This is book 5 in the Thin Ice Series Family. It can be read as a standalone without reading Thin Ice (1-12) or Noir Frost (1-5) but a significant amount of the ‘history’ may be lost on the reader.
Complex, layered, a man who takes his role as Big Brother, Husband, Father, Family Patriarch seriously, Ryan Bailey is a force. From the Underworld to the Boardroom, his ruthlessness is legendary. With a milestone birthday approaching, Ryan is forced to reexamine his life, his choices, circumstance’s that shaped who he is today when tragedy looms and only honesty will rectify the situation. Secrets never stay buried, lies of darkness always find light, and Karma eventually lands at everyone’s doorstep.
he streets were busy tonight. Friday’s always paid big. Continuing to watch and wait, Ryan’s mind wandered. He needed to wrap up his business and get back home. He left Ian there to watch their father. Recalling the cancer ravaging the man, he another time exhaled heavily. They received Eason’s disability check once he couldn’t work anymore, but it barely covered the rent. Ryan took to hustling right around his fifteenth birthday to make ends meet. He lied to Eason telling him he found a part-time job. The radiation took its toll with the chemo treatments, but the cancer went into remission. The relief was extremely short lived, the cancer returning with a voracious appetite two years later. Seventeen now, Ryan was a seasoned pro at the street hustle. Seeing the man leaving the slummy bar, he fell in step behind him once he crossed the street and passed by the open alley where Ryan stood. Drunk, lulled into the false sense of security by his stature in the community, the man never looked back. Ryan knew they would pass a final darkened alley before the man reached the low income housing community he held court inside. Glancing around he took in the people moving about. None appeared to be giving himself or his subject any attention. The farther they walked, the sparser the movement became. Seeing the alley less than three feet ahead, Ryan picked up his pace slightly. Just as the man reached the middle of the alley, Ryan made his move.
The gun crashed against the man’s ear, disrupting his equilibrium. The man swayed, going to his knees, the drunken state working against him.
“Man, what the fuck? Do you know who I am?!”
Unmoved Ryan said nothing, preparing to complete his business and move on. Offering up more fight that Ryan believed him capable, he hit him with the gun another time. The blow seemed to only enrage the man, increasing the fight. Ryan hit him with two hard rights in succession. The man landed an uppercut of his own. Not wanting to draw attention to them, Ryan swept the man’s legs from under him. Hitting the ground his head bounced hard off the asphalt dirt mixture. That calmed him considerably as he lay moaning. Not wanting to waste any more time, Ryan put a knee in his chest swiftly going through the pockets removing the wads of cash contained. The man’s eyes batted, opening fully regarding the man robbing him.
“I’m going to kill you, you fucking thief.”
Knowing the words not to be an idle threat, Ryan did what he had too. Putting the barrel of the .38 snub nose against the man’s temple, he fired. Death came instantly. Knowing the noise would bring the curious, Ryan jumped up stuffing the cash into his pockets, running without a backward glance into the darkness of the alley, exiting on the next street.
Eyes popping open Ryan gathered his breathing. Stealthily he removed himself from bed, careful not to disturb Jaleesa as she continued to sleep. Making his way to the kitchen, he opened the fridge snatching a bottle of water. Opening the back door he stepped out onto the deck. Overlooking the palatial estate at this hour, the dream replayed in his mind. Sighing he opened the water and took a drink. He knew why the memory returned. His past seemed to continually visit him in the last few weeks. Birthday. Not just any birthday, however. For Ryan, his fiftieth birthday was a milestone he never saw himself reaching. The life they lived. The things they did. Longevity certainly never played into the picture for any of the men he encountered in the life before Atlanta. Jaleesa started already planning the huge party for him, inviting everyone. “My birthday isn’t for eight months girl.” He smiled marginally at her exuberance telling him they were already four months behind schedule planning. He didn’t dread the day per se, he supposed it still remained an accomplishment of awe for him. Had anyone told his sixteen year old self, that his fifty year old self, would be wealthy beyond measure, a father, husband, grandfather, businessman, he would have laughed. Eason told you. Told you both. He grunted aloud finishing up the water. Eason Bailey was a good father. Even after learning the man wasn’t their biological father, Ryan could never fully dismiss his place or his contributions to his life.
“What are you doing out here?”
Turning at the sound of her voice, Ryan smiled taking her in.
“Why are you up?”
“Because you are.”
He smirked walking over and embracing her. Their lips met and his libido began to react. Ryan loved Jaleesa with his full essence. The kiss began to grow passionate, her nipples hardening against his chest.
“Mm, that’s why you came out here. You need some orgasms.”
She chuckled not disagreeing with him. Taking his hand she began pulling him back toward their bedroom. Ryan offered zero resistance, stopping a millisecond in time to dispose of the empty water bottle. Entering the bedroom he kissed her again, the silk nightgown hitting the floor, her soft moans filling the room seconds later. The earlier dream already forgotten mist.
Chapter 1
Ian handed him the drink, taking his seat inside the study as they continued to talk. Irelynn burst into the room, Teagan in hot pursuit. Running straight to him, she climbed into his lap.
“Come here right now, little girl.”
Ryan chuckled. Ian smirked looking down at her, big brown eyes staring back. Turning his attention to Teagan, breathing hard, obviously harried, he questioned her.
“What did she do?”
“Look at her hair Ian.”
Finally looking at his daughter closely, Ian saw the patch missing.
“Aah, homemade haircut.”
Ryan laughed aloud now, Ian joined him. Teagan gave them both a look, hand on her hip. Irelynn followed suit laughing now as well, remaining in her father’s lap.
“Calm down honey. She’s two. They do stuff like that, and it will grow back.”
“Ugh, see that’s why she’s so spoiled now.”
Ian turned Irelynn to him, making himself look semiserious, he began speaking to her.
“No more haircuts, okay? You know you’re not supposed to have scissors anyway.”
“K, daddy.”
“Now tell mommy you’re sorry.”
“I sowwee mommy.”
Admitting defeat, the doe eyes turning her to mush, Teagan smiled. Taking her hand Irelynn allowed her mother to remove her from her father’s lap and take her back upstairs. Once the study door closed both brothers broke into hardy laughter. Gathering themselves finally, they returned to conversation.
“Dreamed about Eason last night.”
Ian frowned somewhat sipping the liquor before addressing his brother’s statement.
“That’s odd.”
Ryan shrugged.
“Been dealing with the past a lot lately.”
“What’s bringing that on?”
“Birthday party.”
Nodding knowingly, Ian finished the drink putting the glass on the table. He held a fairly good idea of the thoughts and emotions running through his brother. His own fiftieth would be here in the next three years.
“You’re dreading the party? The birthday?”
“Not dreading it. It just brings up things, you know?”
“I understand.”
They both remained quiet lost in their thoughts for several moments. Ian’s mind took him on a whirlwind of recollection. He was sure Ryan’s did the same. Ian spoke first.
“Eason was a good guy. He took care of us.”
“Yeah he did, especially after finding out our trifling mama lied to him.”
“Hmph, definitely.”
“You ever think about Jalen?”
“Not more than a passing second or two. You? I know he was your twin.”
“Mm, but we were never close.”
Ryan agreed with that. The mention of the man’s name brought back memories, most of which he would rather not deal with. Intentionally changing the subject he asked about the latest merger they were planning. Nyko remained a valued partner, though the brothers moved more independently in their own circles as of late.
“Man, I never thought India would talk Ray into retiring.”
Chuckles accompanied the statements. After adamantly resisting for the last few years, Ray finally acquiesced to leaving active practice. They were headed to his retirement party later next week.
“I’m taking bets it doesn’t last long though.”
Bursting into laughter, Ryan waved Ian away wanting no part of that losing bet. He may not return to private active practice, but they knew there would be no way a man still as robust as Ray would sit around playing golf every day. Rising from his chair Ryan stretched readying himself to leave.
“I gotta go pick up this gift Jaleesa bought for Ray.”
“What did she get?”
“I have no clue. I’m sure it’s nice, and I told her to put my name on it.”
Ian smiled shaking his head as the two made their way to the front door. Irelynn came out of the kitchen simultaneously hearing them.
“Unka Ryan where are you going?”
“I’m headed home Irelynn.”
“No, you didn’t play wiff me.”
The pout melted him, He got down on one knee hugging her.
“I will come back and play with you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes, I promise.”
Satisfied she ran off headed to the den and her favorite kid show. Ian opened the front door walking outside to the driveway. Standing beside his car, Ryan questioned his brother about Teagan and future plans.
“Things are good. You know I’m not in any hurry to marry anyone again.”
“I know Ice, but it’s been nearly three years you’ve been with Teagan.”
“She’s okay with it, so am I.”
Not pushing, Ryan grunted opening the car door and getting inside. Throwing deuces he started the Maserati and pulled around the circular driveway, heading out of the gates toward the street.
Alexis continued naming the people in the picture on her phone as Samara held it. Vaguely hearing her daughter, her eyes remained zeroed in on the man accidentally captured. She felt her breathing quicken, everything in her wanting to scream shut up at Alexis. Calming herself, she instead pointed to the man and questioned her.
“Who’s this?”
Alexis squinted taking in the man before shrugging and taking a sip of her soda.
“I don’t know. Just some guy who happened to be there when we took the picture.”
Grunting Samara let it go. She planned to do a bit of digging, but on her own. Maybe he came often. Seeing him again brought back so many memories, feelings, emotions.
“Mom, are you listening?”
“Hm, what?”
“I said Rena and I are going out tonight.”
“Oh okay, that’s fine.”
Leaving her alone, Samara continued to brood over the photo. They moved to Overton Park almost two years ago when Alexis accepted a new job here with a law firm. Recalling the job reminded Samara she needed to go gift shopping. One of the partners was retiring. The party was next Friday. Hearing Alexis singing in the other room, she smiled. Her only child, she was thankful the young woman didn’t leave her behind when she left Chicago. Life was hard but Samara did whatever she had to so that Alexis could attend the best schools to get her diploma. She worked hard landing a scholarship to college, graduating with honors. Law school and the bar gave her a bit of a challenge, but like everything else, Alexis mastered it.
Samara hoped her daughter would find a good man and settle down. Alexis told her she was in no hurry. She’s thirty. Dismissing it Samara admitted her gratefulness for her daughter’s singleness presently. What man would take on her and her mother? Having not worked for years after a heinous car accident, Samara found herself more than a little dependent on her daughter. Alexis breezed back into the room giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Remember to take your meds, mom.”
“I will.”
Alexis gave her a look bringing the laughter from Samara, hands up in surrender.
“I promise.”
Nodding, Alexis walked out locking the door behind her. Samara rose her mind still on the picture. Making her way into the bedroom she began plotting, turning on the shower. She didn’t drive anymore but held full knowledge of Lyft and Uber. He may not be there. That might have been his only time. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try. Why? What purpose would it serve now? The anxiety began to build as she felt her breathing become uneven. Leaning her back against the wall she began to calm herself, inhaling big breaths, slowly releasing them. Somewhere into the sixth minute, she felt the calm return. Continuing to the shower, she stepped in. Lathering herself the memories came. Her doing nothing to impede them, they tumbled into her consciousness.
“I told you I love you Samara, why do you think I’m lying?”
“Because guys will say anything to get some.”
He sucked his teeth then giving her a look. Samara grew scared he would leave. Reaching out she stroked his face.
“I’m just scared, that’s all.”
“I won’t hurt you Samara, I told you that.”
His lips touched hers after the words, disabling her defenses when his tongue slipped into her mouth. His hands touched every erogenous zone, the wanton lust running rampant inside her. He pulled the panties down her legs, fear almost making her stop. Undressing he returned to her lips, placing himself between her legs.
“You’re my woman Samara and I love you.”
She was his after the words. He pushed himself inside her, the pain making her cry out. Patiently he kissed her again moving slowly. The pain gave way to pleasure as his erection rubbed against her clit with the thrusts. They were both moaning softly, kissing sloppily, organs joined, pumping and grinding for dear life. Samara felt the warming rush of pleasure, her first orgasm with a man reached. He pumped twice more and she felt his heat.
The memory bittersweet, Samara turned off the shower stepping out. The tears mixed with the spray disguising them momentarily. There were so many questions she needed answered. He was the only one with the solutions. Drying herself, Samara dressed. A casual peasant blouse and jeans. Adding a touch of lipstick and perfume, she checked the progress of the Lyft she requested before putting her clothes on. Looking herself over in the mirror she smiled a tad. Working hard at it, she managed to remained fit and trim over the years. The phone vibrated alerting her the Lyft was outside. Samara picked up her purse and headed for the front door. Getting in the car she greeted the driver, confirming her destination. As they rode she continued to pray. Pray that fate was kind and he would be there. Prayers that once they came face to face, he gave her the closure she sought.
Eason remained prevalent on Ryan’s mind even after leaving his brother. The memories plagued him constantly.
“Is this all because of my birthday?”
He continued to drive, no answer forthcoming from his subconscious. He hadn’t given his stepfather serious time in his thoughts for decades now. Like he never existed huh. Ryan frowned at the insinuation. He didn’t feel that way at all. He supposed he kept the memories suppressed because they hurt to recall and relive.
“Daddy, why are we leaving mama?”
“Because it’s better for us Ryan.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I know you don’t son, but listen, I love you and Ian. We’re going to be just fine.”
“Okay daddy.”
The lump went down hard in his throat as he swallowed. The man never had an evil thing to say about the woman who gave them life. Say her name. Do you hate her that much?
“Fuck her. She’s dead and her favorite son is in hell with her.”
The fury surprised Ryan but he didn’t shy away from it. The subject of his mother remained sensitive and volatile. The feelings she stirred always left him angry and frustrated.
“Ryan, I’m going to stop by your mama’s house. You want to come?”
“Do I have too?”
“No, not if you don’t want too.”
“I don’t want to go either daddy.”
“Ian are you sure? Ryan won’t be mad if you go.”
“No daddy, I’ll stay with Ryan.”
“Okay, well I won’t be gone long. You two know the routine.”
“Yeah daddy, me and Ian will be good.”
The past continued having a field day with him while he made the trip home. Pulling up to the gate of the estate, Ryan forced everything back inside the memory trove. He didn’t want to take out his moods on Jaleesa or the kids. You finally gave up the baby chase? He smirked. Ryan still wanted another baby. He chuckled recalling Jaleesa giving him the riot act about her being too old. She’s only forty-six. Not pushing, he simply resorted to subtle hints now. He supposed if he couldn’t change her mind before her birthday he would give up. Medical advancement made babies after forty rather routine these days. Still, he semi understood where she was coming from.
Parking Ryan went inside finding the house quiet. Thinking it to be a perfect time for a long shower, he stopped at the fridge grabbing a beer. Walking into the master bedroom, he saw the note. ‘Hanging out with Ash for a bit.’ Smiling he opened the bottle beginning to undress. Naked, he continued to sit on the bed and sip his beer. His phone vibrated and he glanced the screen. Sending a response to Rayne’s text, he finished the beer. The loud burp reverberated through the room, him laughing at the end of it. Walking into the bathroom he turned the spray on, stepping inside moments later. The hot water immediately began steaming up the room, warmth throughout. Lathering himself, Ryan’s mind returned to his earlier thoughts.
“Why don’t you like us?” She stared at him like a stranger, mouth hanging slightly agape. He didn’t care. Ryan wanted answers. She sent him and Ian away, letting Jalen continue to live with her.
“Who was that man here with you? Why did he say he was our daddy?”
“Shut up! You’re such a vile little serpent. Don’t you go repeating those lies to your father.”
The hurt cut deeply today as it did the day the words left her lips. She always seemed to hate him. Never an explanation, just hatred. The old man told you why. Ryan grunted continuing to enjoy the shower. Knowing why didn’t lessen the anger or abandonment he felt. She threw him away like trash. Ice too, don’t forget. He nodded still lathering. With Ian he sort of understood. The man looked nearly identical to Socrates. Jalen favored him later in life, but early on he looked more like Raven. Well, you do know her name?
“Of course I know her name, bitch.”
Finished he climbed out wrapping the towel around his waist. Ryan used his hand to clear the mirror looking into his eyes. The steam gave him precious time of contemplation, fogging the mirror once again. Opening the door this time, the steam dissipated and he again regarded the reflection.
“You’re worthless! You’ll never be anything. Just like that worthless dog who made you!”
“Which worthless dog, Eason or the man you screw when you think we’re not here?”
The slap rang in his ears long after the pain and shock left him. He never spoke to her after that day. Eason never pushed him to go visit again, nor questioned why. Life went on and Ryan learned to shut down the hurt.
“You did good by us old man.”
Smiling somewhat as he spoke to his stepfather’s spirit, Ryan made his way to the bedroom. Laying back on the bed, he closed his eyes quietly beseeching the memories to leave him alone. Especially the memories of Raven. He wanted to leave her continually forgotten. Being nosy, he rose from the bed walking around to Jaleesa’s nightstand. Opening the drawer he looked for the small pill pack. She tried an IUD but it brought too many complications, her doctor finally recommending she remove it. Ryan liked his odds with the pill much better. Chuckling at his deviousness, he closed the drawer coming up empty. Must have them with her. On cue the front door opened and he heard her still laughing on the phone.
“Girl, I have to go pick up my refill tomorrow.”
He continued to listen, the room dark and quiet as she walked toward it.
“Yeah I know, I mean I’m thinking hell at my age it’s time for menopause.”
She giggled and he smirked.
“Kiki, if I came up pregnant right about now, I would have a fit. Okay, I’ll call you later this week.”
She walked into the room finding Ryan waiting for her, towel around his waist, lust in his eye.
“So how long have you been standing there half naked?”
“I just took a shower.”
“Uh huh. Well, I’m about to take one.”
“That’s cool. I’ll be waiting when you come out. Then I’ma make you cum.”
“So nasty.”
“You like that though.”
“Mmm, damn, you’re right I do.”
He swatted her on the ass as she walked into the bathroom, the lewd wink accompanying it. Headed back to the bed he unwrapped the towel. Climbing in he laid back on the pillow, mind already racing ahead to the things he planned to do to his wife tonight as she consented to being a willing participant.
Chapter 2
Waiting for Jashon to pop by Ryan enjoyed his time on the veranda. The grill began to smoke nicely, intoxicating scents of steaks and ribs wafting through the air. No occasion, Ryan simply decided he wanted to grill today. Jaleesa would be arriving shortly, her text telling him the same some ten minutes earlier. He and Jashon were headed over to Ian’s to discuss business. They were finally ready to divest. They needed to look over the list of interested buyers. Horse flew in earlier this morning. Ray and Ming would also be in attendance. Ryan sighed evenly recalling Rondé’s absence. He wanted his stepson to move home. Wanted to include and teach him the business. If we can sway Asia, he’ll come back. Grunting knowing the woman held the key to getting what he and Jaleesa wanted, Ryan vowed to begin inroads to accomplish just that. Jashon would join them with the stock trading, aeronautical supply they worked with now. Rondé would be great at it too. Pushing it away not wanting to become irritated or melancholy, Ryan instead rose and walked over to the grill. Opening the top he began turning and rearranging the meat, marinating it throughout. He heard the giggles, looking up in time to see Ryniece and Rylan screeching into the backyard, water guns in tow. Chuckling Ryan’s heart swelled with pride taking in his youngest two. He needed to hurry up and get Jaleesa pregnant. Ryniece would be six, two months after his fiftieth.
Smirking he continued to manipulate the meat on the grill, sipping the lemonade he went into the house and retrieved earlier. Watching the children enjoy their frolic his mind took him on an unscheduled visit through his memories yet again.
“Hello,” RJ’s small voice answered.
Ryan smiled in spite of himself and greeted his son.
“Hey daddy,” the boy giggled happily.
He recalled feeling immediately guilty for letting three weeks pass without talking to the child.
“What are you doing buddy?”
“Watching TV and eating cereal,” RJ told him.
“That’s cool. Where’s your mama?”
“She’s sleep.”
Glancing at his watch Ryan noted it was only after 2:00PM, early for her to be sleeping.
“She always sleeps after she takes her medicine,” the child added without prompting.
Ryan frowned slightly unaware anything was wrong with Caramel.
“What’s mama taking medicine for?”
“I dunno. She started taking it after you left daddy.”
“She was taking it before,” Ryan continued to quiz the child, his sense of dread deepening.
“Uh huh,” RJ replied crunching on a mouthful of cereal. “She has to use a needle.”
Ryan frowned deeply and swore under his breath.
“OK, that’s cool man,” he told his son, swearing him to secrecy about the call.
“When are you coming home daddy,” RJ asked, the longing evident in his voice.
“Soon, but don’t tell your mama, it’s a surprise.”
He heard the child giggle again and promise to keep the secret. Disconnecting Ryan’s head began to throb. He knew from his son’s description his girl was a heroin fiend.
The memory opened the deep chasm of pain yet to be requited. His firstborn, namesake, remained cold in a grave. Your fault. Your pride and selfishness. Ryan swallowed hard. He wasn’t that man anymore. Though time matured him, some mistakes cost more than you can ever repay. The door to the deck opened gratefully releasing him from the agony of recollection. Jashon stepped outside, smiling as he greeted him.
“Hey Jashon. Ayana with you?”
“Yeah, she’s talking to mama in the kitchen.”
Ryan grunted unaware Jaleesa made it home and inside without alerting him. More playful squeals filled the air, Jashon giving the two younger siblings his attention.
“Aww man come on Rylan, you’re making us look bad!”
He burst into laughter at the look received from the little boy. Rylan aimed the super soaker toward Jashon pulling the trigger. Ryan laughed now himself, swiftly ducking out of the streams path. Jashon tried, unfortunately not fast enough.
“Oh, that’s what you want?”
Watching, his eldest ran down the stairs into the yard with them taking Ryniece’s gun at her urging. This is the life I love living. The smile never left his lips. He wanted one more to round out the bunch. He wanted way more laughs and water fights. He wanted to see his wife bring life into the world once more. Why is this so important to you? The woman told you she’s done. Sighing quietly, Ryan refused to answer the question. It simply was. He loved Jaleesa. He meant what he said, she wouldn’t have to lift a finger if she didn’t want to with this child.
“Lord, Jashon is going to have to dry that shirt.”
Ryan chuckled at Jaleesa’s observation, Ayana standing beside her. Ryan hugged his future daughter-in-law, then his wife, adding a kiss at the end.
“You’re sneaking in the house now?”
She giggled, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t be mad at me because you’re hearing is going. Must be old age.”
Ayana chuckled seeing the look Ryan gave her. Reading him, Jaleesa took off running down into the yard, Ryan on her heels. The kids burst into laughter seeing their parents. Rylan gave Jaleesa his gun. Jashon passed his off to Ryan. Everyone howled with laughter as the two soaked each other, smack talking the entire time. Guns finally empty, they were still laughing heading to the house to dry off, the steaks and ribs ready for consumption.
Sipping the vodka, the ice giving it a refreshing chill, Daengelo waited on Lincoln to arrive. They needed to go over figures, details, before the meeting. His underworld grapevine alerted him of the new players vying for the deal he spent months finessing. Hearing the roar of the Ninja H2R he waited for his right hand to make an appearance. Daengelo would be damned if he laid down and played dead when everything he wanted lingered right at his fingertips. The door opened seconds later, Lincoln walking inside. Removing the helmet, Daengelo chuckled silently noting the molded helmet shape of the hair under it. Giving the unruly mane a quick run through of his fingers, Lincoln made himself a drink and joined his boss, sitting in the recliner across from the leather sofa Daengelo inhabited.
“What’s the story? You got that look.”
“In our territory?”
“No, on our proposed deal.”
“Hmph, give me the details.”
Daengelo told him everything he managed to uncover after getting the heads up call. Lincoln’s facial expression never changed. One of the things Daengelo liked about having the man as his right hand. He could be furious, and you would never know it. He kept the best poker face he ever encountered.
Draining the glass while his boss talked, Lincoln took in every nuance, weighed every word. This deal had been in the works for nearly a year. When word hit the wire the Bailey brothers were looking to divest, every underworld kingpin worth his salt made a move. Fortunately for them, WCS, West Coast Syndicate, operated like the well-oiled machine of the current owners. They laid out figures, integration, even offering to leave the brothers as ten percent shareholders in the new conglomerate. They set a final meet three days from now. That’s up in the air if they’re entertaining the newcomers.
“Do you know for sure they’re talking seriously to this crew?”
“For sure, no, but you know Paddy doesn’t call me unless the shit is thick.”
Lincoln exhaled anew. That much rang infinitely true. Paddy handled any manner of minor bullshit arising during their absences. Him being shook enough to call, definitely not good.
“So what do you know about this Tru Money Clique?”
“Not a lot. I did some digging while I waited for you. Onzi Herring, aka Oxy. You heard of him?”
“Can’t say I have. They Midwest, East Coast?”
“They seem to have a few tentacles everywhere, including a small faction on the West Coast.”
Lincoln didn’t like the sound of that at all. Not for fear, but for order. It took them nearly ten long and bloody years to stake their stronghold on the West Coast. So far they had very few challengers. Knowing these people were in their backyard without their knowledge didn’t sit well with him at all. Need to get Paddy working on finding the head. Cut that muthafucka straight off.
“What’s the plan then? I know you’re not backing out.”
“Hell no. That’s what we’re going to work on tonight. Shore up these numbers, see can we give them a better price, up their share to twenty-percent.”
“I like the sound of that. You think it’s only about the money for the Bailey’s?”
“Doubtful, which is why I think we have a leg up. You’re talking about a dynasty. They’ll want someone to make them feel like the shit wasn’t in vain. Sold this year, shut down next. Make sense?”
“Yeah. Well we can definitely guarantee that won’t happen.”
“Exactly, so that’s what we sell along with the changed percentages and upped sale price.”
Lincoln rose grabbing Daengelo’s glass as well, refilling them both. Handing him the glass once he walked back over to the sitting area, he grabbed the iPad resting on the table next to him. Flipping it on, they began conversing, pouring over the numbers, stopping to make intermittent phone calls. An hour later, both men were satisfied with their new pitch.
“I’m headed to the shower. Need to get out of the room tonight.”
“No problem Daengelo. Take your time. I’ll figure out where we need to be.”
Giving him a head nod he left the room. Lincoln continued to sip the liquor going over the proposal a final time. It pissed him off fully this new clique trying to undercut them . I need way more information on this entire shit show. Picking up his cell he send two texts. The one to Paddy set him on task to find out about the cell operating in their backyard. The second to his badger. He needed some digging done and there heralded no one better. If this deal fell through, Lincoln had no doubt there would be a bloodbath in the streets. Daengelo wanted it to happen. A faithful student of the Bailey’s business model for the last decade, he counted acquiring their business as the crown jewel. Lincoln held deep respect for the men as well, their ability to persevere remarkable. Love to pick their brains for real. Tucking the desire away in his minds safe, he rose hearing Daengelo moving around in the bedroom. They rented the two bedroom suite when they came to Detroit. Each night they ventured out learning more about the city and the changes they wanted to institute to the operation continuing to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The phone vibrating brought his attention back to the small screen. Reading the message from Paddy, he sent a reply. For now he would simply have the man watch. The assassins would be the ready however should the need arise. Tru Money would soon learn why WCS brought fear everywhere they were mentioned. The bedroom door opened, Daengelo stepping back into the living space.
“So where we headed?”
“Couple of trap houses we need to see first, then we can eat, hit a club.”
“Hmph, okay. These must be special houses.”
Lincoln smiled impishly walking out of the suite Daengelo right behind him. Enjoying small talk on the elevator, accompanied by the older woman walking her toy poodle, they all exited on the ground floor. Lincoln summoned the valet, having their car brought around to the front. His mind shifted at warp speed. In this business you couldn’t be lazy or slow. Either would get you shut down, locked up, or laid down, swiftly. Their vehicle arriving the two men walked outside. Daengelo in the passenger seat, Lincoln took the keys from the valet handing him the twenty before getting into the driver’s seat. Pulling out into traffic the GPS began to guide them. The neighborhood grew seedier the longer they drove. Unruffled, they continued to drive. Lincoln removed the .9 from his pocket. Daengelo doing the same. Finding guns proved no task at all once they arrived from the airport. Slowing, Lincoln nodded to his right. Daengelo gave the small house his attention. Several men hung outside, the appearance of a friendly gathering deceiving.
“Tru Money Clique.”
The evil smile spread across Daengelo’s face at the words.
“You don’t say.”
Chuckling, having made his point, Lincoln drove them to the next block, a repeat of the first house they encountered. Ownership the same. Knowing they dwelled on the same page, it was time for dinner.
“You plan to fuck tonight?”
“Yep. You know how we do, Lincoln.”
“Cool. I’m on the prowl myself tonight.”
“Damn, good. You need a good nut or three. Let’s go to that club in the patch.”
Lincoln laughed aloud. Definitely not known as a classy joint, he got the point. The women there would be willing once a few twenty’s, fifty’s, were flashed their way. Tonight they wanted easy pussy, not lasting relationships. Pulling into the upscale steakhouse he found a park and switched off the engine, both getting out, heading inside.
Jashon noted the quiet thoughtfulness while they rode. Leaving Ayana at the house with his mom, he climbed into the Porsche truck with Ryan. Unsure the source of the stillness, he decided to try a bit of fishing.
“What’s going on Ryan? What’s on your mind?”
He saw the man smirk slightly.
“I’m good Jashon. Nothing going on.”
“You sure? You’re not usually this reserved.”
“Thinking about your other brother honestly.”
“Rondé? What’s up, something going on?”
“Nah, nothing like that. Thinking how nice it would be to have him here with us.”
Jashon grunted. He knew both Ryan and his mother wanted his younger brother to move to Overton Park. Problem was, Rondé loved Miami. The last time they talked and he casually mentioned it, his brother immediately shut him down.
“I know you two talk, so who’s the holdup? Him or her?”
Smiling somewhat Jashon exhaled heavily. He didn’t lie to Ryan, no need in starting now.
“Him. Though I think Asia wouldn’t be extremely happy about it, if he wanted to move, she would.”
“Hmph. Then I guess I need to work harder on him.”
Jashon laughed aloud at that one. He felt somewhat sorry for his brother. When Ryan, Uncle Ian, Uncle SaCari, Ming, got done working him over, he would be guilted worse than an old Jewish mother. You think he’ll stand his ground? Jashon honestly believed he would. Over the years he grew to learn how deeply important family was to the three of them.
“Ryan, you never told me much about your past.”
“You know I used to be into some dark shit.”
“Mmm, yeah, I know about that part of your life. I was talking about like growing up, your childhood.”
He saw the miniscule frown knowing he hit a tender spot. Jashon regretted pushing and prayed he didn’t overstep his bounds.
“Not a lot to tell honestly Jashon. We lived with our stepdad, good guy. Did crazy kid shit, pretty typical.”
The shrug after the comment alerted Jashon the question was answered, conversation ended. Leaving it alone, he changed the subject.
“You and Uncle Ian, Uncle SaCari sure this is the move you wanna make?”
“Yeah, we’ve thought about it a lot. The pharmaceuticals aren’t what they used to be.”
“Still making good money though.”
“I get that, but Ming is ready to take on something else. I’m hoping you are too.”
“I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m straight with the change up. I guess I just look at it like this is some life’s work.”
Ryan chortled aloud.
“It is, and it’s still lucrative, which is why selling it now is best. You wait until it dries up, then you have to basically give it away.”
“True, true.”
“We’ve got a couple good offers. That’s what we’re going to talk about tonight.”
“Oh word? I thought it was just the one, pretty much a done deal.”
“Originally yes, but we got another offer and its pretty competitive, so we’re going to look at them both.”
Jashon’s phone rang and he answered chatting with Ayana on the other end. Ryan sighed heavily recalling the question about his childhood. The memories were coming far too frequently as it were. You need to deal with those demons and put them to rest permanently. Ryan knew the conscience was right. He would, one day. Why not now? Because there was business to handle, things to do. His mind immediately told him he was stonewalling. Before he could shut it down, his recollection jumped in the driver’s seat again.
“Ryan, son, what’s going on. Come on. You know how the pigs are. They could have arrested you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Eason exhaled evenly, sipping the beer he held. Handing Ryan the can, he allowed the boy to drink. Frowning at the taste, Ryan continued to gingerly swallow small mouthfuls. Just hitting his twelfth birthday, he wanted the small personal cassette player he saw at the department store. Deciding he would simply steal it, he tried his luck today. The plain clothes security stopped him as he left the store, calling the police. Fortunately he was graced with two officers who lived near his neighborhood. The store declined to prosecute, simply barring him from the store. The cops brought him home to Eason.
“Listen, stay out of them folks store. If you want something, just ask me. I’ll do the best I can to get it.”
“Okay pop. For real though, I’m sorry.”
Eason smiled at him and sent him to his room. Ian waited inside eyes big like saucers regarding him when he walked in. Ryan gave him a grin seeing the little boy relax. He had to do better. Ian needed him. He knew his little brother looked up to him. He didn’t stop stealing after that day, but he did get way better at it.
“Okay girl, we’re here. I’ll hit you up later.”
The voice finally penetrated the memory releasing Ryan from the past. Pulling through the gates and driving up the driveway he smiled seeing the vehicles. He honestly looked forward to the room full of men, drinks, laughter. It would keep his mind occupied, and for another portion in time, keep him away from the darkness.
“Come on in. We’re in the study.”
“Where is my niece?”
“In her room. She hasn’t forgotten you promised to come play, so you better come back tomorrow bearing gifts.”
Jashon laughed aloud at the admonishment Ian gave Ryan. Walking down the short hallway they entered the den. Everyone greeted them drinks being poured. Joining right in, Ryan accepted the cognac offered taking a seat next to Horse. The two began talking catching up about kids and trips. Horse and Sapphires daughter was a teenager now.
“Damn, y’all getting old.”
Ray and Horse burst into laughter at the man’s statement. Ryan and Ian smirked into the liquor glasses.
“Nah, I’m still young and supple,” SaCari offered.
Another round of raucous laughter. Settling down they began to talk about past exploits never realizing how quickly the years passed them by.
“If anyone told me years ago we would be at this place right now….”
“Exactly that Ice.”
Mrs. Shapiro came in with trays of food, promising to return with drinks in a few minutes. Everyone rose beginning to help themselves. Horse, seizing the moment alone with Ryan spoke his heart.
“Your dad would be real proud of you Ryan.”
Emotion hit him before he could stop it. Quickly recovering he gave Horse a short smile.
“Good to know.”
“Seriously, you’ve done everything Socrates would have expected. You, Ice, SaCari.”
Not trusting his voice, Ryan simply nodded again.
“He always regretted not being able to raise you and Ice. It was a huge sorrow for him. He always loved you both though. I know with you about to hit fifty, you’re probably thinking about him more.”
Amazed the man seemed to read his mind, Ryan continued to remained quiet.
“You did good Ryan. Don’t ever doubt that. Mistakes, miscues and all, you did good.” Moving away after the words, Ryan took a few deep breaths to collect himself. He didn’t even know he needed to hear the sentiments until they were spoken. Even with all he accomplished, there dwelled that little boy in him who felt like he was never enough. Would never be enough.