The eBook is included with Atomic. This is the standalone paperback.
Reaper and Shadow are afforded a lifestyle filled with every material thing their hearts desire, at the small expense of the lives they’re hired to end. Their contented lives are eluded by only one thing: a 15-year old debt. That will be rectified soon however. In 30 days Lenhardt Cerrone, their father, is to be released from prison. One the 31st day they plan, together, to stop his heartbeat.
“When they go to sleep we’re gone,” Brayden told his brother.
Kaden nodded but didn’t speak. He just wanted the night to be over, them to get out of this hellish existence and leave the memories of their life here in this small town forever in the past. The twins heard the familiar sounds of the Miss Cassie as she trudged up the stairs, each one creaking loudly as it bore the weight of her heavy frame. Miss Cassie was the latest in a string of foster families the two brothers found themselves placed. They remained in the system for two years now, and that was more than enough for them. Brayden hooked up with a couple of older boys from their old neighborhood who owned a car and were heading for newer surroundings telling the two they could come along if they could finance their own way. Miss Cassie was a big woman, well over four hundred pounds Kaden was sure. She was very much indifferent to the children who lived there. As long as they didn’t cause drama or mess with her checks; she allowed them to do pretty much whatever struck their fancy. “Damn, I thought she would never lay down,” Brayden remarked irritably hearing the all too familiar sound of the bedsprings creaking from her density.
They waited another hour continually hearing the rhythmic sounds of Miss Cassie’s snoring. Thankfully there were only two other fosters in the house and they too slept soundly. Rising the brothers grabbed their small duffle bags with the few meager articles of clothing they owned, pictures and personal memento’s they were able to hold onto and slipped wordlessly out of the bedroom window.
“You got the money,” Brayden asked his brother as they both stood outside in the darkness.
“Yeah,” Kaden replied giving him half of the $400.00 he took from Miss Cassie.
Their checks came yesterday and he saw the amount before she cashed them this morning. Miss Cassie didn’t trust banks so Kaden knew she would have the money still on her.
“This will get us up there, but we’re going to have to do some serious hustling not to starve,” Brayden told his twin as Kaden nodded and they turned heading toward the spot where the boys promised to meet them.
They didn’t need to wait long. The car pulled up and they hopped inside handing the driver twenty dollars each.
“Cool, this will fill us up here,” Billy told them amiably.
He was the one they knew the longest since moving in with Cassie some eight months ago. His given name was Ezekiel but everyone called him Billy. Even he couldn’t explain how or where the nickname emanated.
“When we get there, we can try and see if Big Baby will let you guys do some running for him,” he told the brothers, concerning the cousin he was heading to see.
They quickly agreed hoping it would happen. The trip was progressing fine and they soon stopped for gas again and snacks.
“We’re almost there, another couple hours,” Earl said.
He was the other guy leaving town with them. Brayden grunted slightly but said nothing else. Kaden could tell his brother didn’t like Earl very much. He seemed to only tolerate him because of Billy. Deciding to ask about it later he said nothing, climbing out and going inside to grab some chips and drinks. Everyone was back in the car as they began to drive again, arriving as Earl predicted some two hours later. Driving the city streets the brothers took in the stark contrast to their accustomed surroundings.
“Everything is different here y’all,” Billy told them, turning and regarding them as they pulled in front of a row of shabby apartments.
“You can’t act scared or lost, they’ll eat you up here,” he told them as both Brayden and Kaden nodded.
Earl was trying to continue his façade of bravado but the brothers could see the fear in his eyes as they exited the vehicle walking up to the door of one of the units and knocking.
Chapter 1
Hey wassup Billy,” the dark complexioned man greeted him as the door opened and they were all ushered inside.
“Hey Big man, what’s up,” he threw back as the two embraced.
The twins assumed this was the man Billy was coming to work for and hopefully they as well.
“Who’s the crew,” he asked looking over the other three.
Billy quickly introduced everyone and they all said hello.
“How old are you two,” Big Baby asked the twins.
“Sixteen,” Brayden answered.
“Hmph, okay, that’s straight,” Big Baby returned amiably. “What you know about the game,” he threw out to all of them.
Billy answered the little he knew, Earl chiming in here and there. The twins remained silent.
“So you two never hustled at all,” Big Baby asked taking them in.
He liked their quietness. He could tell though they didn’t speak, they didn’t miss anything. Their eyes were in non-stop motion since they entered the house, minds too, he could tell seeing their wheels turning.
“No,” Brayden answered again.
Big Baby nodded again thinking silently.
“OK,” he said simply before turning back to Billy. “Go on in the room back there, take a shower, whatever, let me talk to these boys here,” he told him as he sent Earl with Billy, before turning his attention to the twins again.
“I been hustling for a minute,” Big Baby began as the twins paid rapt attention.
Kaden took the man in. He supposed the nickname came from the man’s height. He wasn’t big anywhere else, having a very lean almost skinny build. He and Billy favored a lot facially with the small round eyes and dark pupils, pointed chin, and high cheekbones.
“I like the vibe I get from you two,” he told them honestly as Brayden nodded.
“You don’t talk much hmm,” Big Baby finally addressed Kaden.
“When it’s needed,” he replied simply and the man laughed.
“I like that,” he replied asking if they wanted a beer.
Both accepted and opened the bottles when he returned.
“Billy, he’s blood, so there’s no question there,” he began anew. “That Earl cat, I’m not real keen on,” he said simply as Brayden’s eyebrow lifted.
“I see you feel it too,” Big Baby addressed.
His cell rang and he glanced at it, answering on the fourth ring.
“Yeah,” he threw out. “Mmhmm,” Big Baby spoke into the receiver. “Yeah, 15 minutes,” he replied and disconnected.
“I’ma take a chance on you two,” he told them as the brothers breathed an invisible sigh of relief.
“I’ma take you over to my other spot,” Big Baby spoke as he rose and the twins rose with him.
“You’ll stay over there, it’s a nice place, and you’ll meet the rest of the crew,” he added calling out for Billy.
Brayden was pleased so far with the arrangement. Big Baby seemed to be fair and cool. The house was as he promised, very nice. They each got their own room with a full size bed. There was plenty of food in the kitchen and every electronic amenity they desired. Big Baby told them they would start in the morning. He would teach them how to be runners first, transporting small amounts of dope to the various dealers and houses in his territory. He promised them no less than $500 a week if they did the job right and didn’t lose any of his product or money. He sighed softly having a momentary flash of uncertainty about the path they were now on. Unfortunately the hand life dealt them didn’t leave much choice. He hoped Miss Cassie wouldn’t cause a stink, calling the Department of Family and Children’s services to report them gone. She’ll only be pissed about the money anyway, he mused laying down on the bed and relaxing. There was no turning back now. Life was what it was and Brayden vowed to make the best of it. There was another two years to stay far under the radar and out of law enforcement circles. Ending up in some juvenile facility wasn’t on his list of places to be Brayden again thought and sighed deeply.
Closing his eyes, he unintentionally drifted off. “She looks like a little angel,” the woman said as she looked into the coffin. Brayden couldn’t look. He couldn’t make his eyes lift from the floor where they rested. This was one of the most horrible days of his life. His sister was dead. How was that possible? She was only ten. Ten year olds didn’t die, he tried to reason. The soft sobs broke his thoughts as he turned his attention to his mother. Leah Cerrone seemed to have aged twenty years in the four days since their sister Lily Grace was taken away to the coroner’s office. “How could you let this happen,” the shriek came out of nowhere, taking him by surprise. “I told you he was a monster, that he was dangerous,” the woman continued to yell at Leah as she sobbed and made no attempt to defend herself. “Leave her alone,” Kaden yelled, jumping up to protect his mother. “Where the hell were you,” she shrieked again turning her venom on the young man. “She idolized you both, and you left her, you left her there with that monster,” the woman continued to accuse. Finally several ushers managed to subdue her and lead her to a back pew. The woman was their paternal grandmother, Celita Cerrone. “She’s right,” Leah whispered, sounding mortally wounded. “This is my entire fault,” she continued to cry.
The funeral seemed to go on forever before it was over and the burial took place. It was already dusk when they returned home. “Mama do you need me to do anything,” Brayden asked as she smiled sadly and told him no. “Go on to bed honey, you and Kaden,” she told them, looking at them both. Leah hugged them both tightly telling them how much she loved them as they left her alone. Brayden couldn’t sleep. He saw Lily Grace every time he closed his eyes. He heard her begging him to stay home and play with her that fateful day. Brayden was 14 and full of raging hormones. There was a girl on their block who garnered his attention and the only play he wanted to have was with her. “Leave me alone,” he barked meanly. “You need a girl to play with,” Brayden added, before dragging Kaden with him. When he finally managed to talk the girl into a small kiss and began walking home full of his own accomplishment, the ambulance and police were already arriving at his house. Brayden shook the thought and rose heading into the kitchen to get something to drink. He saw his mother’s light on and decided to check on her. Gingerly turning the knob he entered the bedroom seeing her lying in bed. Almost closing the door and leaving, something about the scene disturbed him and Brayden walked closer to the bed. He noticed her eyes half open and glassy. His glance fell to the bedside table and the empty pill bottle before realization kicked in and he began shaking Leah trying to wake her.
Brayden sprang up from the dream drenched in sweat, breathing hard, eyes blinking rapidly as his mind recalled for him where he was. He rose, using both hands as he brushed his face trying to fully wake up. Brayden hated the recurring dream; hated thinking about the past and hated thinking how badly he failed both his sister and mother. Leah died that night of an overdose and the bottom fell completely out of his and Kaden’s lives. Deciding that was enough reminiscing for tonight, Brayden rose and headed into the bathroom wanting to get a shower. He was going to eat and check out something on television. All he knew was right now he didn’t want any more quiet time and sleep was his mortal enemy.
“I’m not feeling your boy Earl,” Big Baby told Billy as they smoked a blunt back at his place.
“Why not,” Billy asked curiously.
“Something’s off about him,” Big Baby replied. “The twins I like, cool,” he told him as Billy grunted.
“Well what you want me to do about him,” he asked his cousin.
“You won’t hafta do shit,” he told him.
“We’re about to make a run,” Big Baby informed. “We’ll see what the fool is made of,” he told Billy who nodded his understanding.
Big Baby rose and called for his right hand, Red. The four of them headed out into the night to make a simple pick up Big Baby informed. Billy knew better but said nothing. This was his bread and butter and he wasn’t going to mess it up for someone he really didn’t know all that well. He and Earl were cool, kicking it over a year or so, but Billy couldn’t say they were tight.
“OK, everyone be cool when we go up in here,” Big Baby told them seriously. “This dude is no joke and we don’t want to be on the wrong side of him.”
Billy nodded as did Earl. Red handed them each a small .25-caliber handgun.
“You two know how to use these,” he asked.
Both of them nodded yes.
“OK, come on then.”
Billy took in the large warehouse his stomach nervously fluttering. This was it. All the talk and bravado were about to be tested. This wasn’t the movies and if he got shot inside the large structure Billy wasn’t sure death wouldn’t be his end result. They arrived at the door and opened it going inside. The warehouse was open and almost barren. There were a few large, crated cartons sitting in various corners. The middle of the warehouse was open and the floor dirty, littered with multiple contributors of paper, plastic, cigarette butts and drug paraphernalia. Big Baby and Red walked over to the other side of the warehouse where the large plywood table sat. It was a creation of the constructions workers who inhabited the building at one point no doubt.
“How’s it going Big Baby,” Solace greeted.
Billy noticed the immediate change in his cousin’s demeanor. Big Baby didn’t fear many people, but Billy saw this man was one that he did. Taking the man in, Billy didn’t see anything particularly grimacing about him, but obviously looks could be deceiving.
Big Baby spoke and put the duffle bag onto the table, having Red unzip it and put the money onto the table in stacks. Solace stepped back as three other men materialized out of the darkness and watched the men as yet another stepped to the table and counted it. He gave Solace a short nod and began packing it inside the empty metallic silver case he held.
“Very good,” Solace said simply as he nodded again and one of the other men produced an identical case, opening it and showcasing the dope inside.
“Would you like to taste it,” Solace offered, looking directly at Big Baby.
Before he could open his mouth to say no, Earl spoke up.
“Yeah we wanna taste it, make sure the shit is legit,” he threw out arrogantly.
Solace raised an eyebrow regarding him before turning his attention back to Big Baby.
“Yours,” he asked evenly.
“He’s new Solace,” Big Baby tried to explain as the man nodded thoughtfully.
“Fuck that, let’s taste the shit,” Earl fired again.
Billy gave him a look trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with him. He quickly picked up the hidden danger to the man standing in front of them. Solace frowned slightly, his movement miniscule, as the bullet ripped through Earl’s skull and he dropped to the floor.
Big Baby swallowed hard and said nothing.
“Now, as I was asking,” Solace began again as Big Baby shook his head.
“Good,” the man replied and allowed Red to collect the dope, putting it into the duffle bag.
“We won’t speak of this small indiscretion to Capone,” Solace told Big Baby who thanked him immediately.
“It won’t happen again, ever,” he assured the deadly assassin as the man smiled slightly and left them to their business.
“Get his worthless ass up,” Big Baby told Billy and Red of the dead man.
They couldn’t leave him here. This was Capone’s territory and everyone knew you didn’t bring drama to his doorstep. Not unless you held a death wish that he would quickly bring to fruition for you. Billy was quiet the entire ride back after stopping at a dumpster on the other side of town in the darkened shadows of several restaurants and throwing Earl’s lifeless body into it. They were careful to remove any identification that might link him back to Billy and by proxy Big Baby.
“Like I told you cuz, this life will eat you up if you’re stupid,” Big Baby told him as they bought a bottle and Billy received his communion after the baptism by fire.
He was in the life now; survive or be killed. There was no middle ground.
Chapter 2
Kaden found the life to his liking after spending the last nine months learning everything he could about the dope trade. Big Baby was still cool and he treated them fairly. The man’s nickname was still a mystery to him but Kaden didn’t dwell on it. He and Brayden were rolling right along. They made the deliveries on time; never late or short. All the dealers under Big Baby knew the twins did their job and caused no drama, keeping them in demand to ferry dope to all the outlets. Of course there were dissenters and those who sought to disrupt the flow of business. The twins were never ones to shy away from a fight and two rival runners found that out the hard way one dark December night. The brothers just jumped off the railway, heading out of the station and over to the small house on the southwest side where Big Baby’s number two dealer, Short Daddy, dealt. The run was simple, drop off the fifty bags of crack and collect Big Baby’s payment. They did it numerous times without incident. As the two young men rounded the corner, trouble waited.
“Give up the package, fools,” Geech threw out, brandishing the gun he carried.
He and his boy Ennis were widely known to jack rival runners, taking the money and dope back to King Roy, the arch nemesis of Big Baby. The two were enemies from childhood.
“You heard him,” Ennis barked, grimacing at the brothers.
He was feared in the streets because of his large build and rumored over the top strength.
“I ain’t gonna ask again,” Geech hissed, the gold teeth shimmering in the moonlight as he spoke, the smoke pluming forward with each word from the cold.
Kaden knew they couldn’t let Big Baby’s dope get taken or it was their life. Without hesitation he punched Ennis hard to the mouth, bursting his lip and knocking out a tooth. Brayden kicked Geech’s arm causing the gun to drop from his hand. The fight was on as both brothers punished the men for every bad thing that ever happened in their lives. The two were fighters since they were children, taking on the neighborhood bullies, before their father took an interest and began to teach them how to box in earnest.
“Hey man, come check this shit out,” a man shouted as he saw the melee.
Short Daddy came out of his house, bodyguards intact, and walked the half block to the men still fighting. His bodyguard moved to stop them and he held up a hand.
“Nah, let them finish it,” he said simply watching the twins with interest.
They fought like gladiators promised freedom if they won. Ennis was bleeding from his mouth and nose, arm visibly broken as he begged for mercy. Geech wasn’t fairing much better, the huge knot on the side of his head, as he held his side and Brayden continued to kick him again and again.
Finally seeing enough Short Daddy allowed his bodyguards to pull the twins off the two defeated men.
“You got my package,” he asked calmly regarding them both.
Kaden pulled the bundle from his shirt and handed it to the man, who in turn handed him the cash to take to Big Baby. Looking down at the two wounded men he spoke again.
“You two muthafucka’s got one minute to hobble your beat down asses outta my territory or King Roy gonna be short two asshole soldiers,” Short Daddy barked.
The men knew he meant business. He wasn’t a big man stature wise, standing only 5’5”, but he was solidly built and meaner than an angry rattle snake.
“45 seconds,” he said again as Geech and Ennis made their way to their feet and began limping away as quickly as their battered bodies would carry them.
He glanced again in the direction of the twins his mind racing.
“Those two are going to be deadly,” he murmured semi aloud as his bodyguard asked him what he said.
“Nothing, let’s get back to business,” he replied filing away tonight and walking away from the scene, back to his house.
“That was a good workout,” Kaden told his brother as they laughed and boarded the train again heading back.
As they rode Kaden’s own mind began to wander. He thought about their home, their parents, most of all he thought of Lily Grace. “Kaden why is daddy so mean to me,” she asked quietly the last time he played with her. Kaden tried to explain their father was tired after working all day at the tobacco company. Macon, GA was a small town and everyone basically did some sort of factory type work. Brown and Williamson Tobacco company paid well, but the work was hard and strenuous. Their father often came home exhausted and irritable. While he and Brayden understood, their ten year old sister didn’t. “He doesn’t like me,” Lily Grace replied her big brown eyes sad. Kaden loved his little sister. She wasn’t a nuisance to him and he spent time with her often. He would play tea party with her, though he drew the line at dressing her dolls, he would do almost anything else she wanted to do. “Daddy loves you Lily,” Kaden assured her as she shook her head no but said nothing else. He thought of her last day on earth and how he wished he would have stayed with her when she begged him too. “Please Kaden, he’s going to hurt me,” she told him, eyes big with fear. Instead he left with Brayden to chase some girl and his baby sister ended up dead.
Kaden ran so hard he felt like his lungs were about to burst. He had to get home. He needed to know why the police and ambulance were there. “You can’t go in there,” the police officer tried to stop him once he arrived. Kaden wouldn’t be denied. He ran into the house screaming for Lily Grace. He just knew in his gut they were there for her. “Lily, where are you,” Kaden yelled. “Lily,” he screamed again as he rounded the corner to her bedroom and saw her. “Get him out of here,” the detective barked as Kaden’s eyes widened in horror. His baby sister was lying on the floor, spread eagle, nude under her dress, blood pooling from her private parts, eyes bulging from her face, still and lifeless. “No, no, Lily,” Kaden screamed as two officers grabbed him and began pulling him backward. “Who did that to her, who would do that,” he yelled questioningly as he looked at the officers and they averted their gaze. He finally noticed Lenhardt. His father was unkempt, his soft curly hair wildly standing on his head, eyes blood red. Kaden saw the scratches to his neck, his pants still hanging loosely around his waist. “Did you do that to her, you monster, I’ll kill you,” Kaden yelled trying to get to his father. The police held him at bay as they hurriedly moved his father to the waiting police cruiser. His mother arrived moments later as the police told her what happened and she screamed, passing out.
“Hey, come on we’re here,” Brayden told him, nudging him slightly and mercifully ending the recollection.
Kaden rose and stepped off the train walking up and out of the station.
“What you wanna do for our birthday,” Brayden asked.
It was coming up in the next few months.
“I would like to be turning 18,” Kaden replied jokingly.
They couldn’t complain though. The last year of their life wasn’t bad at all and they come a long way.
“Good evening gentlemen,” Solace greeted the two men as they again rounded a corner heading for the house.
The twins once again stopped and regarded the man in front of them.
“I would like to talk to the two of you,” he told them calmly, no hint of threat evident.
Kaden took the man in, liking his posturing and disposition. He was dangerous, but only if you possessed enough sense to pay attention. He was as tall as both he and Brayden, solidly built but lithe and swift on his feet. He was also impeccably dressed. Kaden didn’t think anything in the man’s outfit cost less than a thousand dollars.
“What do you want to talk about,” Brayden asked.
Solace smiled slightly.
“Your futures and how I can help make it everything you dreamed it would be,” he told them as they frowned slightly.
“Don’t worry about Big Baby, everything has already been taken care of,” Solace advised.
“Shall we,” he asked, waving toward the street as the black stretch limousine appeared and the driver stepped out opening the door.
The twins shot each other a quick look before turning and wordlessly getting into the car.
Lenhardt was sweating profusely as he warily watched the inmate in front of him. He fought almost every night since they sentenced him four years ago. He wasn’t going to let any of these closet homosexuals turn him out and he would go to his grave fighting before it happened.
“Fuck you Lennie, shit ain’t worth all that,” the burly man threw out walking away going to find an easier source to fulfill his lustful intentions.
Relaxing slightly, Lenhardt sat back on his bunk. Most of the inmates already knew why he was here, but they also knew he didn’t mind adding years for killing one of them. He opened the worn Bible and began to read praying and asking God once more for death or forgiveness. At this point he didn’t care which one. He was here for the next twenty five years or maybe less if the powers that be showered mercy on him and he behaved. You don’t ever deserve to be free, monster, rapist, killer, his mind screamed echoing all the words of his mother. Celita was present at his trial every day and she never once let him forget the pain and carnage he wrought. “She was your daughter, your flesh and blood, I hope you rot in that prison,” Celita shot angrily. “I told your father, we should have locked you up years ago,” she hissed before the guards pulled him away.
Lenhardt knew she hated him. She always hated him. He didn’t care about that. The thing that hurt him more than her words was the hatred his sons held toward him. The twins were the light of his life, his pride and joy. Lenhardt thought of all the things they used to do together. He taught them to fish, to play baseball, to shoot hoops. He taught them to box and they were both really good, natural talents. Lenhardt tried not to think about his life after the birth of Lily Grace. He couldn’t stand the child from the moment she was born. He wanted another boy, instead she came and everyone made her the center of attention. Leah never found time for him anymore, time for the boys anymore. Everything centered around the wrinkled and shrieking bundle in the pink blanket. As she grew older Lenhardt learned to tolerate her, but he never loved her. The twins did though, so he left her alone; Kaden more than Brayden, and still Lenhardt allowed her to exist. When she started pulling them away from him and away from their time together, Lenhardt knew it was time to get rid of her.
“Why the hell you reading the bible,” the inmate threw out nastily walking by his cell. “The god you serve is further down,” he hissed and walked away.
Lenhardt knew how they felt about him. He didn’t care. The only thing Lenhardt Cerrone wanted was to tell his sons how much he loved them.
“Cerrone,” the guard bellowed as he stood at the cell entrance.
Lenhardt looked up but said nothing, waiting on the man to speak.
“Your transfer was approved,” he told him giving him another look.
“You’re headed to Maximillian tomorrow,” he added as Lenhardt smiled slightly and went back to the bible.
Well God I guess you are showing me a little mercy hmm, he thought as his mother immediately screamed into his consciousness again. He smiled again thinking of the hurt on her face at the death of the little bitch. She loved Lily Grace more than she ever loved him, and he took away her precious angel. He supposed he didn’t have to rape her when he killed her, but he wanted to destroy everything good and pure about her. He wanted her soul blackened and dirty. Lenhardt wanted her condemned to hell. He failed though. Reading his bible he knew the child was taken into God’s bosom. Still, he crushed Celita, and Leah weakly took the coward’s way out, killing herself. He was genuinely angry about his sons being put into the system, however. They were the only ones he prayed for. They were the only good thing he made on the earth and he continually asked God to protect them until he get out and they could once again reunite and be a family.