evil Aeneas, Taranga thought trying to convince herself of its truth. She pushed the dark coldness she felt when she was in Nyko’s presence away by assigning it to Aeneas’s influence. What if it’s not, what if he’s just as dark as his stepbrother, her mind questioned and Taranga sighed again.
“I just want our family at peace, is that too much to ask,” she murmured once again, rising and heading to the kitchen, her mission to make herself a cup of tea.
Thankfully Tony took little Tony out for a while, giving her some measure of solace. Her husband and her son were the world to her and Taranga could not have imagined meeting Tony Texas turning out as wonderfully as it had. Then do something to insure your family finally breaks free of this curse, her conscience yet another time spoke. Taranga put the water in the kettle and set it on the eye, waiting until the flame beneath it ignited, then setting it on medium. Stepping up to her cabinets she retrieved the chamomile tea bag and placed it inside the tea cup.
You can’t spend the rest of your life afraid, her mind was at her again. Your family needs you to end this, once and for all, to break the hold that Antonio Cisneros has on this family. Taranga knew her mind was right, and she feasibly could do it with some help and research. Where do I begin though, who is still around that could help me, she questioned searching her mind for any of the practitioners she could recall from her time in Chicago. Nothing was coming just yet, but Taranga was determined not to give up. In the meantime she would do some research on her own. You need to do a revelation spell, her mind told her as she nodded absently, the kettle starting to scream its readiness. Lifting the boiling kettle from the eye, Taranga poured the hot water onto the tea bag, covering it with the lid and allowing the tea too steep for a while. Truthfully the revelation spell frightened her as well. If it revealed what she suspected, they were already in a world of trouble.
“Please don’t let it be so,” Taranga whispered, her hands instinctively going to the charm once again worn around her neck.
Lifting the lid from the tea cup, she added lemon and honey, sipping it and enjoying the warmth that ran down her throat. Taking another deep breath she turned and walked down the hallway, taking the stairs to the basement and the boxes she kept stored, needing to gather her tools, arrest her fear, and handle the task at hand.
“Where are we going little one,” Carlo questioned as they rode and Tadjra looked out of the window. “To the stores,” she replied. The little girl learned over the past few months that her grandfather could hear her whether she spoke aloud or not. “That’s nice, are you buying a gift,” he questioned invading her thoughts yet another time. “No, just looking, maybe mommy will buy something,” Tadjra returned. “Grandpa, why does Uncle Aeneas look like a monster when I see him?”
“We’re here honey, unbuckle and let’s get out,” Kaitlyn spoke breaking her thought and severing the connection for now.
Tadjra smiled at her mother and obediently did as she was told. She wanted to tell her mother about the feelings she had, about the things she and Grandpa Carlo talked about, but he told her it wasn’t time yet. She didn’t like keeping secrets, but Grandpa assured her it would be all right to keep this one. So she did.
“So, where do you want to start first,” Kaitlyn questioned as they walked inside the huge mall.
She actually liked Mall of Georgia very much, so she couldn’t complain about coming today when Tadjra asked.
“It doesn’t matter, I just like looking at all the shops,” Tadjra returned.
Kaitlyn glanced at her daughter and smiled, taking her hand as they turned down the first isle they saw and began walking.
“Mommy, do you like Uncle Nyko,” Tadjra questioned carefully.
Kaitlyn frowned a bit.
“Why would you ask me that honey,” she returned in lieu of an answer.
Tadjra shrugged.
“Just cuz,” she returned, her attention diverted by the small train set being demonstrated in the toy store they arrived in front of. Kaitlyn again frowned.
There was definitely something going on with her daughter that she wasn’t sharing. She again let the conversation go, her mind on the subject of her daughters inquiry. She honestly couldn’t say why she still didn’t have a lot of use for her brother. There was something there, something that did not sit well with her psyche at all. Nyko did all he could, she admitted readily. He was very sweet and attentive when they spent time. He went out of his way to please her, to get her opinion on just about every facet of his life, even some of his business. Still there was her father’s instinct and training in her that kept him very much on the outside looking in. Maybe you should see if Carlo will tell you what his deal is, her mind pushed. Kaitlyn sighed. Her father remained silent, not speaking to her in quite a while. She honestly believed his spirit finally transcended to his place of rest never to return. The thought saddened her a bit, but she understood. “Mommy, can we get smoothies,” Tadjra questioned bringing her back to right now.
“Sure, let’s go to the food court,” Kaitlyn replied, smiling at her daughter now as they followed the signs and headed for their destination, each lost in their own thoughts and considerations.
Chapter 3
Aeneas carefully opened the door, glancing inside the bedroom. Destiny was asleep, breathing deeply and resting peacefully on her side of the king bed. As stealthily as he opened, Aeneas closed the door and continued to his destination. Removing the small metal key from his pocket once he arrived down the short flight of stairs, he slid it soundlessly into the lock and opened the door. He flipped on the light, the black bulb giving the room an eerie surreal glow. Allowing his eyes to adjust, Aeneas headed for the small cabinet, again using another key and unlocking it, removing two small bowls and several candles. He carefully, reverently, set up the bowls and the candles before spreading out the black velvet cloth and kneeling on it. Aeneas lit each candle, pouring purified water in one bowl and gingerly washing his hands, drying them on the small black towel he procured while getting the bowls. The other he placed the small lock of hair he stole from Nyko’s last haircut.
Aeneas smiled recalling his trickery in obtaining it. They went to the barber together, with Nyko sitting in the chair next to him. His barber finished first and he rose brushing hair from himself, bending to tie his shoelace. Aeneas deftly snatched the loc of hair that fell from the barber’s buzzing clippers, no one in the shop the wiser as he stood and pocketed it. Closing his eyes Aeneas began to chant. They were close now. The Bailey brothers finally said yes to their merger and the lunar eclipse was drawing nearer. These worship sessions were extremely important at this juncture. Antonio was freed but he was in a weakened state having to reside inside Nyko dormant. He wouldn’t gain his full strength again until the lunar eclipse when the complete ritual would be performed. In the interim, Aeneas’s worship kept his master strong enough to not be summoned back to his imprisonment in torment and suffering. Aeneas’s chanting grew more insistent as he swayed back and forth giving himself over fully to the darkness. Upon completing the chant, he picked up the small dagger, cutting his finger and allowing the blood to drip onto the lock of hair.
“Sealed with the blood, strength to you my master, rest now until your true resurrection,” Aeneas murmured before bowing his head and beginning another chant in fluent French.
Spent some fifty minutes later, Aeneas opened his eyes and gathered himself, rising from the floor and clearing the items it once held. The candles, burned almost to completion, were discarded in the trashcan near the door. The bowls carefully cleaned and placed back inside the cabinet, as was the velvet cloth. Closing the cabinet, Aeneas locked it. Returning to the main floor of the house, he headed into his study and the bar, making himself a drink. Taking a seat in the leather desk chair, Aeneas sipped the liquor, thinking and plotting. I thought my heir would be here by now, he sadly mused recalling his and Destiny’s loss. She was devastated when she went to a routine doctor’s visit to find there was no heartbeat from the fetus. He comforted her after the procedure to remove the tissue, assuring her they would have another child. Hasn’t been for a lack of trying, Aeneas thought smiling just a bit. Their love life held no complaints for him. They made love often. It simply seemed the fates didn’t favor their having another child just yet. Soon, patience, it will happen, Aeneas again told himself. He turned his thoughts to Nyko now and by proxy Kaitlyn. She’s still guarded, he thought and sipped again.
He knew Nyko really admired the woman, wanting to get close to her and find out more about their father. He himself admired her to an extent, but her aloof and flippant nature toward them both was beginning to piss him off. Still he couldn’t touch her. Not yet, he again thought smiling somewhat. Until Antonio was fully restored, the woman was off limits to him. Aeneas did his homework. Kaitlyn didn’t practice the dark arts, but she wasn’t ignorant to them either. Carlo taught her well, and while dormant, he carried not doubt if she needed to, the knowledge would quickly raise its head.
“How do we win you over big sister,” Aeneas mumbled finishing the drink just as the study door opened.
“What are you doing in here,” Destiny questioned, eyebrow raised.
Aeneas chuckled before answering.
“I was only looking over one file, I promise,” he quickly lied.
They agreed he wouldn’t stay up late at night working. When they were home together, the time was theirs and nights were for enjoying each other’s company.
“Mm hmm,” Destiny replied position unchanged.
Aeneas laughed fully, rising from the desk and walking over to her.
“I’m sorry,” he told her with a kiss.
“Let’s go to bed and I’ll make it up to you,” he murmured kissing her neck, aroused now.
“Hmm, I think that might be a good idea,” Destiny returned, heat rising as her husband picked her up and began walking toward the master suite once more.
Nyko stretched, shifting and turning over in bed. He grabbed the pillow pulling it closer as he made a foggy mental note that Jylah was gone. He didn’t hear her leave but spent little time in consideration of the fact before drifting off again. His subconscious quickly recaptured him, the dream released and granted freedom to manifest. “How long have you been screwing my fiancée,” Ian questioned calmly. “Look Ice, she came onto me, I didn’t chase her,” Nyko returned. “You still knew she was mine,” he returned, angry now. “I told you not to touch her didn’t I,” Aeneas screamed at him, veins bulging, skin darkened in rage. “You’ve always been hardheaded, hardheaded and stupid,” he continued to assail. Nyko cringed from the venom in his voice. “I’m not stupid,” he finally retorted growing a backbone. “I’m done with this shit, partnership ended,” Ian spoke interrupting the tirade as he strode toward the front door. “You see,” Aeneas screamed at Nyko again. “You’ve messed up everything, your father would be disgusted with the useless waste you are!”
Nyko heard enough! He punched Aeneas hard to the face as the two men began to fight. “You can’t beat me, you’re weak, useless, stupid,” Aeneas screamed as he pummeled Nyko who found himself paralyzed. His mind told him to swing, to fight back, but his body refused to obey; held in place by some invisible bond or other. “Get off me,” he yelled, using the only thing available to him. Aeneas burst into laughter. “Shut up, you’ll do as I tell you to do, or I’ll kill you, do you understand me,” Aeneas growled, his face mere inches from Nyko’s own. He could smell death on the man’s breath; see the glistening of perspiration across his forehead, bodily musk rising from his sweaty body, nauseating him. “Do you understand,” Aeneas again screamed. “Let go of me, Let go of me,” Nyko screeched another time horrified as the man he knew all his life began to transform before his eyes into something hideous and grotesque. Nyko sprang from bed, jumping fully to his feet, fist clenched ready to defend himself as he blinked rapidly looking around the room until recognition and recollection began to calm him.
“What the fuck,” he mumbled wandering toward the bathroom.
Turning on the light, Nyko regarded himself in the mirror, bleary bloodshot eyes staring back.
“That was a helluva dream,” he again mumbled as the water ran and he prepared to wash his face.
You need to stop messing around with Jylah, his mind spoke as Nyko splashed the tepid water onto his face. He thought about it once again regarding himself in the mirror. Why are you screwing her anyway, his mind questioned yet another time. Nyko subconsciously shrugged, no real answer coming to mind. What he said in the dream was true. Jylah came on to him. He respected Ian’s relationship with her, but obviously she didn’t, so who was he to turn down great sex? You better not let him or Aeneas find out about it, the common sense kicked in. That much was true, Aeneas would be furious with him for the transgression. They made a pact long ago when beginning this journey that they wouldn’t touch any of their partner’s wives, or girlfriends. So much for that shit huh, the conscience spoke again. Nyko exhaled noisily.
“She threw herself at me,” he again returned petulantly.
It was an excuse and he knew it. Nyko took another deep breath and decided he would leave Jylah alone. She was a great lay, but the world was filled with beautiful, great lays. He would find himself someone new. Business was far too important to let his libido wreck it.
Jylah silently thanked God for his covering as she returned to the house beating Ian there, showering, and getting into bed. He texted her after his meeting with Nyko saying he would be late and not to wait up. On the one hand she was relieved; the other she was intensely curious what he was up too. Jylah couldn’t lie; she was a touch insecure and paranoid with Ian continually pushing their wedding date back farther and farther. You need to be worried about what you’re doing with Nyko, the pesky common sense spoke up. Before she could contemplate further, Jylah heard the garage lift and knew Ian was home. Pushing what Nyko from her mind, she snuggled under the covers and waited for him to come upstairs. Listening, she heard him. She knew he would stop at Trey’s room first and check on the little boy before coming into their room. True to form he arrived some ten minutes later, quietly opening the door and walking inside. Deciding she wouldn’t rock the boat, Jylah continued to lay still and observe him in the darkness.
Ian walked over to the bed, removing his watch and laying it on the nightstand, where he also placed his cell, before turning and heading into the bathroom. Jylah looked over at the phone, tempted to pick it up and scroll through it. Don’t be stupid, her mind warned. She knew how Ian was about his privacy and she worked long and hard to get him to trust her. Don’t blow it over stupidity, the mind again spoke. Fighting the urge, Jylah remained still hearing the shower come on. Showering as soon as he gets home, a dead giveaway, her insecurity assailed. The man has been out all day; he just wants to be clean, common sense tried. Check his phone, what damned meeting did he have this late, insecurity was back again. You know what Ice does, don’t act like he has a 9 to 5, common sense volleyed back. Jylah was biting her cuticles mind racing as the shower continued to run. She looked at the phone, then the bathroom door, the phone again, the door one more time. Pick it up, find out if he’s out there screwing around on you, insecurity was egging her on. What if he is, you have no room to say a word, common sense slapped her hard. The shower stopped ending her contemplation as Jylah slowed her breathing and lay back down.
Ian climbed in beside her five minutes later, pulling her close, his lips on her neck.
“I’m home baby,” he whispered, licking her ear.
Jylah relaxed considerably. He was horny, so he couldn’t have been out sleeping with anyone else; at least not in her mind.
“Mm, I’m glad you’re home,” she replied, turning over to face him.
Ian immediately kissed her, pressing his erection against her. Jylah kissed him back, pressing her own body closer letting him know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Ian pulled her onto his lap, his need urgent, foreplay not on his mind tonight. Jylah, sufficiently aroused, lowered herself onto his hardness, riding him aggressively as he held her hips and matched her movement.
“Mmmmm,” Ian murmured going deeper.
Jylah threw her head back, mouth open as the orgasm hit her and she cried out her pleasure.
“Ohhhhhh, yyesssss,” she murmured still riding the high.
Ian held her immobile digging deeply, his body tensing and releasing moments later as he too reached delighted bliss. Jylah climbed down and lay beside her man as he held her in his arms.
“Good night Ice, sweet dreams,” Jylah amiably told him, kissing his lips.
“You too,” he mumbled before drifting off.
Jylah’s mind again went to the dangerous game she was playing and how she would get out of it alive. Handle this shit, or it’s going to handle you, her common sense spoke as a final thought before Jylah forced her mind off and allowed her body to shut down as sleep descended.