Lies, Cheating, and Ultimatums, all collide with Chilling Consequences. (This is a short story, 64 pages)
On A Silver Platter
Ughh, that smells terrible, Tammy inwardly mused. She hated Fajitas as it were, and she was so over the whole being pregnant thing; but right now the pregnant thing was her meal ticket to the good life. Meeting Dr. Javier Ponder, plastic surgeon to the stars, six months ago was the best stroke of luck to grace her otherwise dismal life. She was done with Malik. He held no aspirations aside from his job as a teller and the outdated BMW he drove. She was sick of his self-absorbed arrogance and cheating ways. It took almost eight months, but Tammy finally got him out of her system and was more than ready to move forward. Problem was all she seemed to continually meet were men just like him. When her friend Brandy invited her to the upscale party, she thought no. Thankfully, her mouth said yes.
“Would you like anything else while you wait,” the perky blonde server questioned, giving Tammy a winning smile.
“No, thank you, I am fine for now.”
Tammy’s mind again began to wander as she continued to wait, going back to the conversation she and Javier engaged some three hours earlier.
“I’m tired of waiting Javier! You promised to leave that bitch and be with me and your baby almost three months ago now!”
“Tammy, I am absolutely working on that right now. There is a lot to divide and agree upon.”
She sucked her teeth impatiently.
“It sounds like you’re making a whole lot of excuses to me. I don’t know who you think you are playing with, but I will be on your doorstep telling the bitch about us and our baby myself.”
Tammy did not give one inch. Almost over the edge as her voice rose three octaves.
“Keep playing with me Javier, you just keep playing!
“Tammy, please honey, calm down.”
Javier remained calm.
Taking another deep cleansing breath Tammy addressed him again, somewhat calmer.
“Meet me for lunch. I want to look into your face when we talk about this.”
She heard him exhale noisily.
“Tammy, I have a seriously booked schedule…”
“Either meet me, or I will be meeting the wife, today.”
Defeated, Javier spoke.
“Fine. When and where?”
The staff began singing to the little girl at the table next to her.
“Happy Birthday to you.”
Tammy glanced over, frowning before turning her head again. She really did hate children. Sighing ever slightly Tammy continued to muse about her own situation. She detested threatening Javier. He was a good man overall, and he treated her like a queen when they were together. She smiled into her glass, the memories of their torrid lovemaking moistening her thong. The ringing cell disrupted the pleasant diversion, ripping her back into reality. Tammy frowned severely seeing Malik’s name on her called I.D.
She took a huge breath before answering, tone all business.
“What do you want Malik?”
“Damn Tammy, it’s like that?”
He chuckled, mood jovial.
“I know we broke up but you don’t have to be that cold.”
Tammy continued to scowl totally unimpressed.
“Again Malik, what do you want?”
“Well I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to go to the Raven’s game with me on Sunday?”
She rolled her eyes.
“Why would I want to do that?”
Amazed he would even ask; she recalled their breakup was nothing short of spectacular. She made it perfectly clear then, she never wanted to hear from him again.
“Tammy, real talk, why are you acting like this?”
Malik’s tone became serious.
“We have been apart for almost a year, and yet you are still acting like a classless bitch. All I asked was did you want to go to the game.”
“What did you just call me?”
Ire raised; Tammy laid into him.
“I know you did not just call me a classless anything, you broke ass perpetrating bastard.”
She just as expeditiously rolled down the list of things he was not and never would be.
“Why don’t you call one of those raggedy, project ass, whores you were cheating on me with and ask them to go to the game?!”
Tammy pressed the disconnect button before he could reply.
“That bastard has some nerve!”
Still fuming, Tammy didn’t see Javier enter the restaurant, stopping a server, speaking into her ear.
“Hi, sorry I’m late.”
Quickly reigning in her thoughts Tammy gave him a half-hearted smile, watching him slide into the seat across from her. The two glasses of wine arrived moments later as Javier thanked the server.
“You know I can’t drink.”
Tammy gave him an incredulous look.
“One glass will not hurt you or the baby.”
Shrugging, Tammy excused herself for a moment, heading into the ladies’ room. She needed to regroup after the unexpected call from Malik. Stepping inside the slightly askew facility, she washed her hands, watching her own reflection in the mirror. Do this right or you will have nothing. Tammy quickly swallowed her anger at Malik. Truthfully, she wasn’t planning on staying pregnant. The abortion was already arranged. She did however have her cover story together for explaining the miscarriage she would have when Javier went to his Surgeon’s convention at the end of this week. Washing her hands, Tammy checked her reflection one last time and headed back to the table.
Sitting she regarded her lover all over again before picking up the glass and sipping the wine. Delicious. Deep rich burgundy coloring, with a pungent aroma, bittersweet taste. Putting the still frosted glass down after another hefty swallow; she fixed her eyes on the man across the table from her and began to speak.
“Javier, you keep telling me to wait on you to get this divorce, and so far, I have been patient.”
He continued to sip his wine and watch her unobtrusively, while she spoke.
“But I am done being patient.”
Picking up the glass she emptied it almost three-quarters.
“I want the house you promised, the car, and the credit cards so I can start preparing for our child.”
Tammy spewed the orders, attitude full on, rolling her neck, pursing her lips when she moved to the next mandate.
“I want at least five carats sitting on my hand by tomorrow, and I want to see the divorce petition you have filed.”
She grew noiseless after the last sentence allowing Javier the opportunity to speak. Picking up the wine glass yet another time, Tammy emptied it, continuing to watch.
Javier began evenly, his eyes never leaving her own. “You really are a beautiful woman Tammy. I have thought so since the night we met and exchanged numbers.”
Picking up his wine glass again, his mind wandered momentarily between his speaking. Voluptuous. The perfect word to fashion when speaking of her rounded hips, melon breasts and made for gripping ass. He felt the erection forming simply thinking about it. Tammy continued to sit and regard him, hands crossed in her lap, silent. Javier picked up where left off, shaking the dirty thoughts.
“I have totally enjoyed making love to you and all the freaky things we do together. You can definitely suck a dick, that I must commend you on. But the one thing you have never been Tammy, is smart.”
Relaxing in his own chair, he pulled out a pack of gum from his suit jacket, taking his time to unwrap the foil, and gently fold the contents before placing it in his mouth. Javier enjoyed the juicy berry fusions in his mouth as his saliva mixed with the sugary flavors and heightened his delight. Tammy still wordlessly watched him.
He began afresh, still slowly chewing the gum. “You knew I was married when we started this affair. did you really believe I would leave my wife for you, destroy 15 years of the best business arrangement I have ever had, for you?”
He chuckled aloud.
“Tammy, the world is full of beautiful, freaky, women. Hell I should know, I’ve fucked a lot of them.”
Javier continued to enlighten his lunch companion.
“You did just what I expected a woman of your low intellect and low self-esteem to do.”
Sitting up he crossed his arms.
“You used the oldest trick in the book, somehow believing it would get you into my bank account.“
Javier laughed again.
“You are awfully quiet darling.”
He smirked; head cocked to the side in a mock quizzical expression.
“I am guessing that by now the numbness and paralysis have taken hold, given you haven’t changed positions in the last ten minutes.”
Javier finished the last of his wine.
“Probably a little tingling around your mouth too hmm, from where I added it and laced the rim of the wine glass?”
He extracted the platinum VISA.
Smiling pleasantly, Javier handed it to the server who came to check on them and deliver the check. Waiting until she walked away, he turned his attention yet again to Tammy.
“Tetrodotoxin, my love, is the toxin found in blowfish. It is deadly you know, almost impossible to find in an autopsy.”
The explanation stopped as the server returned the check and he signed it, adding a generous tip.
“Have a great evening.”
Smiling she glanced from one to the other, seeing nothing amiss. After she left, Javier regarded Tammy again.
“So let me tell you what the rest of your time on earth will be like. In the next few minutes you will have respiratory failure, but because of the paralysis you will not be able to speak, or gesture for help.”
He cracked his knuckles, taking another quick breath, before returning to the spiel.
“Your lungs will scream for oxygen and your heart will begin to beat at an erratic pace until it finally bursts in your chest.”
He smiled anew, the small chortle leaving his lips.
“Oh, but that’s not the end, no my love, your brain will continue to function. You will feel the excruciating pain of your lungs filling with blood from your burst heart, and then finally, mercifully, nothing.”
Javier slid effortlessly from the booth, standing directly beside her now. Leaning down, he spoke into her ear.
“You’re a bitch Tammy. Everyone says so, and after fucking you these last few months, I have to agree, especially after your little show here when I arrived.”
Javier continued to assail the helpless woman, more unpleasantness flowing forth in his next breath.
“Do you know why I chose you at the party Tammy? Because you had stupid, easy, bitch, flashing in neon on your forehead. I’m going back to my office now. I have to see my next patient.”
Tammy’s heart began to race, her breathing grew short, and the pain activated low at the base of her skull, promising to reach full crescendo at any moment.
“Then I’m going home and make love to my wife. Fuck her real good. Like the last time you and I fucked, and I sent you climbing walls while my dick hit your g-spot. Right as I cum, I’m going to think of you and how much I enjoyed watching you die.”
He kissed her cheek softly.
“Enjoy hell Tammy, you simple ass bitch.”
Javier spoke one last time walking away from her and the table, to the front door.
His image walking away was the last thing Tammy saw before her heart burst and the searing pain of forthcoming death stole her vision.
Pretty Crazy
“Thank you for calling the Ponder group.”
Javier sighed evenly. The sound of her voice grated her nerves. He was going to fire her, but he had to tread carefully. There could be no room for error or he would find himself in the middle of a messy lawsuit. That’s why you should stop screwing the help. Javier’s brow creased momentarily before reality forced him to relax. Frowning brought wrinkles. Do a Botox shot before you leave tonight.
“Yes, he has a 4:00 today. Alright see you then Miss Leflore.”
Intriguing name. Javier turned and walked away before she noticed him. Things were becoming awkward. They connected last week. Sex followed after two lunch dates. Disappointed, annoyed, time wasted. All the adjectives described their interaction. Javier could not recall such a disastrous sexual exploit in years. As freely as she gave the sex, there was zero skill involved. Lots of noise, minimal pleasure. He tried sex toys, position changes, role playing, all to no avail. Her body, ordinary. Javier fantasized about Tammy and Simone to encourage the erection. Tina gave him oral, skill again lacking. Too much teeth, not enough tongue. Somehow, he managed to get through two sessions with her, mind made up he would not touch her again.
Now he avoided her and nitpicked every small mistake. Documenting each, Javier planned to have her out of his practice in the next ten days. What about a new partner? He was starting from ground zero again.
There was party he considered attending next week. Another surgeon friend of his gave a patient appreciation Suárez once a year for his high-end clientele. Javier truthfully didn’t care for the women he met at those events. They were rich, snotty, taking far too much energy, time and money. Sex is never that great either. No, what Javier needed was another party like the one he met Tammy. Making a mental note to call Errol and see what the happenings were for this weekend, Javier returned to his patient, plastic smile in place as he pushed the door open.
“Hello Catherine.”
“Hi, Dr. Ponder.”
“What are we looking to do today?”
“I want to lift my brow, maybe slender the nose.”
“Hmm, okay, let’s take a look.”
I’m not a miracle worker. A lift and slender won’t do a thing for your draconian looks. Keeping the thoughts silently imprisoned, Javier marked and measured. Finished the exam seven minutes later, he picked up the chart and scribbled notes inside.
“I’m going to have Tina take some photos and run them through the computer. That way you have choices.”
“Thank you Dr. Ponder. About how long will that take? I want to get this done as soon as possible.”
“Tina will take the photos now, upload them. I will sit down after my last patient and look at them this evening. You can expect a call tomorrow mid-morning or so.”
“That’s great. Thanks again.”
Nodding graciously Javier turned and left the room. A massive intake of air, counting down from twenty as he exhaled, relaxed him for the next task.
“Tina, I need you to take pictures of Catherine Keffer, room two.”
“Sure Dr. Ponder.”
“And make sure they are uploaded for me today. She wants expedited services.”
“No problem. Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine Tina.”
“Are you sure? Have I done something?”
“Everything is fine. We can talk later, right now let’s remain professional.”
You know she’s going to be looking for that talk before she leaves. Javier shrugged and walked back toward his office. He already planned to exit his private entrance as soon as he finished with his four o’clock. Tina would be busy cleaning up the exam room, doing the end of the day paperwork. By the time she ventured into his office, it would be empty. Bullet dodged another day. Playing with fire, don’t let it burn you.
Tina glanced up, the intoxicating jasmine, vanilla, and lavender awakening her senses. Their four o’clock obviously. What in the world could she possibly want done? There were zero defects from Tina’s vantage point. Hatred, envy, and jealousy, promptly descended in her psyche as the woman stepped up signing into the patient log.
“Hello, I have a four o’clock.”
“Oh yes, Miss Leflore. Here you are, I need you to fill these out please before you go back.”
I bet she has some sugar daddy paying for her to get new boobs or some frivolous nonsense. Tina’s insecurities were on a roll. She took a breath. The woman was nothing but pleasant. A new patient, no different from any other patient. The irritation was all about Javier. Told you not to screw your boss. Tina frowned at the admonition. The lovemaking was phenomenal. He was unlike any man that ever touched her. They made love twice that day, Tina believed he enjoyed it as much as she. His one-hundred eighty degree turn once they returned to work the next day unfortunately told a different story. Make your case when you talk to him today.
“Here you are.”
“Oh, thank you. Please have a seat, it shouldn’t be too long.”
“Thank you.”
Tina rose after taking the woman’s information and entering it into the computer. Her first name was Nicole. Height and weight were proportioned per the information entered on the form. We will see when I weigh her. Tina pulled the white, non-descript paper sheeting over the examination table. Setting up the examination tray for Javier, she left to retrieve the patient.
“You can undress, leave your undergarments. Gown opens in the front. Sit on the table and Dr. Ponder will be in shortly.”
“Thank you.”
Seated at the front another time Tina completed the chart on their new patient. According to the questionnaire, the woman wanted a breast lift, tummy tuck, and buttock sculpturing. I don’t see the need, but its her money.
“Is the patient ready?”
“Yes, she’s waiting for you.”
Tina handed him the chart, watching him closely as he read and made small notes. Picking it up from the counter he used for support, he walked away without verbalization.
“Hello Miss…,”
“Leflore, but please call me Nicole.”
“Um yes, I’m sorry.”
Javier swallowed the drool threatening to leave his mouth. Stunning. Flawless. What the hell is she doing wanting all the crap on this list?
“You have quite the extensive list. I mean, just glancing at you, I don’t see the need for most of this.”
“That’s very kind of you Dr. Ponder.”
“Okay, Javier. I want to enhance what’s already there. That’s not vain is it?”
“No not at all, it’s just that I seldom have such an unblemished specimen walk in my office wanting to improve on excellence.”
“You are quite the flatterer Javier.”
“I’m being honest. If you really want something done, I would give you a small lift of the breasts, but that’s about it. Your butt is picture-perfect, your tummy already taunt.”
“Alright, let’s talk breast lift.”
Stepping up to the exam table, Javier opened the gown. There was serious lifting of his manhood staring at the hardened nipples.
“So embarrassing.”
“No need Nicole, it’s a little chilly in here. Perfectly natural.”
“That’s not why they’re hard.”
“Really? Tell me why they’re hard Nicole.”
Lips met, fired ignited. Javier held her tightly, her arms wrapped securely about his neck, the kiss intense and arousing.
“I’m sorry. You must think I’m the world’s biggest slut.”
“I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in a long time. I think you’re a woman who knows what she wants. I’m praying that want is me.”
“Are you married Javier?”
“Yes. Are you?”
“Is my being married a turn off?”
“The contrary actually.”
“Can we continue this discussion at your place, or would you rather a hotel?”
“My place is fine, dinner first.”
“As long as you’re dessert. I’ll pick you up at seven.”